Health Care Thread


Musty Nester
Except fibromyalgia is quackery.
It's really not. It's just a less than perfectly understood syndrome.

There's a lot that's unknown about fibromyalgia, but researchers have learned more about it in just the past few years. In people who have fibromyalgia, the brain and spinal cord process pain signals differently. As a result, they react more strongly to touch and pressure, with a heightened sensitivity to pain. It is a real physiological and neurochemical problem.

In our society, people tend to think that there is a cure or a fix for every medical problem. You go to the doctor, expecting he or she will fix whatever's wrong with you with medication or surgery. It's frustrating to people with fibromyalgia because the traditional treatment approach isn't effective. And it's also frustrating to health care providers because they want to help people. But there's no easy fix. It takes lifestyle changes and small steps toward achieving wellness. It's a process.
Medicine isn't magic. Not everything can be fixed. Sometimes we don't even know what the fuck the root cause of the problem is to begin with. And sometimes we find it, and realize there's jack and shit to be done about THAT.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
It's really not. It's just a less than perfectly understood syndrome.

Medicine isn't magic. Not everything can be fixed. Sometimes we don't even know what the fuck the root cause of the problem is to begin with. And sometimes we find it, and realize there's jack and shit to be done about THAT.
What about restless leg? Health insurance cover treatment for that?


Musty Nester
Restless leg is also a very real thing.

I'm not saying there are no bad/improper diagnoses of these conditions ever. I'm just saying those conditions do exist.

It's a little like ADHD. We're just not great at the neurological stuff. Yet.


Registered Hutt
Bitch got so butthurt at me when I said ADD/ADHD was massively overdiagnosed and probably less than 1/3rd of these people had it. Of course my source was the people determining the diagnosis for ADHD in the first place and how to refine it in future definitions of medical whatever to scale it back. Her source was basically fuck you. I'm like....women. Parents just want excuses for why their child doesn't conform to retarded methods of education when they've got videogames teaching them like 2000x more efficiently than classrooms, so all their kids must have ADHD.

Shit is like anxiety for pot. You want pot? Go get diagnosed for anxiety. Yay, medical marijuana. Who doesn't have anxiety when you find a sympathetic doctor?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Restless leg is also a very real thing.

I'm not saying there are no bad/improper diagnoses of these conditions ever. I'm just saying those conditions do exist.

It's a little like ADHD. We're just not great at the neurological stuff. Yet.
And 50 years ago being gay was considered a mental illness.


Musty Nester
Yes it was. But there's a difference between a neurological condition and a mental illness.

A neurological condition has a definable, quantifiable, physical characteristic and cause. We're finding that many mental illnesses are actually neurological conditions. And some of them ain't. Some people is just fucking crazy without a discernable physical pathology. Edit: The CSN/PNS is absolutely amazing in that not every dysfunction need be mirrored in (what we can see so far as) its physiology. But a whole shitload of them are. It might literally be that amazing... or we might just be fucking stupid. Hard to say. Probably one of those a little of both situations.

Something like dementia is not a mental illness, and for a long time we thought it was. There is literally something wrong with your noggin parts. Something like post-partum psychosis -- there is a physical root to that, which most people would probably consider to be a mental illness. Restless leg -- the nerve fiber in control of those muscles is regulating poorly.

If you want me to hop on the Psychiatry is bullshit train I will HAPPILY buy a ticket. But not everything is bullshit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
RLS to me in my reading on such - sounds more like a common back nerve issue showing up lower, instead of back spasms when you're lying down its leg spasms with the aattached movement.

Although I will admit I'm like 6 years behind on RLS info - was ruled out early for my issues. (I have minor seizures while asleep at times - fun times for the wife...)


2 Minutes Hate
2010 was the peak of tea party frenzy
2012 was a good indicator of the way people felt about it by then
2013 with ted cruz, government shutdown, etc. people have really began to get worn out by then.

an election like 2010 happens once, maaaaaybe twice in a century
Responding to a 2 day old post:

2010 Results
House - Dem: -63
Senate - Dem -6

2006 Results
House - +32
Senate - Dem +7

Two big swing elections.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Let's not be so hasty to go back to the social arrangements before Hobbes/Locke.


2 Minutes Hate
Also add to that, had to check my files, that many states already required many/most of those benefits already. On maternity my three I've done employee plans for all require maternity coverage for example. And as stated once its in the plan, everyone in the pool is paying for it, not just those using it.
In NJ, many of the laws in the ACA were already in effect. Over the last 8 years or so, I've seen my insurance costs for the small company I work for go up by 20-30% in a year preACA. This year we had to switch to BCBS and I think I pay 50-80$ a month for my family plan (no dental). Costs went up about 5% from last year. I also had only two options to pick from. One In-Network only and one In & Out of Network option. They cover all sorts of stuff I'll never use.

So, the end: nothing changed for me. This "omg I'm a guy and I pay for maternity shit". Well guess what? You did before too if you were part of any group plan. That's how plans/pools work. You pay into a pool and spread the risk around. Those risks have to cover shit all the people in the pool might need.


2 Minutes Hate
Nothing good did come from it. People are losing their insurance, the industry is in incredible turmoil, rates are rising beyond belief, and many other horror stories are coming. You know that.

The cost for your pathetic sound bite is going to kill this country if we keep ObamaCare as is. And then NOONE will have any insurance whatsoever. Fuck, what do you think is going to happen when the real shit hits the fan after the employer mandate expires? Are you really that fucking blind?

It is amazing how far people like you will go to fuck this country over to support your favorite sound bite and your love of sucking Obama's private parts. Grow up and realize that your stupidity is literally causing misery and death to the people you supposedly are trying to help.
My rates went down last year, and went up only 5% this year.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Not shocking to me Drae, since 90% of my plans I dealt with were BCBS (And mostly Excellus specifically in BCBS) and MD, PA and NY are all neighbors to NJ.


Just because you were in a pool doesn't mean YOU were paying for services you weren't able to be use. Single men DID pay less before ACA and now that will be illegal. Good or bad that IS a change.


2 Minutes Hate
Everyone in my company paid the exact same amount for insurance depending on size of the plan. I.e. 2 kids, 1 kid, 1 spouse etc. That's how groups work.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Everyone in my company paid the exact same amount for insurance depending on size of the plan. I.e. 2 kids, 1 kid, 1 spouse etc. That's how groups work.
No insurance plan I've been on distinguished between male or female either.