Health Care Thread


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
How exactly is Canada's health care system a horror story? Sure, we've get our issues here and there, but overall our healthcare outcomes beat the living shit out of the US's in every imaginable way, and we spend about the same amount on our ENTIRE healthcare system as the US spends on Medicare, as far as I understand it. And it's not even Federally administered! Each province does more or less what it wants. States rights!

Sounds like it's working pretty well.
Wasn't even talking about the waiting lists this time. I was referring more to innovative treatments which are encouraged in our system and generally discouraged in single payer systems.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
one thing that I find really shitty here is lack of mental health professionals. maybe because Canada is too decentralized, I dunno. I am having a difficult time finding one and setting up an appointment through my family doctor.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Wasn't even talking about the waiting lists this time. I was referring more to innovative treatments which are encouraged in our system and generally discouraged in single payer systems.
you will find plenty of innovation here. just a different way of achieving it.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
The better question would be why should the government be responsible for the health care of its population? I'm all for the greater good and yadda yadda but I just don't know how that became the government's role?

You guys can place all the trust in government you want, it's just not my thing.
Because health care is a public good?
Because health care demand is inelastic?
Because the system we have privatizes the gains and socializes the losses?
Because the systems in the world where health care costs do not balloon to ridiculous levels for the consumer are all socialized?
Because over half the bankruptcies in this country are caused by health care?
Because million other fucking reasons that i am too lazy to list.

Also please note that no one is talking about putting health care into the hands of government. We are talking about putting health care INSURANCE into the hands of government. And there is no one here talking about the greater good and all that dumb shit. No one gives a fuck about that. What people do care about are the costs to us and to the country as a whole.

As far as your trust statement goes, I rather place trust into a bureaucrat that has no profit motives in mind than into one that does.


Ssraeszha Raider
Why would a single payer system necessarily preclude a market for more niche private sector specialists or experimental procedures? Seems like every other week I hear about some athlete flying to Europe for some niche treatment.


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
Cite some research that indicates quality of care delivery declines in single payer or socialized health care schemes vs. entirely private ones. I'm genuinely curious to see if any such research exists. I'm inclined to think not.

Oh, another:

Disregard, I reread the post.


Trakanon Raider
Wasn't even talking about the waiting lists this time. I was referring more to innovative treatments which are encouraged in our system and generally discouraged in single payer systems.
Again, please cite something that bears this out. Last I checked, there's plenty of medical research in to innovative treatments in our health care system. The University of Alberta is a world leader in diabetes research, for example, amongst many other things:University of Alberta: Diabetes/Islet Transplantation/Transplantation

Plenty of fancy shit comes out of Europe as well, not to mention Japan, Australia, and NZ.


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
I think Burnem makes a valid and interesting point: Why is our government incapable of implementing a system pretty much all our European friends already have?

It isn't like a new and unknown and untested system is being put forward. This is a system with dacades of use by other countries, one they are generally happy with or even proud of.

We're supposed to be the greatest country ever or some such. Yet many people who would scream as much until blue in the face turn and say our country is unable to implement a system dozens of others already have.
From a quote in the NYT: "Indeed, according to the research firm the Standish Group, 94 percent of large federal information technology projects over the past 10 years were unsuccessful - more than half were delayed, over budget, or didn't meet user expectations, and 41.4 percent failed completely. "

And this:

"The government has to follow a code called the Federal Acquisition Regulation, which is more than 1,800 pages of legalese that all but ensure that the companies that win government contracts, like the ones put out to build, are those that can navigate the regulations best, but not necessarily do the best job."

I'm not even blaming Obama for this, I think corruption and ineptitude and complexity (bureaucracy) abound throughout almost every aspect of government. I think it's further compounded by a lack of profit motive and consequence hence the laziness.

If you think the government is capable fine. I don't. In the face of so many failures by our government, I don't get why it's so hard to understand why I feel this way, even if you don't agree with me.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
From a quote in the NYT: "Indeed, according to the research firm the Standish Group, 94 percent of large federal information technology projects over the past 10 years were unsuccessful - more than half were delayed, over budget, or didn't meet user expectations, and 41.4 percent failed completely. "

And this:

"The government has to follow a code called the Federal Acquisition Regulation, which is more than 1,800 pages of legalese that all but ensure that the companies that win government contracts, like the ones put out to build, are those that can navigate the regulations best, but not necessarily do the best job."

I'm not even blaming Obama for this, I think corruption and ineptitude and complexity (bureaucracy) abound throughout almost every aspect of government. I think it's further compounded by a lack of profit motive and consequence hence the laziness.

If you think the government is capable fine. I don't. In the face of so many failures by our government, I don't get why it's so hard to understand why I feel this way, even if you don't agree with me.
We have some stupid rules and regulations that hinder us, lets throw out the baby with the bath water! We understand why you feel this way, we just disagree with your jump to government is incapable because that is a stupid fucking leap.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Serious question Synj, why does everything but government get a pass with you? You point out flaws with government and throw your hands up and point to how its incapable of doing anything right (lets ignore the fact that government does shit right all the time, or at least well enough that if these government ran programs were to vanish even you would be upset) what is the solution? I can point flaws in everything you can point to as an example, everything and none of it has anything to do with government or capitalism but the source of the problem resides directly in our species itself. It's entirely possible that you just haven't bothered to piss and moan about other things than government and if so fine, but you need to realize you are wrong and why.

You find a problem in government such as mentioned previously by you and you go through and fix it, just like you when you find a problem with your business, a school or any other million different examples. Unless you plan on removing humans from the equation errors in every system are going to pop up, now if we used your same logic to not allow government to do anything because it fucks up, well why don't we just all kill ourselves because we are incapable of not fucking up.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I'm not even blaming Obama for this, I think corruption and ineptitude and complexity (bureaucracy) abound throughout almost every aspect of government. I think it's further compounded by a lack of profit motive and consequence hence the laziness.

If you think the government is capable fine. I don't. In the face of so many failures by our government, I don't get why it's so hard to understand why I feel this way, even if you don't agree with me.
I think corruption, ineptitude, and complexity permeates every aspect of private healthcare. I think it's further compounded by a focus on profit motive, hence the greediness.

I just had an $84,000 appendectomy six months ago. I'm a full-time student that couldn't afford health insurance. I've been able to pay off the surgeon, pathologist, ER doc, and radiologist, but I'm afraid that I can't keep up with the large payments that the anesthesiologist and hospital are demanding so those two bills are already in collections and everyone elses premiums will be going up as a result. My credit is now going to be totally fucked for the next seven years. Great. Working as intended?


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Also, my lack of insurance caused me to try and tough it out an extra day instead of immediately going to the ER. That delay caused my appendix to rupture and consequently I stayed an extra 4 days in the hospital, costing much more money that will be passed on to the consumer. Privatization yo!


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
I think corruption, ineptitude, and complexity permeates every aspect of private healthcare. I think it's further compounded by a focus on profit motive, hence the greediness.

I just had an $84,000 appendectomy six months ago. I'm a full-time student that couldn't afford health insurance. I've been able to pay off the surgeon, pathologist, ER doc, and radiologist, but I'm afraid that I can't keep up with the large payments that the anesthesiologist and hospital are demanding so those two bills are already in collections and everyone elses premiums will be going up as a result. My credit is now going to be totally fucked for the next seven years. Great. Working as intended?
I'm sorry about your surgery, glad you got it taken care of. Also sorry if your credit gets screwed, that sucks. I don't see how me criticizing the government equates to: "I don't think there's a problem with health insurance."

I do think there was and is a problem, I just don't believe that government is the solution. Again, sorry about what's going on with your situation.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I'm sorry about your surgery, glad you got it taken care of. Also sorry if your credit gets screwed, that sucks. I don't see how me criticizing the government equates to: "I don't think there's a problem with health insurance."

I do think there was and is a problem, I just don't believe that government is the solution. Again, sorry about what's going on with your situation.
Thanks, I appreciate that. But what is the solution? If you leave it up to the states and live in a deeply red state like I do, private corporations are allowed to run roughshod over the citizenry with little or no oversight, and people in the margins like myself are left out in the cold. Bootstraps are great and shit, but I couldn't exactly cut out my own appendix.


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
Thanks, I appreciate that. But what is the solution? If you leave it up to the states and live in a deeply red state like I do, private corporations are allowed to run roughshod over the citizenry with little or no oversight, and people in the margins like myself are left out in the cold. Bootstraps are great and shit, but I couldn't exactly cut out my own appendix.
I don't mean to sound dense but I don't know the solution. I still think that legal reform needs to happen so that clinicians can worry more about patient care and less about covering their asses. That was addressed earlier in this thread by Vaclav and there seems to be some evidence that that isn't the solution. But who knows?

As bad as shit is in the private sector, at least you got fixed and there are worse things than bad credit, small consolation I know and I'm not minimizing what you've been through. I just fear that it will be a hell of a lot worse if the Federal government is the one that dictates coverage, care, slippery slope, etc.

The Fed doesn't exactly have a great track record, so it's not like I'm just being paranoid here.

TLDR: I don't know what the answer is, but I'm pretty certain the Federal government ain't it.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I don't mean to sound dense but I don't know the solution. I still think that legal reform needs to happen so that clinicians can worry more about patient care and less about covering their asses. That was addressed earlier in this thread by Vaclav and there seems to be some evidence that that isn't the solution. But who knows?

As bad as shit is in the private sector, at least you got fixed and there are worse things than bad credit, small consolation I know and I'm not minimizing what you've been through. I just fear that it will be a hell of a lot worse if the Federal government is the one that dictates coverage, care, slippery slope, etc.

The Fed doesn't exactly have a great track record, so it's not like I'm just being paranoid here.

TLDR: I don't know what the answer is, but I'm pretty certain the Federal government ain't it.
My thoughts are that Medicaid should be expanded to give basic coverage to every single citizen of the U.S. while retaining the private insurance market for people that want cadillac coverage or doctors that are outside of Medicaid. Everyone gets what they want. The private market will stabilize since they will no longer be footing the bill for the uninsured and single payer will keep people from going bankrupt when they get sick.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My thoughts are that Medicaid should be expanded to give basic coverage to every single citizen of the U.S. while retaining the private insurance market for people that want cadillac coverage or doctors that are outside of Medicaid. Everyone gets what they want. The private market will stabilize since they will no longer be footing the bill for the uninsured and single payer will keep people from going bankrupt when they get sick.
Yeah, a public-private system makes a lot of sense. It's too bad DC has no fucking sense whatsoever.