

Blackwing Lair Raider
*shrug* I spent my dust crafting the Mirey Warrior Control Deck, and two days later it was nerfed. My alexstrasza was a sad use of 1600 dust.
I got alex in a pack a little while back and just started using her, I'm finding she is really powerful even when not used in some combo, an 8/8 body and potentially healing for a lot or damaging a lot is pretty powerful.

The Ancient_sl

Oh shit, seems getting new quests is bugged. I just closed a 40g one to try and get a higher gold quest and it didn't give me another quest.
Today I didn't even receive a quest.

Edit: Apparently you have to play a game to get it to show up. It showed up, I got a crappy one which I dumped and didn't get another. I'll let you know if it shows up after I play that one.

Edit2: It did not.


Trakanon Raider
Today I didn't even receive a quest.

Edit: Apparently you have to play a game to get it to show up. It showed up, I got a crappy one which I dumped and didn't get another. I'll let you know if it shows up after I play that one.

Edit2: It did not.
It's always been really finicky for me? Sometimes I log in and don't get a quest and I have to play a game to get it and sometimes I don't even get it right away. I always figured it had something to do with it had to be a full 24 hours since you received your last quest or something. However, someone mentioned a page or so back that when they abandoned a quest they didn't get a new one and it was bugged, but I just did it np.


Trakanon Raider
I got alex in a pack a little while back and just started using her, I'm finding she is really powerful even when not used in some combo, an 8/8 body and potentially healing for a lot or damaging a lot is pretty powerful.
Yeah I opened her 2 weeks back and I play her in most my decks. The only time she sucks is when you're ahead, but I find the trick is to not be afraid to drop her even if you're going to heal your opponent 1-5 life or hurt you 1-5 life, because it can still be worth it and save you. You don't always have to get maximum profit with her.

Nat Pagle sucks. I don't know how people still convince themselves that he's worth it. He's just simply not. If you do the math (bayesian physics math, taking into consideration multiple games, coin, the fact that he counts as +4 armor/health, etc) he's just bad compared to a million other common 2 drops.


Trakanon Raider
Small sample size of course, but early indications are that most of us are correct: Druids are now the go to class. I've just played variants of Strifecro's deck 5 out of 6 times. I've got the dust to craft a Warlock Giants deck which stomps (ha ha) Strifecro's deck hard but not wanting to spend my dust just yet. As always, immediately after a major balance patch, the meta goes into extreme flux and I don't want to craft a deck to counter something that won't be viable two days from now anyway.
Why don't you people stop trying to focus so hard on netdecking and flavor of the week and just enjoy the game? Not trashing you, just saying it's crazy to me how much energy some people place in min maxing a simple CCG. Since season 2 the ranking system has clearly shown that it's broken anyways (as in one month long cycles and the system just don't work), so just play and have fun. Casual is much better imo. I made it to rank 9 with this new season and just got bored. In ranked all you face is this netdecking ideology and "Druid is the go to class" and it's so boring. In Casual it's not like you just play shitty players and shitty decks, not so, maybe sometimes, but not really. You play good players with good decks, they just aren't super focused on min maxing to the extreme. You guys whine at Blizzard for treating this game like an MMO and using an MMO patch cycle, but you're doing the same thing in a way.

Yes Druid is even better now, by proxy of other classes being nerfed, but it's not the only thing to play and the only solution. Hint: take a crack at Hunters. I have a Hunter secret deck using Secretkeeper that is now godly thanks to UTH change (which btw, is funny, because it gives 40 dust too if you wanna DE it, even tho it got an upgrade, oops Blizzard!). There are some really sick combos with Buzzard, Leeroy, UTH and Snake Trap. So much fun.

I've also made some good friends in Casual. Usually they friend me afterward and compliment me on the unique deck style or whatever and then we test decks and have fun. In Ranked it's just far too serious.

And yeah holy fuck I said it ages ago, but they really need to allow you to "Save" 1-3 Arena decks per week/month and use them to play casual or play a friend. They could even have a third mode, where you play with a saved arena deck and you only get to use that deck for the week or something. I think that would be the most fun option BY FAR and it would increase the longevity of the game and the bang for buck you get out of Arena. Players would be motivated to just drop $2.00 to draft so they can have a fun arena deck to play with in the third mode or in a casual setting. I'd KILL for that mode. It'd be my "DM of DOTA" for HS. Players would have competitions about how far they could go with their best saved arena deck, etc.


Trakanon Raider
I've always been really conservative when spending in game currency. I tend to hold off as long as possible until I know exactly what I want and then I go all in.
Arenas is the best thing you can do. It wouldn't be so horrible to drop $10-20 into the game for Arenas to get your collection started so you can play constructed. If you actually spend the time to learn you can get a huge collection and leg-up that way and you'll get a lot more out of the game and the F2P aspects. Luckily I got enough practise before I started my own account that I never needed to do that.

Also, might I suggest that any new players create their Hearthstone account on a FRESH NEW Battle.net account? There's no reason not to since it's free and you never know what the value of cards might be or what they'll end up as. I know a lot of people think the idea of selling a HS account is a joke, but maybe not. The fact of the matter is, people drop tons of money on this game. If you're good enough to do lots of arena or have a decent amount of skill or you have spent money on packs and got any luck at all, you might be able to unload it one day. What I'd do is create a new BNET account with as little info as possible, all basic, so that it's easy to sell and have someone take over. Fresh E-Mail address for you to sell with it, etc. I got a ?150 offer for my account from a friend the other day and they had done some shopping/research apparently, so he wasn't just throwing dumb money at me. People drop $50 just to get enough dust for a Legendary. It's not unthinkable that you could sell an account with all the important basics for a nice chunk of change (e.g. WTS HS Account. All Commons, x2 Argus, x1 Ragnoros, x1 Sylvanas, x1 Thalanos, x1 Ysera, x1 Alexstrasza, 80 rares and 20 epics). That looks pretty enticing imo.


Trakanon Raider
I don't, inherently, disagree about not netdecking. The problem is that the pros develop a really good deck and everyone rushes out and netdecks it. A lot of people just take the path of least resistance and copy the deck card for card. Why? Because that deck has been proven to work.

I've come up with my own decks that have been pretty decent. But right now I don't feel is the best time to experiment with my limited resources and I'm trying to sit back, let the meta sort itself out a bit and then craft something that is competitive.

And, yeah, I called it. Warlock Giants everywhere now.

an accordion_sl

give all minions to the right +1/+1



Lord Nagafen Raider
The kicker is Mr Morrow's Hunter Secret deck with the new UTH is not anything you need a "Hint" about. It was all over the ladder after the patch.


Loving Crazed Alchemist at the moment. Coupled with Frothing Berserker, you can get a crap ton of value. Had the Berserker to an 8/3, switched attack/hp and kept clearing minions. Another neat trick with the Crazed Alchemist is to use it with Shadow Madness. Grab a low attack, high hp minion, Alch it, and then kill off a big minion / the Alch'd minion.

The Ancient_sl

Yeah, it's really obnoxious. They say it happens when you play a minion while other actions are going on, but in practice any minion with a battle cry can set it off. What's really obnoxious is when you know the minions are switched and try to compensate for it and fail. If you have two minions on the board and know they are switched, play to the side of one of the switched minions to hit them both, the game will take it as you are playing to the side of the other switched minion and only buff that one. So obnoxious.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Loving Crazed Alchemist at the moment. Coupled with Frothing Berserker, you can get a crap ton of value. Had the Berserker to an 8/3, switched attack/hp and kept clearing minions. Another neat trick with the Crazed Alchemist is to use it with Shadow Madness. Grab a low attack, high hp minion, Alch it, and then kill off a big minion / the Alch'd minion.
Yeah good for nat pagle and a lot of other cards too, like cairne, ancient watcher, twilight drake, ancient of war. Just swapping a cairne from a 4/5 to a 5/4 can make a big difference.


My fave use for crazed alchemist is killing buffed lightspawns.
...never thought of that interaction. Thanks.

I'll post my current arena deck when I get home. Its complete trash but I went 5-0 with it then lost my last game of the night yesterday. Luck > skill or deck.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Note to self: Stop playing Hearthstone so late at night. The competition on the ladder is much softer late afternoon/evenings. I've run up from Rank 14 to Rank 9 today running a Control Paladin. The meta has shifted I think so my lack of Black Knight & Tinkmaster doesn't hurt me so much.

Meta-wise, Aggro Warlock has disappeared. Warlock Giants is definitely dangerous but I can win if I have BGH in hand when he combos. Before that Equality, Aldor Peacekeeper and all my heals seem to be enough.