So what legend should I craft since I dusted the tink?
I tend to play warrior, lock, and mage mainly but I do branch into the other from time to time
My answer is Alex.
He/She/It is a sort of an axiomatic hammer. Meaning, Alex helps to outright define 'Hearthstone The Game' itself by being that hammer that slams you whenever you forget to respect swinging too big. Alex is a defining characteristic of HS.
Ysera is also in that tier. Ysera is kind of like the slowest card ever. If your goal is to 'out-slow' the bad guy, then Ysera is your friend.
Rag is a powerful card but is simple random.
Grom is key for 'Wallet Warrior'. It really is a good card for what it is trying to be. Grom is a mean mother.
Malygos is a card that represents a style of play that I am not practiced in. Others here could probably speak more highly of Maly.
Baron Geddon is low on the totem pole. Useful in some Warrior decks but not pivotal to the meta in general.
Jaraxxus is a strong comeback card and is key to several good slow Warlock decks. I would put him near the top.
I never see Velen.
Tirion is a medium to slow Paladin staple. The amount of power you get for the mana, regardless of the exact situation at hand, is just plain good. An excellent card.
Antonidas is also key to an entire genre of Mage decks. When you work with him by feeding him the 1 mana spells he craves, he rewards you with the best hand of burn cards Hearthstone can offer. He is first class.
Just my 2cp.