Well yeah, way back then I didn't know about the local laws, and I could see that being a problem. But as you said, they would have had to be upheld in court, and the amendment fixes that. So what's left in the law that is so bad now?In the original law that answer was obviously yes (I don't know how you could have read it and came away thinking otherwise). This is not a guarantee that such a claim would be upheld in court, but it places a shadow of doubt over such laws being equally applied. For theammendedlaw, the answer is no. The amended law still has an exclusion for churches, religious non-profits, religious schools, and religious figures such as priests, rabbis, etc. (as well it should).
Yeah, run away you little coward. None of those articles 'broke it down' as you are claiming. They were all fear mongering. You're a retard dude. You can't rewrite history when it's right here for everyone to see. In case anyone is wondering, the best way to see hodj's bullshit is to get a day behind and watch him make wild assed assertions then claim he never said that.Hoss is a fucking retard. That's literally the only response I'm giving him, he's so fucking stupid that's all he's worth.
Not even reading his posts anymore.
He was given acompletebreakdown of this law and its effects, twice. I even cited the entire Atlantic article,in fullexplaining how this law accomplishes allowing discrimination based on religious beliefs, and how that isentirely analogousto the justifications used for segregation and business discrimination against blacks in the South in the pre Civil Rights era.
Hisrepeated assertionsthat I haven't explained this to him isdishonest, deceitful, demonstrably false on its face.
Here's the main problem. You are so stupid that you think I'm debating. Much like the evolution discussion, I was just asking questions. I dare you to find where I've taken a side in this thread (the jokes don't count, like being against gays servicing gays). All I've done is ask questions, which you got offended by because you are a tiny person a personality disorder.This is the game he wants to play, I'm not going to play it. He is a dishonest debater
I don't know what's wrong with you bro, but I bet it's hard to pronounce.