

So how do they balance in MTG, do they just add more cards to overcome the OP shit?

If the devs say they will no longer make sweeping nerfs/buffs what is there alternative...
Very skilled R&D. The only times a card is really ever released broken is due to last minute changes there was no time to properly test. There a dozens of very powerful cards in standard, but you can't just shove them all together due to the way mana works. You have to pick a color and archetype and go from there.


Tranny Chaser
The culture is also different. Last week when I was at ye old local game store people were talking about how mono black was the best deck in the format and a few people were running it at the PTQ that weekend and what to do about the mirror match and so on and so forth. If that was Hearthstone there would be all this talk about what needs to get nerfed and then probably a few cards would get nerfed. When something else strong and popular appeared everyone would start bitching about that next. So far the entire history of Hearthstone has been one long bitch fest. With Magic there is no one to cry to. They haven't banned a card in Standard in something like three years.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well they focus their balance on standard since that's the format that makes them the most money. Shit gets banned in Modern all the damn time.


Well they focus their balance on standard since that's the format that makes them the most money. Shit gets banned in Modern all the damn time.
...huh? Well standard is the format newly released cards... What? Shit doesn't get banned in modern all the time. There are periodic and regular changes to the ban list. Its very unusual for cards to be banned outside of this regular update. Want to say its yearly but not sure. Cawblade was the last instance that I can recall and that was years ago. Cards are also unbanned if its decided that it would no longer warp the format. Bloodbraid is a perfect example of MTG bans. It was an auto include in a deck that was warping the format. Post ban the deck is still great but other decks are more viable and aren't limited to can it beat jund which is 80% of the format, if not its unplayable.


Mr. Poopybutthole
...huh? Well standard is the format newly released cards... What? Shit doesn't get banned in modern all the time. There are periodic and regular changes to the ban list. Its very unusual for cards to be banned outside of this regular update. Want to say its yearly but not sure. Cawblade was the last instance that I can recall and that was years ago. Cards are also unbanned if its decided that it would no longer warp the format. Bloodbraid is a perfect example of MTG bans. It was an auto include in a deck that was warping the format. Post ban the deck is still great but other decks are more viable and aren't limited to can it beat jund which is 80% of the format, if not its unplayable.
All the time relative to other formats


Blackwing Lair Raider
No way. MTGs release cycle is the only reason the game doesn't stagnate. There tends do be just enough time between sets entering the formats for the meta to change a couple times without actually having a format with only one or two viable decks. Hearthstone NEEDS more cards. A lot more cards. Theres just not too much there ATM. Stuff like demolisher, ancient watcher, auchenai soul priest is awesome but the power level of cards is so high its hard for interesting cards without an immediate effect to be viable.
I know its way too early to tell, especially with all the card changes, but the games has been out like 4 months and has never stagnated. The closest you could maybe say was freeze mages and that was like 2 weeks and they were becoming countered by the time they got nerfed. The last patch they changed like 6 cards and the entire meta changed and never have more decks/playstyles been viable. So if changing 6 cards completely changed everything I'm willing to bet they won't allow things to stagnate for long if it ever does happen.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I know its way too early to tell, especially with all the card changes, but the games has been out like 4 months and has never stagnated. The closest you could maybe say was freeze mages and that was like 2 weeks and they were becoming countered by the time they got nerfed. The last patch they changed like 6 cards and the entire meta changed and never have more decks/playstyles been viable. So if changing 6 cards completely changed everything I'm willing to bet they won't allow things to stagnate for long if it ever does happen.
When they run out of shit to nerf the game is going to stagnate VERY quickly.


Molten Core Raider
Hell I'm new to the game and I can tell the pyroblast nerf wasn't justified.
Making it cost 10 mana wasn't the right move, but it definitely needed to be tuned down. Frost Mages were so insanely hard to beat when you can buy a free turn w/ Ice block and just double pyro someone once you got them to under 20.

IMO should have been the following:
8 Mana
7 damage up front and ignites the hero for the next three turns.

1 damage to the hero at the start of their turn.

This would have alleviated a lot of the "up front" problem while still retaining a potential 10 damage.


Trakanon Raider
Making it cost 10 mana wasn't the right move, but it definitely needed to be tuned down. Frost Mages were so insanely hard to beat when you can buy a free turn w/ Ice block and just double pyro someone once you got them to under 20.

IMO should have been the following:
8 Mana
7 damage up front and ignites the hero for the next three turns.

1 damage to the hero at the start of their turn.

This would have alleviated a lot of the "up front" problem while still retaining a potential 10 damage.
I like it, also think iceblock when it triggers should drop you to 1hp.

Which change has been unjustified?
Off the top of my head

Novice Engineer
Starving Buzzard
Blizzard (their handling of freeze is terrible, along with secrets)
Dalaran Mage
Warsong commander
Northshire Cleric

an accordion_sl

I like it, also think iceblock when it triggers should drop you to 1hp.

Off the top of my head

Novice Engineer
Starving Buzzard
Blizzard (their handling of freeze is terrible, along with secrets)
Dalaran Mage
Warsong commander
Northshire Cleric
Eh, I'd agree on novice engineer, everything else has been fine.


I wish MTG had a better online game because I want to try it out after playing Hearthstone.

I can't deal with the sub culture in those game shops tho.