Health Care Thread

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Lol, you are desperate for anything to be positive at this point. Sucks to be you.

Everything about the ACA sucks. It was written by morons, implemented by impeciles and cheered on by losers.

Go back to licking your Obama poster and stop bothering the adults with your childish blathering.
I down right pity just how fucking stupid you are, I really do feel sorry for you.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I know how they say never go full retard but I seriously wonder if you have any other mode.
Since you have NEVER had a substantive argument of any sort, it is impossible to treat you as anything other than the moron you present yourself to be.

You are the poster boy for idiocy on this board. You represent everything that is wrong with the Democrat party in spades.... Yes, I said that knowing that your pathetically small intellect would flag that as a racist comment. See how easy it is to manipulate you?

That is why our dear leaders love you so much... you are the epitome of a useful idiot. You will defend their lies and bullshit even beyond the point that it kills you.

Frankly, the only reason I even respond to you is to point out to the others, who are actually capapble of logic and reason, what it means to be on your side.


Lol, you are desperate for anything to be positive at this point. Sucks to be you.

Everything about the ACA sucks. It was written by morons, implemented by impeciles and cheered on by losers.

Go back to licking your Obama poster and stop bothering the adults with your childish blathering.
Yeah, that whole ignoring pre-existing condition thing is shit. Sick people shouldn't be able to get insurance!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Technically you mean affordable insurance, PEC insurance existed just the costs were ludicrous.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Since you have NEVER had a substantive argument of any sort, it is impossible to treat you as anything other than the moron you present yourself to be.

You are the poster boy for idiocy on this board. You represent everything that is wrong with the Democrat party in spades.... Yes, I said that knowing that your pathetically small intellect would flag that as a racist comment. See how easy it is to manipulate you?

That is why our dear leaders love you so much... you are the epitome of a useful idiot. You will defend their lies and bullshit even beyond the point that it kills you.

Frankly, the only reason I even respond to you is to point out to the others, who are actually capapble of logic and reason, what it means to be on your side.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, that whole ignoring pre-existing condition thing is shit. Sick people shouldn't be able to get insurance!
But that doesn't need ObamaCare to be accomplished. There were many other ways to fix that issue before ObamaCare. ObamaCare is not the only answer to the problems that need to be fixed in healthcare. Only idiots like you think that ObamaCare is the answer.


But that doesn't need ObamaCare to be accomplished. There were many other ways to fix that issue before ObamaCare. ObamaCare is not the only answer to the problems that need to be fixed in healthcare. Only idiots like you think that ObamaCare is the answer.
But no one did.

At no point did I say Obamacare was the only solution. I'm refuting your point that nothing good came from it.

Stop projecting your stupid on to others.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
But that doesn't need ObamaCare to be accomplished. There were many other ways to fix that issue before ObamaCare. ObamaCare is not the only answer to the problems that need to be fixed in healthcare. Only idiots like you think that ObamaCare is the answer.
Single payer would be better as well but that wasn't what was being discussed at the time, context is important try to keep up. You said "Everything about the ACA sucks. It was written by morons, implemented by impeciles and cheered on by losers." He pointed out that not being able to exclude people for pre-existing conditions is something the ACA did that was good, and your reply is that it could have been done some other way. You really are pathetically stupid, though it's cute watching you try and fail so hard.


Vyemm Raider
Can you buy car insurance after you've wrecked your vehicle?
of course you can, just don't expect your insurance to pay for repairs for that vehicle, well unless you are very good friends with the insurance agent who then backdates the insurance signup to the day before the accident. but still, pre-existing health insurance existed, it was cost prohibitive though.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
And note very few plans without women's health actually had savings, generally male heavy pools are more expensive in the old method, since heart disease is such a common male risk with a ton of cost on it compared to most female complications.
If a guy buy a health insurance right now, is he covered for maternity care?

Forget your heart disease example. Do you want to talk about overall cost of health care?

Women Should Pay More for Health Care |

This attempt at fairness is anything but. If fairness were really the guiding principle, it would be quite simple: women would pay more for health insurance because women consume more health care.
A better, more equitable solution would be for both men and women to pay for more noncatastrophic health expenditures outside an insurance plan. This is the only way to ensure that individuals - not pools of people - pay for what they consume. But given our current environment that encourages third-party payment, gender-based pricing is a tool that should be available to insurers. If our premiums don't reflect our risk, our claims or our costs, then some people will be overcharged and others undercharged. The overcharged parties will underinsure, and the undercharged parties will overinsure, perpetuating the problems in our current system.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
But no one did.

At no point did I say Obamacare was the only solution. I'm refuting your point that nothing good came from it.

Stop projecting your stupid on to others.
Nothing good did come from it. People are losing their insurance, the industry is in incredible turmoil, rates are rising beyond belief, and many other horror stories are coming. You know that.

The cost for your pathetic sound bite is going to kill this country if we keep ObamaCare as is. And then NOONE will have any insurance whatsoever. Fuck, what do you think is going to happen when the real shit hits the fan after the employer mandate expires? Are you really that fucking blind?

It is amazing how far people like you will go to fuck this country over to support your favorite sound bite and your love of sucking Obama's private parts. Grow up and realize that your stupidity is literally causing misery and death to the people you supposedly are trying to help.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Nothing good did come from it. People are losing their insurance, the industry is in incredible turmoil, rates are rising beyond belief, and many other horror stories are coming. You know that.

The cost for your pathetic sound bite is going to kill this country if we keep ObamaCare as is. And then NOONE will have any insurance whatsoever. Fuck, what do you think is going to happen when the real shit hits the fan after the employer mandate expires? Are you really that fucking blind?

It is amazing how far people like you will go to fuck this country over to support your favorite sound bite and your love of sucking Obama's private parts. Grow up and realize that your stupidity is literally causing misery and death to the people you supposedly are trying to help.
Covering people with pre-exisiting conditions isn't something good, so you are a retarded piece of shit that think people who were sick before should just fuck off.


Nothing good did come from it. People are losing their insurance, the industry is in incredible turmoil, rates are rising beyond belief, and many other horror stories are coming. You know that.

The cost for your pathetic sound bite is going to kill this country if we keep ObamaCare as is. And then NOONE will have any insurance whatsoever. Fuck, what do you think is going to happen when the real shit hits the fan after the employer mandate expires? Are you really that fucking blind?

It is amazing how far people like you will go to fuck this country over to support your favorite sound bite and your love of sucking Obama's private parts. Grow up and realize that your stupidity is literally causing misery and death to the people you supposedly are trying to help.
Obamacare is projected to give me better insurance for less money with the same company. Being a life-long Republican like I am, all I have to say is "Fuck you, I got mine!"

Aside from that though, I'm fine with waiting to see how things turn out before letting panic sweep me into spewing moronic hyperbole on message boards.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Covering people with pre-exisiting conditions isn't something good, so you are a retarded piece of shit that think people who were sick before should just fuck off.
But since the ACA is doomed to fail at this point the things you say are so good don't actually happen, except temporarily, and meaninglessly. To fix something it has to work in the long term. ObamaCare does not work and is a failure. So none of the things you claim it solves actually will work. When the real costs become public next year it is doomed to extinction, then all of your supposed benefits will be history.

The only thing Obama cares about now is getting through the 2014 elections. And he will lie, steal and use morons like you to that.

But it is possible to do the things ObamaCare promised. Just not with the law that is on the books now.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
But since the ACA is doomed to fail at this point the things you say are so good don't actually happen, except temporarily. To fix something it has to work in the long term. ObamaCare does not work and is a failure. So none of the things you claim it does actually works.

But it is possible to do the things ObamaCare promised. Just not with the law that is on the books now.
So you are trying to tell me that people with pre-existing conditions are going to be excluded from healthcare insurance in the future?


Obamacare is projected to give me better insurance for less money with the same company. Being a life-long Republican like I am, all I have to say is "Fuck you, I got mine!"

Aside from that though, I'm fine with waiting to see how things turn out before letting panic sweep me into spewing moronic hyperbole on message boards.

I will debate the finer points of it and compare it to before but the bottom line is we don't know what is goint to happen. I am not a fan of some of it and I think it's too simplistic with it's mandatory EHB's with zero wiggle room but who knows maybe it won't affect anyone negatively.