Health Care Thread


Tranny Chaser
The reason I'm giving you guff is because of the size of your misremembering.

An offered plan that is men's only and 40% more expensive is itself an entire host of questions.


Even if you were right on your numbers.

What is the cost of Parkinson's or heart disease care compared to prenatal, childbirth, post-natal, pap smears, breast cancer, psychiatrists, yeast infections, and any number of predominately women only costs.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Even if you were right on your numbers.

What is the cost of Parkinson's or heart disease care compared to prenatal, childbirth, post-natal, pap smears, breast cancer, psychiatrists, yeast infections, and any number of predominately women only costs.
Considering our men's only plan ended up being 40% more costly I'd tend to think so - insurance company certainly saw that pool as the highest risk after all. And all were under BCBS from the same state.

And don't think psych fits in there, pretty sure mental illness is pretty even, no?


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
Even if you were right on your numbers.

What is the cost of Parkinson's or heart disease care compared to prenatal, childbirth, post-natal, pap smears, breast cancer, psychiatrists, yeast infections, and any number of predominately women only costs.
Ischemic heart disease is the #1 killer in the United States. Heart disease is pretty expensive and it affects almost 18 million people, most of them men. Breast cancer by comparison is almostrareby comparison as women are 10 times more likely to die of heart disease than breast cancer.

I believe there's plenty to be pissed about when it comes to the ACA but I think people are barking up the wrong tree on this one.

Source: UpToDate: Epidemiology of coronary heart disease, 6-27-13


Ischemic heart disease is the #1 killer in the United States. Heart disease is pretty expensive and it affects almost 18 million people, most of them men. Breast cancer by comparison is almostrareby comparison as women are 10 times more likely to die of heart disease than breast cancer.

I believe there's plenty to be pissed about when it comes to the ACA but I think people are barking up the wrong tree on this one.

Source: UpToDate: Epidemiology of coronary heart disease, 6-27-13
Just one of the many things I listed there bro .....


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Considering our men's only plan ended up being 40% more costly I'd tend to think so - insurance company certainly saw that pool as the highest risk after all. And all were under BCBS from the same state.

And don't think psych fits in there, pretty sure mental illness is pretty even, no?
Not really a response to this post but a general one based on the same idea of risk pools and who pays for them.

You all realize that ObamaCare is just another massive generational theft by the "Boomers" (yep I'm one of those cretins) from the young, right?. Basically, ObamaCare steals from the young to pay for the old and infirm.

Since most of you are young, it's great to see how much you love giving your money to us "Boomers". The same "Boomers" you claim fucked everything up in the first place.

Gotta love the irony.


Buzzfeed Editor
So is insurance as a whole, so is everything. So it goes. If that is supposed to be an argument for single payer, I'll take it.


Buzzfeed Editor
I guess when arguments (in your case, rhetoric and hyperbole) fail you, resort to cliches!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ahh, but when eveyone like you has become a cliche and a caricature what else is there to do?

You all are following the cycle of history you so obviously have not learned from. You are stuck in the gutter of a path to failure travelled over and over again. And yet you are too naive and clueless to see it.


Buzzfeed Editor
Everyone like me? Tell me more about me. You seem to have a pretty well-formed opinion of everyone who isn't fellating the latest right wing talking points on this issue. Such insight that it doesn't even require knowing who you're talking to!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Everyone like me? Tell me more about me. You seem to have a pretty well-formed opinion of everyone who isn't fellating the latest right wing talking points on this issue. Such insight that it doesn't even require knowing who you're talking to!
Sorry, I'm not the right wing zelot you want me to be. It just seems that way from your extreme left wing radical viewpoint.

I was always a Democrat. And up until the last 10 years, the Democrat party use to have room for people like me. People who cared about people no matter what their beliefs, color or orientation.

The new Democrat party is the land of Bigots, liars and fools. You fit right in.


Buzzfeed Editor
Now I have an extreme left radical viewpoint? Based on your extensive knowledge of me or my views?

You're wading pretty far out into troll territory at this point.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Now I have an extreme left radical viewpoint? Based on your extensive knowledge of me or my views?

You're wading pretty far out into troll territory at this point.
Any more than you claiming I am fellating the right wing? Who's trolling who?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Except fibromyalgia is quackery.
FM isn't exactly my type of nerve pain (mines closer to Lyme) but nerve pain is something I'd never wish on anyone else, except maybe Grim1 - lol.

I had to deal with 3 years of people implying I was faking my nerve issues before evidence finally became reliable on it. (Had some MRIs show something early on, but it comes and goes for what showed apparently....)

And the meds are even worse than the pain IMO - although my pain tolerance is atypical.