Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread


Musty Nester
On that.

Zap retweets shit. I don't expect him to curate it or fact check it. There was another one that was worse, some tweet about it being a Mexican guy which I think was just a deepfake.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
On that.

Zap retweets shit. I don't expect him to curate it or fact check it. There was another one that was worse, some tweet about it being a Mexican guy which I think was just a deepfake.
I mean, sure, but Lend seems to think Zapatta was saying that he's posting on a troll account?


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Either way its the same Trump troll excuse.. Im just "Retweeting it" i didnt' did it.

It is not even worth for me at this point to get mad at zapatta, ignore works wonders.
I just scratch my head when people give brando shit and people are just piling on for "reasons" and ignoring the actual abhorrent behavior.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Either way its the same Trump troll excuse.. Im just "Retweeting it" i didnt' did it.

It is not even worth for me at this point to get mad at zapatta, ignore works wonders.
I just scratch my head when people give brando shit and people are just piling on for "reasons" and ignoring the actual abhorrent behavior.
Depends on someone's intent, or what they're trying to highlight.

Someone retweeting something they want to highlight because it's stupid ("look at this moron!") is a lot different than someone retweeting something because they agree with it and want to spread it further ("preach!")

I don't know what his intention was, to be honest. It's not going to keep me up at night. But I'm also not the one that chose to characterize it in the way you did, either. And now that you've done so, you say it's 'not even worth it'

That's the state of things in 'Murica right now. Two completely partisan sides taking things the way they want to take them, and then refusing to budge.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Depends on someone's intent, or what they're trying to highlight.

Someone retweeting something they want to highlight because it's stupid ("look at this moron!") is a lot different than someone retweeting something because they agree with it and want to spread it further ("preach!")

I don't know what his intention was, to be honest. It's not going to keep me up at night. But I'm also not the one that chose to characterize it in the way you did, either. And now that you've done so, you say it's 'not even worth it'

That's the state of things in 'Murica right now. Two completely partisan sides taking things the way they want to take them, and then refusing to budge.

but BAN brando

AM i rite guys...!!!


Musty Nester
I'd be surprised if Zap wrote the thing that he retweeted.

Maybe he did, and that would be shitty. It would be a real Discordian thing to do, punks not dead.

Oh, no I see. It's in the english. Zap said "I posted a twitter post claiming to be". That could mean that he wrote the post he was linking if you take it directly as he wrote it. But english is a lazy fucking language and it could also mean "I posted a twitter post that I found claiming to be".

And I'm not knocking on your ESL len, native speakers take shortcuts like that even when they're writing it. I dunno if when you were learning it you had to diagram sentences and stuff (we used to do that in gradeschool when we were) but yeah... we straight up ignore ALL THAT SHIT.

It's why guys like Cad get paid the big bucks. The rest of us barely know how to speak.


Mr. Poopybutthole

He posted a screenshot here of the twitter post from someone claiming to have gone to high school with the shooter.
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<Silver Donator>
I mean, sure, but Lend seems to think Zapatta was saying that he's posting on a troll account?
Lend is just trolling. It's a new month and he needs a new escape goat for all the (hhhhwhite) evils of the world .

This is what I was actually going to write, but I'm not going to miss an opportunity to jab Lend's mock grasp of the English language:

To Lendarios Lendarios credit, I had to read that post 4 times because the hot-take I had was exactly how he read it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'd be surprised if Zap wrote the thing that he retweeted.

Maybe he did, and that would be shitty. It would be a real Discordian thing to do, punks not dead.

Oh, no I see. It's in the english. Zap said "I posted a twitter post claiming to be". That could mean that he wrote the post he was linking if you take it directly as he wrote it. But english is a lazy fucking language and it could also mean "I posted a twitter post that I found claiming to be".

And I'm not knocking on your ESL len, native speakers take shortcuts like that even when they're writing it. I dunno if when you were learning it you had to diagram sentences and stuff (we used to do that in gradeschool when we were) but yeah... we straight up ignore ALL THAT SHIT.

It's why guys like Cad get paid the big bucks. The rest of us barely know how to speak.
That's kind of where I was; I had to read it a couple times myself. And then I see Lendoritos in here crying about it later.

I tagged Zapatta Zapatta earlier but he did respond so /shrug


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Why am I getting tagged to Tato Town? Its bad enough when I have to explain jokes ,I am not gonna explain english.


For the Uno-Lingual.


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<Bronze Donator>
If you send a dragon back to its own lair to take a nap atop his own pile of gold, is it even punishment?

This is what shawing those of us born of the shaw master race accomplishes
  • 4Worf
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Why am I getting tagged to Tato Town? Its bad enough when I have to explain jokes ,I am not gonna explain english.
You worded it strangely.

Did you see the earlier posts? Was Lendarios wrong assuming you were trolling with a fake Twitter account?


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
You worded it strangely.

Did you see the earlier posts? Was Lendarios wrong assuming you were trolling with a fake Twitter account?

1st - dont give 2 fucks about Lentardios interpretations of anything especially the english language.

2nd - anyone who has heard Lendtardios in discord knows he actually is as dumb as people think he is pretending to be.

3rd - he is sad jelly faggot because he builds a raft and it looks like


I build a raft and it looks like.

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