Investing General Discussion

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
So Goog hammered on this anti trust news. After already being one of the slowest recovering mag7 stocks. Is it a buy though? I honestly would be shocked if the gov finally wakes up from its 25 year slumber on anti trust but who knows.

Theyre not breaking up GOOGL, its one of their biggest propaganda partners.

What they will likely do is force Google to end exclusivity deals, and letting Apple users choose default search engines. And then slap a fine in low B's to make sure it looks super cereal, which Google will pay with 2-3 days worth of company revenue.
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Sanrith Descartes

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So Goog hammered on this anti trust news. After already being one of the slowest recovering mag7 stocks. Is it a buy though? I honestly would be shocked if the gov finally wakes up from its 25 year slumber on anti trust but who knows.
If I thought it was a lock to break them up I would consider it a buy. Get shares of all the spinoff companies and dump all the shitty ones. The couple of core businesses are where the money is.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Theyre not breaking up GOOGL, its one of their biggest propaganda partners.

What they will likely do is force Google to end exclusivity deals, and letting Apple users choose default search engines. And then slap a fine in low B's to make sure it looks super cereal, which Google will pay with 2-3 days worth of company revenue.
This. GOOGL have captured both sides of the aisle, there's no way this is happening, sadly.

If anything, I would bet their corporate execs are eyeing this as an opportunity to cut the dead weight parts of their behemoth as a limited hangout and gesture of goodwill while it's really business as usual. For those with no moral qualms about this company, look for buying opportunities. Plus, anti-trust will take YEARS of fighting and wrangling to conclude, so it's a ways out yet no matter what happens.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
This. GOOGL have captured both sides of the aisle, there's no way this is happening, sadly.

If anything, I would bet their corporate execs are eyeing this as an opportunity to cut the dead weight parts of their behemoth as a limited hangout and gesture of goodwill while it's really business as usual. For those with no moral qualms about this company, look for buying opportunities. Plus, anti-trust will take YEARS of fighting and wrangling to conclude, so it's a ways out yet no matter what happens.


A good example of what will happen is MSFT with Internet Explorer 20 years ago. Nothing significant really happened. Thinking that a top 10 US company by market cap is going to get split up is beyond hopium

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I bought the NVDA dip, rode it up to $900+ profit today. T'was a good day. :cool:

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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I don't do much shopping at either. But when I do I go to Home Depot for one reason. The one near me has a drive in on one end. Drive the truck in and it's air conditioned. Load up any large stuff or wood products. Drive to the exit and the checker uses her wand to scan the stuff. Pay and drive out.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
I don't do much shopping at either. But when I do I go to Home Depot for one reason. The one near me has a drive in on one end. Drive the truck in and it's air conditioned. Load up any large stuff or wood products. Drive to the exit and the checker uses her wand to scan the stuff. Pay and drive out.

that sounds awesome. Can kinda do this at local lumber yards but not the easy self load checkout stuff

Sanrith Descartes

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WMT with double beat and raises guidance. Earnings per share up 10% over prior year quarter.

Sanrith Descartes

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Retail Sales 1.0%, Exp. 0.4%
Retail Sales ex auto 0.4%, Exp. 0.1%
Retail Sales Control Group 0.3%, Exp. 0.1%

Edit: and of course previous month was revised downward. Eight of previous 12 months have been revised downward.
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  • 2Worf
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
For anyone into Monkeypox investing. I'm not endorsing these, just passing them along

  • 1Mother of God
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Well, glad I didn't sell anything off. My 100% SPLG position has essentially fully recovered it's value. Down a couple thousand from its all time high, but nowhere near the travesty of last week that lasted almost no time at all. Absolutely would have ended up selling at the bottom!
  • 2Diamond Hands
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Sanrith Descartes

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Well, glad I didn't sell anything off. My 100% SPLG position has essentially fully recovered it's value. Down a couple thousand from its all time high, but nowhere near the travesty of last week that lasted almost no time at all. Absolutely would have ended up selling at the bottom!
Fear is the portfolio killer. Well, fear and buying INTC.
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Trakanon Raider
I’m up 5% on the one share of intc I bought as a joke. Almost wish I bought more but not really.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Total gain on my RKLB position with average cost basis.

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<Silver Donator>
Question for those more knowledgeable....

Executives and others who have lots of stock in companies can file stock dispensation plans. I know that. It's the thing which says , in advance, "on the Xth monday-friday every so many months I'm going to autosell some amount of my stock I hold in this company", or something to that effect stating that they're selling on a given day some amount of stock.

When they do this, can they ignore "stock blackout dates" which are enforced for people with insider knowledge of the companies stock?


Trakanon Raider
Question for those more knowledgeable....

Executives and others who have lots of stock in companies can file stock dispensation plans. I know that. It's the thing which says , in advance, "on the Xth monday-friday every so many months I'm going to autosell some amount of my stock I hold in this company", or something to that effect stating that they're selling on a given day some amount of stock.

When they do this, can they ignore "stock blackout dates" which are enforced for people with insider knowledge of the companies stock?
Technically, it's the company setting and enforcing its own the blackout periods for its insiders, not the SEC. So blackout policy will vary from company to company.

That said, the entire point of 10b5-1 (what you're calling a dispensation plan), which is an SEC construct, is that the stock can be sold on a date when the person selling it has insider knowledge without constituting insider trading. At least in my organization, that means that if you enter into a sale plan, as long as you don't have relevant insider knowledge relating to the sale date at the time you enter, you can possess insider knowledge on the date of the sale, which includes overlapping the sale date with the blackout period.

Other orgs might have different policies on how the two intersect.
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