Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
The consequences for that behavior is 1 month in the shaw.

Just delete my fucking account then you self-important cocksucker. I was under the impression the suicide rule had been lifted as I remembered there being a significant discussion about it, and even though I turned out to be wrong, you're the ones who fucked up the forum so I didn't get the notifications, and I haven't gotten a warning in a long time so you can shove that 'pushing the boundaries' horseshit straight up your ass. If I had seen warnings last night or this morning, I would have realized that was still off limits and not gone anywhere near it, even in a mocking fashion.

So great to be punished for when YOU fucking clowns are the ones who fucked up.
  • 4Salty
  • 1Picard
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
It should be handing out notifications, I'll look into why it's not. Something must have changed in the latest software update which happened a couple of weeks ago. They are not 'stealth' warnings though. Every warning is viewable on the offending posts for all to see.

Whether you were notified or not doesn't change the fact that you told someone to kill themselves twice in quick succession in the politics thread which is 1 point per post. You know this is against the rules, you've been shawed for it before. Then you posted 'Murder Brando' here in the shaw. Mocking or not, shaw or not, this is not allowed and you know it.

We have very few rules here but you seem to love pushing the boundaries on even the ones we do have. The consequences for that behavior is 1 month in the shaw.

Not to beat on Gavinmad Gavinmad too much but really dude, you've told lots of people to kill themselves, you've been infracted for it many many times. Feigned outrage when you've known for literally a decade its against the rules here isn't going to win you much support.


Gav, you fucked up, and you know it. Take your lumps and you'll be back to white knighting various people before you know it.
  • 1Worf
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
I am not a moderator nor do I have any affiliation or capability of influencing appeals, but I would love to read a long and autistic essay from all shawed folks on why it is against the FOH constitution for them to be shawed. Let’s say 3 page minimum per post?
  • 1Worf
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
"Man, that Brando guy, right? He'll complain about anything!"

Gavinmad: "Hold my beer"
  • 5Worf
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Just delete my fucking account then you self-important cocksucker. I was under the impression the suicide rule had been lifted as I remembered there being a significant discussion about it, and even though I turned out to be wrong, you're the ones who fucked up the forum so I didn't get the notifications, and I haven't gotten a warning in a long time so you can shove that 'pushing the boundaries' horseshit straight up your ass. If I had seen warnings last night or this morning, I would have realized that was still off limits and not gone anywhere near it, even in a mocking fashion.

So great to be punished for when YOU fucking clowns are the ones who fucked up.

It's in the rules thread in the amod section in a sticky post, I can't help that you didn't read it or that you were under a mistaken assumption of the rules. Also, with how fast you made both of those posts it wouldn't have mattered if you'd received a notification on the first one.

Also it's MY fault you broke the rules. Fascinating :rolleyes:

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Just delete my fucking account then you self-important cocksucker. I was under the impression the suicide rule had been lifted as I remembered there being a significant discussion about it, and even though I turned out to be wrong, you're the ones who fucked up the forum so I didn't get the notifications, and I haven't gotten a warning in a long time so you can shove that 'pushing the boundaries' horseshit straight up your ass. If I had seen warnings last night or this morning, I would have realized that was still off limits and not gone anywhere near it, even in a mocking fashion.

So great to be punished for when YOU fucking clowns are the ones who fucked up.

  • 3Worf
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
See Brando Brando ? I told you being here ain't so bad. We got salt, we got memes. Its cozy like a home full of sociopaths
  • 1Truth!
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Mr. Poopybutthole
It's in the rules thread in the amod section in a sticky post, I can't help that you didn't read it or that you were under a mistaken assumption of the rules. Also, with how fast you made both of those posts it wouldn't have mattered if you'd received a notification on the first one.

Also it's MY fault you broke the rules. Fascinating

Again, no fucking way of knowing I had warnings because one of you fucking clowns somehow disabled notifications for warnings. If I had known I had two warnings I would have stayed on the straight and narrow. And it's certainly not my fault that the shit-brained mod staff here can't differentiate between an actual threat and a clear mockery unless it includes a fucking mention of F16s. I'm not arguing the first two warnings, those are legit and I clearly broke the rule. The third one is bullshit, as is the fact that whichever one of you fucked up the notification system prevented me from realizing I had broken the rule.
  • 1Salty
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Then my mission here is an unvarnished success, as that is what this thread is for. lulz. Pure, unadulterated lulz.
  • 1Quality Calories
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Again, no fucking way of knowing I had warnings because one of you fucking clowns somehow disabled notifications for warnings. If I had known I had two warnings I would have stayed on the straight and narrow. And it's certainly not my fault that the shit-brained mod staff here can't differentiate between an actual threat and a clear mockery unless it includes a fucking mention of F16s. I'm not arguing the first two warnings, those are legit and I clearly broke the rule. The third one is bullshit, as is the fact that whichever one of you fucked up the notification system prevented me from realizing I had broken the rule.

Your final point has been challenged by someone on your behalf and will be voted on whether it stands or not.
We'll get back to you with the results of the vote.
  • 1Solidarity
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
This thread needs more Tanoomba

No idea about the Gavin situation, but if "warnings" aren't pushed via a notification in the top right, and you're supposed to be digging into your account details to find it, that's bullshit I'm afraid.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Your final point has been challenged by someone on your behalf and will be voted on whether it stands or not.
We'll get back to you with the results of the vote.

If wisdom and charisma hadn't been dump stats for me at chargen, maybe I would make at least a token attempt to express contrition for the relentless insults and profanity of the last couple hours. Instead I'm just going to assume I've already poisoned the popularity circle-jerk that constitutes the moderation staff here and express zero remorse at all.
  • 1Worf
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If wisdom and charisma hadn't been dump stats for me at chargen, maybe I would make at least a token attempt to express contrition for the relentless insults and profanity of the last couple hours. Instead I'm just going to assume I've already poisoned the popularity circle-jerk that constitutes the moderation staff here and express zero remorse at all.
He I like you, you stupid faggot
  • 1Worf
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  • 1Solidarity
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Instead I'm just going to assume I've already poisoned the popularity circle-jerk that constitutes the moderation staff here and express zero remorse at all.
Time really **IS** a flat circle, then
  • 2Worf
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
“Hey guys I was only intentionally violating the rules twice knowing there would be repercussions if I did it a third time. Sorry it happened a third time, that was totally not my intent “

Does that sound accurate ?
  • 1Truth!
  • 1Worf
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