

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why the fuck they thought dropping the mana cost by half was a great idea I don't know. I guess hunter was underplayed, now its overplayed.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So, how long until UTH gets increased to 3 mana?
I'd prefer to see it be something like going back to 4 mana with a flat 4 dogs. (Maybe even buffed dogs, like 2/1 or something - would make it like an expensive Defias that way)

The scaling is what makes it bullshit for the cost and so easy to do lame sacrifice combos.


They still haven't fix the quest shit yet since they bugged out at the start of this abysmal patch??..

They won't let you delete your quest anymore in hope of a 100/60 one.


Trakanon Raider
They still haven't fix the quest shit yet since they bugged out at the start of this abysmal patch??..

They won't let you delete your quest anymore in hope of a 100/60 one.
Don't worry shitty balance changes are more important then bug fixes.


Vyemm Raider
Man this game is so buggy it's unbelievable. This is just one of many countless examples I've seen so far but haven't been bothered to document it. Like seriously? They can't even get the cards to work properly on such a simple as fuck game? How it's possible to have a buggier client than MTGO is beyond me. My client graphically bugged out earlier during an arena match and I was literally forced to exit the client and come back and instead of saving my point in the match, it decides to automatically forfeit you apparently rofl. I then got a random disconnect an hour later. Like some super quick message popped up from Blizzard and I was dc'd before I could even read 2 words of it and then I come back and of course...another loss. Is this real fucking life?

Also, what the fuck is with not being able to talk to people other than 6 shitty emotes? As much as I like this game, there is just so much about it that is complete dog shit at the moment. It honestly feels like the biggest money grab of a game I've ever fucking seen in my life. How they can't even get basic shit in the game to be working properly is simply a joke at this stage in the development.


Vyemm Raider
Man this is weird as fuck. So I literally just got dc'd 2 games during this arena and got 2 losses and then I lost the 3rd game legit. Sure enough I get a pack in the box and I swear I said before opening the pack that I guarantee it has a legendary in it. Sure enough.


I swear it's like they are fucking with me to make up for the bullshit random dc's so that I'll come back and dump more money into arena.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Don't worry shitty balance changes are more important then bug fixes.
So true, and now the fucking thing is in "open beta". At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they launch the motherfucker without these bugs resolved. Its effectively been soft launched since closed beta anyway I suppose, but still.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Don't forget about the second Rerolled Hearthstone Tournament, coming up tomorrow!

Rerolled Hearthstone Tournament Redux Sign-ups

Also wtf, I get sick for like two days and I come back and people are running Priests and Sen'jin's? Savage Roar Druids and Paladin rush?
Sen'jin because of hunters and people realized ancient watcher/sunfury combo sucks for every class outside of warlock, might even suck for them because hunter counters handlock pretty hard. Savage road druid might be strifeco's new deck or people trying to imitate it, actually really enjoy this deck because it fits my playstyle, it only runs 1 savage roar, it counters hunter and handlock pretty hard so its really good for where I'm at on ladder. And I saw a few paladin rush on a stream at the top of the ladder yesterday and I just don't get it, seems really weak and if you don't draw divine favor you run out of steam quickly.


I used the hunter for my 6-3 . I had uth but I used it with knife juggler to clear the board instead of the dogs.

I can see them making a hard cap of 3 to 4 dogs at 3 mana but would have to up attack to 2 at the least.

Me personaly never had any trouble with uth, because I would always keep high taunt creatures on the board and never more the 3.

Maybe I was just lucky though.

Anyways gl and have fun.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know if they need to change uth just yet, its the only thing that makes hunter viable, it adds a variety of playstyles, and can easily be played around. Lots of people run multiple silences in their decks now so hyena + uth isn't a problem, the only thing that might be slightly imba is buzzard + uth, but I don't know how you could change that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They already brought buzzard down to one health so they know that's a sticky card. It can synergize with snake trap too, but that's a lot more conditional to pull off than UTH. Two mana just makes it so easy to work in with with all the other low costs beasts/hunter cards that can work with it.

The Ancient_sl

Man, fuck this game. You have a modest arena deck, you play well keep up tempo, draw your opponent down to low health and all you need is 1 of the many direct damage spells in your hand to finish him off. Meanwhile he top decks 2 Faceless Manipulators to take the lead. Fucking fuck.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just played a paladin in Arena, we were both at 0/0 first round. He immediately opens up with "I'm sorry" and then every time he makes a good play or kills one of my creatures he tosses out an "I'm sorry."

It was a close match but I wound up winning. What is protocol here, do I give him an "I'm sorry" back, or thank him, "Well played" or what?
Right click /squelch imo. It needs an option to turn off emotes for those clowns who spam em.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Need a tribunal system for this game so you can report assholes purposefully using their entire allotted time every turn, too many reports and you get a temp ban. Played 2 different people back to back last night who did that. The first one went so far as to wait until the fuse ran all the way down so it would be my turn, but I'd have to sit there and watch his 3-4 que'ed actions before I could do anything.


Trakanon Raider
Man, fuck this game. You have a modest arena deck, you play well keep up tempo, draw your opponent down to low health and all you need is 1 of the many direct damage spells in your hand to finish him off. Meanwhile he top decks 2 Faceless Manipulators to take the lead. Fucking fuck.
I know right? That's what I keep saying. The rage you have from those moments doesn't outweigh the few times you actually have fun with normal RNG. But I'm too addicted to quit apparently.

@Mures They just need to have diminishing returns on turn lengths. Problem solved. If you get to the buzzer, next turn you get 3 seconds less, 5 seconds, 7, etc. etc.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sometimes you have a complicated enough situation to warrant taking the entire turn though. The game won't be able to tell who needed the whole turn and who's just stupid or being a dick.


Trakanon Raider
Sometimes you have a complicated enough situation to warrant taking the entire turn though. The game won't be able to tell who needed the whole turn and who's just stupid or being a dick.
Sure it can. You don't need those long turns multiple times in a row.