Sure, I guess the reason I lump it in is because, anecdotally speaking, when you bring up the history of child rape in the Catholic Church to many Catholics, their first response is to try and underplay its influence, like they'll say shit like "Well the incidences of child rape in the Church are lower than the rate for child rape in schools, or in the public, or in X other institution"
I really don't think they've fully grasped that their claim is that the Catholic Church, and the Pope, are the Right Hand of God on Earth, and that therefore the instances of child rape in God's Own Organization should be exactly and precisely nil.
But yeah I mean we could take out child rape and replace it with all sorts of bollocks. Stigmata. The belief that objects can hold powers of good and evil. Statues bleeding from their eyes and anuses. The Miracle of the Sun.
The broader point being, Catholics are just as batshit cray cray as the Protestants, they're just better at hiding it.
You talk to a broad enough spectrum of Catholics, you'll find the sort of sentiment Vimeseh put forward is really quite common. They sort of stick their noses in the air, claim "Well we believe in Evolution! (God Did It (tm)) and Science! (God Did That Too (tm)) We're so much more erudite and respectable and reasonable and "common sensical" than those snake handling tongues speaking lunatic Protestants. Martin Luther was such a turd!"
Its pure bollocks. We're talking about the people who promoted the Crusades (almost justified at first as a response to Muslim aggression), who engaged in the Inquisition, burned witches and heretics regularly, excommunicated vast swaths of heretical viewpoints, spent centuries promoting the belief that the Jews Killed Jesus (tm) until Vatican 2, where suddenly The Jews Didn't Kill Jesus After All (tm), so forth and so on.
I think the thing that irks me about it most is that Catholics don't see that, and they don't get that the Protestants are sitting in their pews on Sundays condemning the Catholics for beliefs like the Saints (Paganism and Idolatry) in the exact same way, and they believe they're better than the Catholics for the exact same reasons (we're really centrists, we follow God's word more accurately, its just "common sense", so forth). Its literal pot meet kettle behavior, and both sides have their heads up their own asses so far neither of them realize it. It takes someone sitting on the outside to see it.