

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
DotP13 does a decent job of replicating MTG in a very clean client - it only cuts out a little bit of game detail to stay fluid. The card pool and level of control are really limited though - but D14 did add a sealed deck style feature even.

Its basically exactly what you'd be looking for from that comment to me.


Ya for the $10 bucks (probably less now that it has been out for a while) Duels of the Planeswalkers is where it is at. I have been playing off and on since Revised and I enjoyed DotP.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just saw a sap kill a Ysera because the dude had 10 cards in his hand and Ysera had no place to go.

Best sap ever.
You guys should check infinity wars. After 15 years of hearing about magic, watching people play at the game shop, finally bought the game during holidays, had fun, then even as a total noob was annoyed that you couldnt make your own deck. (At least i think you cant?)

Hearstones voice acting made me wanna punch my computer screen after 15mins. Googled a bit and found infinity wars, i thought it was pretty nice although im a total noob at card games. Can customize many decks, get booster packs playing campain, havin fun.


Trakanon Raider
Updated Tinkmaster stats:

14 Squirrels
17 Devilsaurs

Again, still a small sample size, and I don't think anyone really doubted the odds but it does seem to be 50/50.


Trakanon Raider
Also you can tell that Open Beta has started and that there are a LOT of new players coming in based on the upswing of "Mages are OP" posts over on the forums... And, yes, I understand that it's because new players tend to gravitate towards Mages since it's the tutorial class and the only one unlocked at first. And, to their point, Mages have a very powerful basic set of cards. It's only when people attempt to play them at higher ranks where it's blatantly obvious how underpowered Mages really are.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So in random mechanic news, I killed a paladin and his eye for an eye killed me. I got defeated (I assume he did too) however it didn't count against my arena record.

Also, hunter hero power doesn't trigger ice barrier on a kill shot.


Trakanon Raider
Ice Barrier is only triggered on direct attacks (from a minion or a hero with a weapon). Other sources of damage will not trigger it. Finally, it goes without saying, that if the Barrier is already up, it will absorb additional armor charges regardless of the source of damage.


<Bronze Donator>
So in random mechanic news, I killed a paladin and his eye for an eye killed me. I got defeated (I assume he did too) however it didn't count against my arena record.

Also, hunter hero power doesn't trigger ice barrier on a kill shot.
A draw like that will not break your win streak in Ranked either.

Pyroblast definitely needed the 10 mana nerf. It's such an I win button. I have an absolutely terrible deck in Arena right now, yet it still made 5-3. The losses to a Priest who healed out of Pyroblast range and dropped Rag on turn 8, a Warlock who rushed me down (which is easy when you have 0 removal), and a Rogue who prayed hard to RNGesus (seriously, who kills a turn 1 Mana Wurm with a Mad Bomber and all 3 bombs hit it =/)


I honestly could give a shit what they nerf/buff on cards. That's the only thing that seems to get the meta going in different directions.

Otherwise this game would be even more boring then it already is.

Honestly, I wish they would do one round of changes monthly for live like they have in Beta.


Vyemm Raider
So just a warning to anyone even remotely thinking about playing this game. Don't. You think the MTGO client is bad? LOL. This client makes the MTGO client look like it was made by God himself.

Oh, you're about to win your arena next turn? Sorry but you've been randomly disconnected for no fucking reason whatsofuckingever. Not only that but when you come back from being disconnected you're gonna have a loss rather then you know, saving the fucking spot in the fucking match that you were JUST fucking playing.

The cards don't work properly. The game is buggy as fuck. The cards are extremely poorly balanced. There is very little skill involved since almost every fucking game is won by either abusing overpowered mechanics or simply getting lucky from the plethora of shitty as fuck designed RNG cards. Don't waste your money or your time. This game is a piece of fucking shit.


You guys have no clue how bad it was in Beta one.

You could force the other player to disconnect to win games, and legit disconnects happened all the time
There client is pretty fucking stable now imho. I've only been disconnected once in like a week, and I easily play 2 hours a day.

Luminati, you just sound like a little bitch imho

That being said, I think Hearthstone is a pretty good game that could potentially one day be a great game depending if they can hire some good people.


Vyemm Raider
Dude you have fucking down syndrome. I just got disconnected twice in two hours yesterday resulting in two fucking losses(I've now been randomly dc'd about 5x total since I started playing this game 4 days ago). Now today I was just playing and literally 1 turn away from winning the game and got a random dc and came back to a loss. Also, WHY THE FUCK WOULD IT COUNT AS A LOSS AND NOT JUST CONTINUE THE FUCKING GAME WHERE IT LEFT OFF?

Oh and it gets way fucking better. Not only did I come back to a loss which put me at two losses. I just WON my fucking game with two losses and some how it counted as a loss because after the game I couldn't play again and was forced to open my 4 victory key. Lol? Ya this client is so fucking stable and good and I'm just a little bitch tho. Please fucking die in a car crash you fucking idiot.


Yes cause every DC is heartstones fault.

Like I said, I can guarantee not only have I've been playing Heartstone much longer then you, but I play at least as much as you do everyday.

I rarely get DCed.

In fact last patch I didn't have one DC ever, and that's easly a month of playing.
This patch I've had 2 DC's out of 100's of games....

an accordion_sl

Dude you have fucking down syndrome. I just got disconnected twice in two hours yesterday resulting in two fucking losses(I've now been randomly dc'd about 5x total since I started playing this game 4 days ago). Now today I was just playing and literally 1 turn away from winning the game and got a random dc and came back to a loss. Also, WHY THE FUCK WOULD IT COUNT AS A LOSS AND NOT JUST CONTINUE THE FUCKING GAME WHERE IT LEFT OFF?

Oh and it gets way fucking better. Not only did I come back to a loss which put me at two losses. I just WON my fucking game with two losses and some how it counted as a loss because after the game I couldn't play again and was forced to open my 4 victory key. Lol? Ya this client is so fucking stable and good and I'm just a little bitch tho. Please fucking die in a car crash you fucking idiot.
I've been playing on and off since October and have disconnected twice.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No, you ARE being a little bitch Lumie. If the game sucks so much then gtfo of the thread and never come back. What you don't get is that you are going through the same cycle of discovery that the rest of us who were in closed beta for a while have seen 50 times already. No one cares. And who the fuck disconnects this much? Get better broadband? Do you play across the street from Starbucks on their WiFi or some shit? I've never lost a game due to a D/C. Ever.


Vyemm Raider
First of all, so far every single DC has been hearthstones fault you fucking idiot. Second of all, WHY THE FUCK WOULD IT COUNT AS A LOSS AND NOT JUST CONTINUE THE FUCKING GAME WHERE IT LEFT OFF? Is Blizzards dick so far down your throat that you can't come up with a good logical fucking reason for something so unfuckingbelievably retarded?