Health Care Thread

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
But since the ACA is doomed to fail at this point the things you say are so good don't actually happen, except temporarily, and meaninglessly. To fix something it has to work in the long term. ObamaCare does not work and is a failure. So none of the things you claim it solves actually will work. When the real costs become public next year it is doomed to extinction, then all of your supposed benefits will be history.

The only thing Obama cares about now is getting through the 2014 elections. And he will lie, steal and use morons like you to that.

But it is possible to do the things ObamaCare promised. Just not with the law that is on the books now.
With that kind of foresight you should be playing the lotto.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So you are trying to tell me that people with pre-existing conditions are going to be excluded from healthcare insurance in the future?
ObamaCare is doomed to die. So yes.

It is possible to help those people but not under the banner of ObamaCare. That law is impossible to fix.



I will debate the finer points of it and compare it to before but the bottom line is we don't know what is goint to happen. I am not a fan of some of it and I think it's too simplistic with it's mandatory EHB's with zero wiggle room but who knows maybe it won't affect anyone negatively.
Exactly. Most everything is speculation at this point. Yes, people are losing insurance, but that is what people are focusing on instead of those people seeing what is available and getting new insurance.

I have no problem calling Obamacare shit. I'm just willing to be sure it is shit before doing so, rather than going into full meltdown before it really even takes effect.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
ObamaCare is doomed to die. So yes.

It is possible to help those people but not under the banner of ObamaCare. That law is impossible to fix.
looks like its doing great to me. why so upset?

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
ObamaCare is doomed to die. So yes.

It is possible to help those people but not under the banner of ObamaCare. That law is impossible to fix.
Please explain why a law is going to fail and cease to exist and impossible to fix, are you trying to say things in the ACA are incapable of being amended?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We must go backwards to go forwards!
Sometimes, that is what happens in life. Our first tries fail more than not.

But even though ObamaCare is doomed to fail because the people who wrote the law and implemented it are morons, they still had the right idea. And the good part of that is that the Republicans will have to come up with something to accomplish many of ObamaCare's goals. They can laugh at us now, but to get any public support they will also have to adopt some of our demands.

So even though ObamaCare is doomed, we will eventually all be better off because of it. Obama did succeed in changing the discussion and the nature of what we expect from our insurers. His personal solution is a failure but the replacement for that failure will be much better than what we had before.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
ObamaCare is doomed to die. So yes.

It is possible to help those people but not under the banner of ObamaCare. That law is impossible to fix.
Stick to the insults, this is why we want you to explain yourself because every time you actually do, you expose exactly how fucking retarded and shallow your arguments are.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yes, people are losing insurance, but... etc
When you fuck over a minority to the benefit of your favorite constituents it is always wrong and against everything this country stands for. Slavery would still be in force if your mindset was acceptable.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
There was no such thing as you imply - individually bought policies were bundled after sale intoa joint risk pool.
On the individual market They would price woman's insurance more for the extra services used, "gender rating".

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
No one answered my question on whether or not health insurance will pick up the tab if your doctor prescribes colloidal silver.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
ObamaCare is doomed to die. So yes.

It is possible to help those people but not under the banner of ObamaCare. That law is impossible to fix.
Unemployment complaints after the 15th Amendment passed had similar doomcrying... Wonder how that turned out... Or how The New Deal with its doomcrying turned out... Or Medicare... Ad nauseum...

Change bad... Rabble... Rabble... I'm supposedly a democrat, yet I hate any change... Rabble.... Rabble... Fucking moron....


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
No its not - the handful of expensive women's care are dwarfed by men's health issues. Parkinson's and heart disease being the two biggest. I already covered that, which they skip over comparing. The only factual thing they do that isn't counterbalanced is go to the doc more often.

But they also have less costly visits on average.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
No its not - the handful of expensive women's care are dwarfed by men's health issues. Parkinson's and heart disease being the two biggest. I already covered that, which they skip over comparing. The only factual thing they do that isn't counterbalanced is go to the doc more often.

But they also have less costly visits on average.
please refer to the cost by age group as well. "Parkinson" have a chance of affecting both genders, so does heart disease.

there is zero chance of maternity care affecting single men whatsoever.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
please refer to the cost by age group as well. "Parkinson" have a chance of affecting both genders, so does heart disease.

there is zero chance of maternity care affecting single men whatsoever.
I doubt they are getting ovarian cancer either, but something tells me unless your hanging out with fedor the women aren't getting testicular cancer.