Health Care Thread


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
if you remove your dick and your balls, do you still get testicular cancer? #TRANNYPRIVILEGE.

I would never dare to oppose any cancer treatment being spread out between everyone. That seems reasonable to me, since the cost may be astronomical and everyone has a chance of falling into that category. That pool sounds reasonable. Maternity care isn't.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Maternity care on a male plan is extendable to a surrogate carrying a baby for you - I.e. gay couples.

It's not 100% unusable for men. Just like Magnum condoms can find use for a rare Asian.


No its not - the handful of expensive women's care are dwarfed by men's health issues. Parkinson's and heart disease being the two biggest. I already covered that, which they skip over comparing. The only factual thing they do that isn't counterbalanced is go to the doc more often.

But they also have less costly visits on average.
You could fool me with all of the pink ribbon stuff that has inundated every portion of our lives. You would think there is only one problem in the entire medical world.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Maternity care on a male plan is extendable to a surrogate carrying a baby for you - I.e. gay couples.

It's not 100% unusable for men. Just like Magnum condoms can find use for a rare Asian.
If you were a woman, all of your pretzel logic moves would be turning me on.

You should teach your moves to girls on a Twister game. The videos would make millions.


Karazhan Raider
Still a dumpster fire? Yes? Ok, see ya tomorrow.



Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
please refer to the cost by age group as well. "Parkinson" have a chance of affecting both genders, so does heart disease.

there is zero chance of maternity care affecting single men whatsoever.
Uh, single men can get women pregnant for what it's worth.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm not twisting at all - just demonstrating applicable cases... Its no more twisting then 'men' to 'I mean single men'...


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
Wait, Parkinson's and heart disease are gender directional now?
Heart disease has a much higher incidence in men up until about the age of menopause. I think the common belief is that estrogen provides a level of heart protection.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Incidence of Parkinson??Ts Disease: Variation by Age, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity

19 per hundred thousand vs 9.9 per hundred thousand. Significant but not 9 to 1.


Number of Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 Population by Gender | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Going to need a citation on your numbers. Random Google searches not agreeing with either of those.
Was off the top of my head... Might be askew - although do note for Parkinson's women get it much lighter than men when they even get it, rigidity and dementia are common with PD in men, rare in women.

Google showing more like 1:6 for Fibro as well FYI.


Tranny Chaser
You said men's health issues dwarfed women's health issues and cited Parkinson's and heart disease and gave as evidence crazy 9 to 1 and 7 to 1 numbers. Those numbers seem off by huge, huge margins.

I also highly doubt you've done the specific research necessary to come to a conclusion that men's health issues dwarf women's health issues.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not twisting at all - just demonstrating applicable cases... Its no more twisting then 'men' to 'I mean single men'...
No, I am not letting you off on this one. You said "And note very few plans without women's health actually had savings, generally male heavy pools are more expensive in the old method, since heart disease is such acommon male risk with a ton of cost on it compared to most female complications."

In continuation of that logic, I said that there is a zero chance of single men being in the position of affected by the cost of his pregnancy since he cannot get pregnant. For single men, he will never have a chance of bearing that cost--ever. What he chooses to do with the benefit (aka utility) would be his choice, but that choice does not affect his personal health.

THAT was my point. For men, he does not cost the system. His body does not cost the system when it comes to pregnancy. It's female body. Yet you made a logical leap from risk to utility. If we were discussing the utility of ACA for men, We'd be having a different conversation.

Stick to the point.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
My bad. I was sticking to this:

"And note very few plans without women's health actually had savings, generally male heavy pools are more expensive in the old method,since heart disease is such a common male risk with a ton of cost on it compared to most female complications."
I dunno why I switched that with Parkinson.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
He he didn't say "greater." He said 7 to 1.
'If I remember right....' Why would you give me grief about not being absolute when I even stated I might be off... Unless you assume I can't misremember ever...

As for total men's vs women's cost - I've seen the effect in practice we had a faction of the men's rights people amongst my staff so one of our offered plans was men's health only. It was about 40% more expensive. And it was the mid sized of our 3 plans offered - it was more costly than a bigger or smaller coed plan.