

Blackwing Lair Raider
What? No.
I respectfully disagree.

I find it interesting that you say that to be perfectly honest.

The most efficient possible play at 4 drops will always be a singular 4 cost card. No matter what two different 2 drops are capable of doing, they will never be as efficient as the equivalent ability(s) and cost(s) on a single card. That is to say, it is always better to pay 2 mana and deal 2 damage using one card than it is to pay 2 mana and deal 2 damage using two cards. The only difference at that point being the card itself. And when that dichotomy is understood, it becomes apparent that the most valuable resource in any card game isn't mana, or life, or damage; it is the very cards themselves. The most efficient possible imaginable play at 4 mana will always in theory, and often in practice, be a singular 4 cost card.
I don't think you understood what he was saying...


Poet Warrior
I don't think you understood what he was saying...
Now that you point it out, I feel like a total dick. Sorry Amzin. I'll slink back into my hole for a bit.

That being said, I did collect some more data for my totally retarded Hearthstone experiment earlier. Went 5-3 again I am happy to report.


Molten Core Raider
In a control deck Twilight Drake is almost always better. There isn't a whole lot of silence out there, so it's likely to be at least a 4/6, if not a 4/7 or 4/8. Even if it does draw a silence that means things like Cairne, Ysera, Tyrion aren't.

Violet Teacher is really underrated. It could do wonders in an agro mage type deck with a bunch of spells, or even in certain Rogue decks.

That's not even mentioning class cards.
The only drawback to Violet Drakes is that if you have them you plan to have a full-ish hand to get the most out of them by turn 4. This will leave you in a severely bad spot vs. aggro decks. By turn 4 you are already >15HP with any kind of decent draw from your opponent. Having the luxury of being able to have a 2 and 3 drop to combat a rush without gimping your drake (If you go 1st, it's a 4/6 at turn 4 without playing anything. So your first kill spell, or turn 2 / turn 3 drop makes him a Yeti by default, and strictly worse from then out.)

Unfortunately the meta right now is 70% aggro decks, and 30% control/mid-game, so your games where your Twilight Drake gets to see Turn 4 with you only using hero power are few and far between.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't see that much agro at all. I played ~10 games tonight in ranked (I'm rank 5 w/ Druid) and I hit 1 Hunter and 1 Murloc Warlock. I hit 2 control Rogues that where mid-game based, then your standard Druid, Paladin, and Warrior control decks as the rest. I will agree that they suck against agro. Druid control can beat hunter it just takes actually drawing the early cards instead of the late. I stopped playing Giant Warlock because of the Hunter decks though, because it's a completely horrible match up.

But even then, if the concern is against agro Senjin is going to be better, because they're just going to ignore your Yeti.


<Bronze Donator>
If anyone happens to care there is a tournament tomorrow sponsored by Razer, Semi's up will be cast by Kripp and Trump. Best of 3 till ro8 then Bo5, 3 different hero's loser changes, must be able to stream (for if you get to semi's). $75 for first, $25 for second, and some misc giveaways during an AMA during the tournament and probably during the stream.

Razer LHOpen #1 Trump AMA
The only drawback to Violet Drakes is that if you have them you plan to have a full-ish hand to get the most out of them by turn 4. This will leave you in a severely bad spot vs. aggro decks. By turn 4 you are already >15HP with any kind of decent draw from your opponent. Having the luxury of being able to have a 2 and 3 drop to combat a rush without gimping your drake (If you go 1st, it's a 4/6 at turn 4 without playing anything. So your first kill spell, or turn 2 / turn 3 drop makes him a Yeti by default, and strictly worse from then out.)
Earth Shock
goodbye Drake and the Shaman can play whatever 2-3 drop he wants right after


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone else not getting daily quests at all again? Like I get them eventually but up until this patch it was very regularly there by 8 AM EST, now its not.


I've had that happen to me but once I play a game or two it just pops up out of nowhere. Not really a big deal. They'll probably fix it about the same time they fix being able to request a new daily.


Molten Core Raider
Enjoying this...I'm on day 3 since Open Beta started.

I'm pretty much just doing Arena. Can't seem to break the 8 win barrier, but I'm sure that will come. I haven't had to pony up any $ yet...Just chain running and banking packs, dust (which I need to go figure out how to use), and the Arena gold. Druid/Mage/Rogue seem the obvious draft selections with a focus on low curves of swarms...I've gone more controlly, but it doesn't seem nearly as consistent...Especially with the sheer numbers of usable 1-3 drops. No mana screw is nice, but it steals away part of the charm of optimal deck building.

I'll have to try ranked soon...


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea, playing since open beta just rolling on ranked for now. Mainly using a rogue deck but probably going to branch out to druid. Currently lvl 19.


Mr. Poopybutthole
To be fair, who the hell runs Earth Shock?
I wouldn't play high end shaman constructed without it, although it's more fair to say 'who the hell plays shaman'.

Enjoying this...I'm on day 3 since Open Beta started.

I'm pretty much just doing Arena. Can't seem to break the 8 win barrier, but I'm sure that will come. I haven't had to pony up any $ yet...Just chain running and banking packs, dust (which I need to go figure out how to use), and the Arena gold. Druid/Mage/Rogue seem the obvious draft selections with a focus on low curves of swarms...I've gone more controlly, but it doesn't seem nearly as consistent...Especially with the sheer numbers of usable 1-3 drops. No mana screw is nice, but it steals away part of the charm of optimal deck building.

I'll have to try ranked soon...
There are two things you can do with dust. You can either spend it all on the commons and rares you need to flesh out a budget competitive deck for ranked, or you can just bank it all and use it to buy legendaries while you accumulate rares and epics the slow way.


Blackwing Lair Raider
To be fair, who the hell runs Earth Shock?
Just about every shaman out there now? Silence is really strong in today's meta, one of the reason's druid is so strong is they have a silence attached to a 2/4. I see shamans run earth shock all the time, and they always get value out of it.

As far as yeti/sen'jin I've been running into a LOT of aggro between ranks 10-5, so much I changed out my yeti for a sen'jin in my druid deck. And I stopped playing the druid and went to control warrior I was seeing so much aggro. Had one hunter draw his entire deck against me due to stupid buzzard/uth and I still had nearly 20 hp/armor, felt great.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
At 6-1 in arena! Am I getting better or are there lots of newbie opponents right now? (Probably both.)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Thoughsteal is so much fun. Why is mind games an epic? If it were rare i'd probably craft a pair just for the lulz.

Although thoughtsteal is less fun in low level casual play, where the only thing you're likely to thoughtsteal is more crappy cards.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fuck thoughtsteal so hard. I don't like you now.