Heroes of the Storm


<Silver Donator>
Well he has a lot of fans and shit, guys's fucking awful in my opinion but I do watch his stuff sometimes cause he does let's play of shit that's not as well known(indie steam shit and what not). I watch stuff if I want to buy the game to see how the game plays, mostly ignore what he's talking about and just check how the game plays. Can find people showing off the game sometimes on youtube but it's quite often very limited stuff compared to his videos which tend to be 10-15mins long.

But yeah, beating him in a video game isn't much to be proud about.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I took it really seriously though. I mean, I made an award for myself and everything.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The funniest part about playing against TB is his team's worth in USD had to be close to $200. Tons of custom skins and custom mounts. And they were fuck-all bad.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Streaming, twitch.tv/sutekhy

Probably playing Tyrande or Moonfire spamming Malfurion.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Man the siege tank sucks until you get all it's range upgrades and then at 20 it just becomes god like. Basically the tank has a map-wide rocket it can fire that does damage in a line. Think kind of like AA's ultimate but the initial ball does the damage. It does maybe 800'ish damage per target hit. Nothing fancy but good at pushing away enemies. At 20 you get the ability for it to just circle the map. So you plant yourself in mid. Fire the fucker. It is now doing 800 damage to their mid keep, their castle and all creeps in that lane. It pushes mid so hard it is borderline stupid.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
that lasts until when? is it a channel? does it explode when sgt hammer dies? I've been wanting to see that but no one plays her


Blackwing Lair Raider
Man the siege tank sucks until you get all it's range upgrades and then at 20 it just becomes god like. Basically the tank has a map-wide rocket it can fire that does damage in a line. Think kind of like AA's ultimate but the initial ball does the damage. It does maybe 800'ish damage per target hit. Nothing fancy but good at pushing away enemies. At 20 you get the ability for it to just circle the map. So you plant yourself in mid. Fire the fucker. It is now doing 800 damage to their mid keep, their castle and all creeps in that lane. It pushes mid so hard it is borderline stupid.
The Siege tank is really situational honestly, this might be the first time this kind of talk has been introduced in to this game, but she NEEDS a top or bottom lane and a lane mate. If you pair her with someone that has strong AOE and that can zone out well the lane is almost a guarnteed win and you'll be knocking towers and doors down in no time. If she's able to sit in the bushes in siege mode without anyone bothering her she is amazing from level 1 on. She can be susceptible to ganks but like I said, needs a side lane and lane mate. It's funny because you've got Gazlowe the specialist who does really well farming neutrals at level 1 and Sgt. Hammer who does really well in lane at level 1. And then you've got WD who is just someone who exceeds at crushing bad players. I really like the specialist role in this game, they're pretty well designed.

j00t_sl said:
that lasts until when? is it a channel? does it explode when sgt hammer dies? I've been wanting to see that but no one plays her
It just fires like a massive rocket across the map, never explodes and does damage to everything it passes through. Not channeled and no cast time I believe.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The Siege tank is really situational honestly, this might be the first time this kind of talk has been introduced in to this game, but she NEEDS a top or bottom lane and a lane mate. If you pair her with someone that has strong AOE and that can zone out well the lane is almost a guarnteed win and you'll be knocking towers and doors down in no time. If she's able to sit in the bushes in siege mode without anyone bothering her she is amazing from level 1 on. She can be susceptible to ganks but like I said, needs a side lane and lane mate. It's funny because you've got Gazlowe the specialist who does really well farming neutrals at level 1 and Sgt. Hammer who does really well in lane at level 1. And then you've got WD who is just someone who exceeds at crushing bad players. I really like the specialist role in this game, they're pretty well designed.

It just fires like a massive rocket across the map, never explodes and does damage to everything it passes through. Not channeled and no cast time I believe.
I agree the tank is very situational. I find her to be horrible on the pirate map. I find Zeratul to be a good partner as well because it makes the opponent very nervous to dive the tank. I've found a few times I get dived on and I just unsiege and use my thrusters to GTFO while Zeratul picks up a kill. I believe the tank is the ultimate split pusher. Once objectives start spawning and it quickly becomes the team fight part of the game a tank left alone can ravage towers and keeps in no time. In siege mode she does around 550 damage per shot during this phase. Eventually it goes up to about 800 damage per shot at around 20. She is deceptively hard to 1v1 as well because if you park yourself in a spot and spam two rounds of spider mines, especially if you have hte upgrade to spawn 2 more per cast, suddenly the opponent is taking 1500 damage just walking up to you.

Overall I don't feel she is as good or useful as Raynor but she seems to have a place.


Golden Squire
The tank likely needs a team that's built around it, and a team fight strategy that recognizes that you're going to be going 4v5 for a large portion of the game. Seems like it could potentially be strong in cretain lineups. Definitely not a pub friendly hero though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I really don't think you'll be team fighting 4v5 if you're playing the comp properly. Just don't team fight in random situations and make it aware what's happening, ex. "Lets not let them turn in dubloons" or "Lets turn in". Tank sets up shop there while team contests and tees off on people. Same for capturing the favor on raven lord map. Ditto for protecting or pushing with golem on skull map.

The main "problem" that she has is that her hero requires heavily on positioning, which if you've played Dota isn't a big deal at all. But in this game where there's dashes and blinks on every single hero it's a complete foreign concept for most. If you're in the proper position for team fights and the enemy is diving to kill you, it exposes them completely and if you have people that know enough to attack a diving enemy will almost never get the kill due to her knock back + sprint.

I'd say she is not a pub friendly hero because of the "high" (comparatively) level of skill required to play her.

Comparing her to Raynor doesn't make sense. They're two different type heroes.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The tank likely needs a team that's built around it, and a team fight strategy that recognizes that you're going to be going 4v5 for a large portion of the game. Seems like it could potentially be strong in cretain lineups. Definitely not a pub friendly hero though.
The tank isn't quite so bad it is 4v5. Most skills in this game are basically just a free autoattack so just because the tank doesn't have many great team fight abilities doesn't mean it's worthless. Spider Mines can also be used pretty effectively as well. The main issue I've personally have seen is when the entire team pusses out on a team fight and you've planted your ass planning on doing some damage. Suddenly your entire team backed and you die before you can even unsiege.


<Silver Donator>
How's the talent that lets you hover so you can move slowly while you siege, can't you use that to slowly reposition inbetween autoattacks so you keep a decent distance(or chase)? I mean I assume it's super slow but even super slow it's still some movement. It might come at the cost of the 2 range upgrade though I forgot, so might not be worth it.

Didn't care too much for the tank anyway. Also holy fuck Uther nerfs. Granted he was OP as all fuck from what I've seen but that's a lot of nerf on a lot of stuff at the same time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I didn't read the patch notes, but no nerf was too hard for Uther honestly, he was so fucking broken it was hilarious.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How's the talent that lets you hover so you can move slowly while you siege, can't you use that to slowly reposition inbetween autoattacks so you keep a decent distance(or chase)? I mean I assume it's super slow but even super slow it's still some movement. It might come at the cost of the 2 range upgrade though I forgot, so might not be worth it.

Didn't care too much for the tank anyway. Also holy fuck Uther nerfs. Granted he was OP as all fuck from what I've seen but that's a lot of nerf on a lot of stuff at the same time.
I haven't taken hover siege yet. IIRC it conflicts with another very important talent I believe the talent that gives you +2 attack/vision range. My build on the tank is pretty focused on shelling with auto attacks from a distance.


<Silver Donator>
I haven't taken hover siege yet. IIRC it conflicts with another very important talent I believe the talent that gives you +2 attack/vision range. My build on the tank is pretty focused on shelling with auto attacks from a distance.
Yeah pretty sure it does but I think it'd be worth checking out if it's not too slow it can probably compensate quite a bit. Can you check talents in their test mode thing? Hell, can you even test heroes you actually bought? It beats LoL "free week" thing but it's pretty shit compared to dota practice games.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah you can test out heroes you have purchased. I don't know about testing talents. I *think* your test hero gets all talents. At least when I tested WD I saw he had the fetish talent upgrade.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The one game I saw with the tank, the person took hover seige. It seemed like it wasn't much less than 50% speed. It seemed like a pretty decent option