

Trakanon Raider
Except that mage meta still existed even tho another meta became popular to counter it.

That is just how the game progresses within a patch.
Eventually it will stagnate

The huge difference is when the game changes it's cards metas get benched completely.
I.E. it forces the meta to completely change.

Lets look at it by Beta Cycle.

Beta 1 - Rogues and Druids were unbeatable
Beta 2 - Mages, Hunters and Priests
Beta 3 - Locks, Rogues, Druids, OTK wars
Beta 4 - Hunters, Lock Giant, and Control Druids

Each cycle were they have changed cards has changed the gameplay completely. If it came more boring, or if it was faster was due to the changes.
If you played in any of those phases they are drastically different.

If they decide they want to to stop adjusting cards which is what they said in there keynote, that game will become boring within a month.

Also like how you lists completely ignore paladin lol
That's why crying over nerfed/buffed cards is retarded imho.
So forcing a meta change (with terrible reasoning) instead of fixing bugs and pushing out release so you can release more cards......to you know expand/change the meta is a far better idea.
Meta keeps changing fast even without blizz changing cards. I haven't played constructed for few days and my druid deck is completely out of date now.

On the dc issue blizzard has said they are working on reconnecting feature I believe. Doesn't really matter to people who don't live in a 3rd world countries or have similar internet quality. Been playing since October and have around 1300-1400 games and I have lost one game to what I attribute to a possible connection issue which made me skip two turns while opponent was still playing. Might just have been crazy bug thou.


Meta keeps changing fast even without blizz changing cards.
Within a month , of course. More then a couple of months with the same cards, and there will be no meta change.
And of course all the decks are changing we are still at the beginning of a new patch,,,,

For instance, if we were still in beta 1 after 4-5 months this game has been out. People would still be playing rogues, and druids only


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Since this is an online game, in beta, I give a pass. Once it is live and even perhaps a new set might interest a return to the game. As is, it is basic and bland with the only fix they can come up with is to nerf cards not create new ones to change the meta game. Probable pre beta jitters but enough to put on hold to the release and beyond for me.


Trakanon Raider
I came back to the game within 60 fucking seconds you stupid fucking cunt. It's called a grace period you dumb fucking waste of life. I should be given a certain amount of time to return to the match otherwise it is declared a forfeit. You're telling me giving dc'd players 2 minutes to return is a big fucking deal? Holy fuck you're retarded. I sincerely hope you fucking die irl.
Are you for real? You really need to seek help man. Do you at least acknowledge this behavior is abnormal? It's not normal to get this angry over a video game, particularly one so casual and silly and FREE. You need help.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Are you for real? You really need to seek help man. Do you at least acknowledge this behavior is abnormal? It's not normal to get this angry over a video game, particularly one so casual and silly and FREE. You need help.
hopefully he is out on a rage in a bar, gets his ass kicked for starting a fight and ends up in jail.(not exactly the help he needs but gets him outta here)


<Bronze Donator>
There is still almost always something better. You could just run Dark Iron Dwarf which will allow you trade up in the first place.

The Master

Bronze Squire
There is still almost always something better. You could just run Dark Iron Dwarf which will allow you trade up in the first place.
Assumes you already have something on the board. Also doing 4 damage is much easier than doing 5 in this game, a Yeti often ends up trading and staying alive, forcing them to use something else to finish it off. It is one of the best 4-drops left and may be the best 4-drop for an empty board period.


Poet Warrior
may be the best 4-drop for an empty board period.
To me there is no contest at 4 mana and an open board. So many times I will trade cards tit for tat until turn 4. Then on turn four.... I can play a 1 and a 3, or one of my many 4's, or maybe a 2 and a Skill, or a 2 and a 2, or maybe four 1's. But almost always the right answer is simply 'Chillwind Yeti'. It is what it is, and is hard to explain to a person that doesn't play with them. But when you do and you drop one you never really regret having done so. It is almost always worth its mana. Early, Mid, Late, it is a great card. Situationally you can imagine better 4 drops for any given circumstance that could be better than Yeti, but all-in-all Yeti will tend to fit whatever bill you happen to be sending your deck on turn four. It is a great card.


<Bronze Donator>
It's still a vanilla card, there is almost always going to be something better. Senjin, Dark Iron, Twilight Drake, Violet Teacher, they almost all have more upside, and that's just commons.


Molten Core Raider
Senjin is situationally better.
Dark Iron is only better if you have board control (or another minion to buff, or are buffing an enemy minion for Priest-Execute range)
Twilight has a MAJOR drawback vs silence.
Violet Teacher is only good if you are following up with spells next turn, otherwise its strictly worse AND doesn't kill 4-drop ATKers on the board already.
Nothing beats the Yeti as far as 4-drop value goes on an empty board, or just in general.


Poet Warrior
You also usually want more than 1 card for 4 drops
What? No.
I respectfully disagree.

I find it interesting that you say that to be perfectly honest.

The most efficient possible play at 4 drops will always be a singular 4 cost card. No matter what two different 2 drops are capable of doing, they will never be as efficient as the equivalent ability(s) and cost(s) on a single card. That is to say, it is always better to pay 2 mana and deal 2 damage using one card than it is to pay 2 mana and deal 2 damage using two cards. The only difference at that point being the card itself. And when that dichotomy is understood, it becomes apparent that the most valuable resource in any card game isn't mana, or life, or damage; it is the very cards themselves. The most efficient possible imaginable play at 4 mana will always in theory, and often in practice, be a singular 4 cost card.


<Bronze Donator>
In a control deck Twilight Drake is almost always better. There isn't a whole lot of silence out there, so it's likely to be at least a 4/6, if not a 4/7 or 4/8. Even if it does draw a silence that means things like Cairne, Ysera, Tyrion aren't.

Violet Teacher is really underrated. It could do wonders in an agro mage type deck with a bunch of spells, or even in certain Rogue decks.

That's not even mentioning class cards.