You know its funny, bro. someone here, i forgot who, asked me "So how is this SJW thing effecting you in day to day life?" that made me pause a bit and think and look back and I cannot say it really has.
But it does effect me when I watch the TV and surf the internet on a daily basis, and I hate what it stands for, pushing feminism down our throats and trying to enact Orwellian thought police and shitting on our right to free speech. Because they want to sensor it. Its one of the reasons I dont go to Something awful anymore. I used to surf there and argue about games and shit, but ever since they blatantly censored any and all discussions about SJW in the beginning days of gamer-gate, I left never to come back. Not that i gave a shit about gamer-gate, but I did give a shit about the censorship act itself.
So yeah in effect it is affecting me in some miniscule way every day, not in my real day to day interactions with people, but rweal life interactions with anonymity on the internet. And to me its kind of frightening, this whole movement, because its not good.