I get that, which is what happened when she thought she'd be paying $169/mo. or whatever. That part sucks, and the mistakes are really shitty. Beyond that when you plug the actual numbers in, the rest of the story is bullshit. A silver plan has a $250 brand name deductible, which is how much she claims to pay in just 1 month for drugs. The government will kick her back $3600/yr. in subsidies. She can deduct her health insurance costs on her taxes. She's in a different state, so the rates may be a little different, but the subsidies are based on federal poverty figures, not state figures.
So she's going to save $2,000/yr. in prescription drugs
She'll get a kickback of $3,600/yr. through subsidies
She'll get to deduct her $380/mo. health insurance costs, which saves her maybe another $1000 a year from taxes
And both her and her son will have healthcare
Her net monthly cost for healthcare is like $120.