Heroes of the Storm


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The first I've heard about this game was yesterday when I visited the Blizzard website...I was 100% convinced that it was some sort of early April fools joke. Even after watching the videos I was like "this is fake as hell".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Got an invite today too, never really played LoL or a game like this though so I've got learning to do.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Would you say it's almost as good as TESO? ^^

As usual, not getting the early invites to blizzard shit.
Ha! I lost a bet. I already am not playing it. I cannot get passed level 8. I hit too many progression bugs again and now that they nerfed mob killing, I cannot even get into Cyrodil. Quest bugs are starting to appear all over, even people crafting now have helmets breaking when they wear them while crafting for whatever reason, no one knows why. I lost a bet, nothing more, nothing less. When I lost, I figured I would at least try to PvP but cannot get passed that level marker.

WoW, D3, and HOTS all actually work, so it's back to those until Watch Dogs. HOTS is in tech Alpha and already runs better than most anything out there.

Not surprising considering who it is coming from. Some of the side jokes Raynor makes are pretty funny. Lots of awesome characters here to draw from with some good abilities and skill sets. Will have to get back to you in Balance. I wasn't able to get heavily into DOTA even though I played while hammered with some of my gaming buddies, but this I am actually getting into.

If you get in, you can play with us.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'll hop on and play some tomorrow as well. Generally play Hammer/Abathur/Raynor.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Kinda surprised no one is streaming/watching this. I personally enjoy watching it and while I understand it isn't for everybody there are 1000's of people watching asshats run cursed chest events or core of areat chest runs over and over for 20 hours a day. Its boring as fuck doing those things yourself, why the fuck would you want to watch someone do that?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Kinda surprised no one is streaming/watching this. I personally enjoy watching it and while I understand it isn't for everybody there are 1000's of people watching asshats run cursed chest events or core of areat chest runs over and over for 20 hours a day. Its boring as fuck doing those things yourself, why the fuck would you want to watch someone do that?
I don't know how many people are actively playing this anymore. It seems like all the streaming personalities have moved on to other games and no one really cares to watch some random dude play it seems. Last I logged on about a week ago only 600 people were online. That may have jumped up since it seems like they sent a wave of invites out.


Trakanon Raider
Its not a fun game to watch compared to other games like it. And if you haven't or aren't playing it its even worse. You can watch commentated Dota 2 and League games played by pros, if you're gonna spectate a game, the content out there is much better. People spectate Diablo 3 because they are playing it, or the personality on the stream.


I don't see how Dota 2/ROFLeague are any more entertaining. I only watch because I like to see certain team's try things I can never get the channel/pugs to do. The only major entertainment point of contention comes from some of the commentators because of their humor or how off-base they are and that's only because of the population and scene development difference.


Trakanon Raider
Yes but we are comparing the content for HoTS and Dota/League - with full on production - analysis - good camera work and the highest level of play. Just because you don't enjoy watching it doesn't mean it isn't superior content compared to what's available for HoTS currently. You aren't the target audience of stream watching by your comments I'm sure. I bet you're watching tons of twitch channels right?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't see how Dota 2/ROFLeague are any more entertaining. I only watch because I like to see certain team's try things I can never get the channel/pugs to do. The only major entertainment point of contention comes from some of the commentators because of their humor or how off-base they are and that's only because of the population and scene development difference.
HOTS doesn't have established pros or anything like that. If JoeRandom booted up LoL or DOTA2 he'd get the same numbers (probably lower) than he's getting with HOTS. If someone was an established pro on a professional HOTS team (if the game goes that way, who knows) he'd get viewers. TB/JP/Day and the other personalities were pulling in respectable numbers when HOTS first came out. But since the user base is so low right now it doesn't make financial sense to constantly stream it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not only that but as the streamers who got the invites aren't moba players to begin with, they aren't likely to stay with HotS as their main attraction. Not to mention you can only watch someone that has no idea how to play for so long before it's just pointless. You don't learn anything about the game from watching someone that isn't bothering to learn anything about the game themselves. I said earlier on that it looks like it's more fun to play than it is to watch and I still think that's true, although I haven't gotten to try it yet. The dynamics of the team fights / skirmishes from an observers point of view are just not there right now.


Twitch streams are like used sharps - I only handle them to a disposable container because otherwise AIDS. . .

I never disputed the difference in available productions quality, only the generic opinion that the content is superior - which is purely subjective.