The Scientific Shitlord
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I have been on these forums for over two decades at this point. I make a point of not googling anything unfamiliar for mental stability.
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I have been on these forums for over two decades at this point. I make a point of not googling anything unfamiliar for mental stability.
(Quietly puts the floor back down and reconsiders the remodel.) "Man. Your house is a beaut'! Will sell well on the market!" (Just kidding.. or am I?)Last year we renovated one of our bathrooms and moved the washer/dryer into it. Now we're demoing the old laundry area off the kitchen where there were some known leaks (prior to my occupancy). Turns out the water caused the ends of the floor joists to rot off to the point of floating, along with compromising a 4x6 beam that spans a gap in the foundation. Looks like I get to have fun jacking up the house and replacing the beam, then beefing up the floors. Whee!
(None of this was visible from the crawlspace as the rot was all top-down and the visible surfaces appeared solid.
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(Quietly puts the floor back down and reconsiders the remodel.) "Man. Your house is a beaut'! Will sell well on the market!" (Just kidding.. or am I?)
Allegedly they don't like peppermint. I tried a mint spray once, seemed to have a modest effect, but I didn't keep up with it for the whole reapplication following rainfall part. A covered area like a porch probably has a better shot at working.Blegh, does anyone know of a good natural, nontoxic repellent for spiders?
They keep building webs on the porch and we keep walking head first through them
Why so much? is it because of the stamped shit? We had our whole driveway, sidewalk on side of house and patio done, not with stamped just normal, steel reinforced concrete for about $15K maybe 5-6 yrs back? And its a pretty big driveway too.Next week starts our big summer project delayed until September (of course). 900 Sq.Ft stamped concrete patio, new walkway to the house, new pool deck, new back deck (landing really), new side deck and covering our front concrete steps with new decking.
All told we're at about $30k. Dealing with multiple contractors at once and trying to schedule them is AIDs.
Try some Diatomaceous earth. Its tiny little fossils of diatoms. And it gets all over the crawling insects and fucks them up and totally safe to humans.
Diatomite is of value as an insecticide because of its abrasive and physico-sorptive properties.[25] The fine powder adsorbs lipids from the waxy outer layer of the exoskeletons of many species of insects; this layer acts as a barrier that resists the loss of water vapour from the insect's body. Damaging the layer increases the evaporation of water from their bodies, so that they dehydrate, often fatally.
This also works against gastropods and is commonly employed in gardening to defeat slugs.[26] However, since slugs inhabit humid environments, efficacy is very low. Diatomaceous earth is sometimes mixed with an attractant or other additives to increase its effectiveness.
Diatomaceous earth is a natural, abrasive substance made from fossilized diatoms. While it does not directly kill spiders, it can effectively control them. When spiders come into contact with diatomaceous earth, it damages their exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and eventually die.Oct 26, 2023
How old is your place? Some pre 1970s places still had steel pipes. My old place that was built in 60s had steel shit in it and it was all corroded inside so that a pea sized hole existed for the water to get through. Sometimes its not the actual supply lines but the fixtures themselves. I had all copper lines but some of my fixtures, like the shower and the laundry sink in the basement were steel.So all of a sudden my pressure in the shower is super low with hot water. When I change the temp to cold the pressure goes back to normal. It seems to only be my shower, the sinks in the bathroom have normal pressure with hot water and all the other bathrooms are fine. Any ideas? This happened suddenly wasn’t gradual
Nahh, all fixtures, especially in a new home should have shutoffs. You need to find those and just fuck with them, its only a valve, close it then reopen it a few times, sometimes this is where it plugs up, even from water mineral deposits over time.Yea I dunno where those are I probably shouldn’t unscrew stuff randomly, gonna have to get a plumber. Of course this shit happens on holiday weekends. Not the worst problem to have but I get annoyed when new construction has this shit.
Be careful because many types of these have seals or packing of one type or another. If you start moving valves that haven't been touched in decades you can cause leaks.Nahh, all fixtures, especially in a new home should have shutoffs. You need to find those and just fuck with them, its only a valve, close it then reopen it a few times, sometimes this is where it plugs up, even from water mineral deposits over time.