Well that's because the charts always go up and to the right when you zoom out more than a year or two.I know you're generally bullish as a rule.
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Well that's because the charts always go up and to the right when you zoom out more than a year or two.I know you're generally bullish as a rule.
I don't buy into that kind of thinking in the first place. It's complete folly. So yesterday it was .50 and that was bullish now this morning its making a sharp turn to 0.25 AND that's bullish. Why do you want to tie the markets movement to a particular data point?I dont freakin know man, thats why I'm reading what other people write about it.
I may have missed your take. I know you're generally bullish as a rule. But if its 0.25 what do the markets do? If its 0.5 what do they do?
My observation about how nobody seems willing to make this prediction was not directed at you, btw. Just an observation on investing writers in general. Do you disagree with the observation?
Actually you can to a degree. Market has begun to price in a 50 pt cut. At this point a 25 cut would mostly likely be seen as disappointing from a price perspective and I would expect the market to react negatively. Similar to mortgage rates. This rate cut has effectively already been priced in by brokers on mortgages.Every site that discusses investing loves to predict "will it be 0.25 or 0.5" but no one's willing to predict the only thing that matters: how the market will respond
But the day after the cut we're gonna see approximately one billion articles patiently explaining with a sensible chuckle why it was obviously going to do what it did
It's unnecessary call to make and it's a mistake to even put that much weight on an answer. It's not hard, it's stupid.Its cool, I get that its not an easy call to make. I don't know the answer either.
I definitely don't have a bull spirit animal, if I have one at a all its a tortoise. Weight of the evidence. Open mind, respond to the evidence in hand. This has been another important lesson that for many will just be completely missed. I was wanting to be bearish. I posted it, I took action. I continued to look at the what was occurring and bought because despite my concern of older evidence, newer evidence was mounting for more upside. I would have absolutely loved more downside. People too often take a position then seek to reinforce it. Day at a time, no team jersey necessary.
I set you up for a nice comical response and you give me this.I definitely don't have a bull spirit animal, if I have one at a all its a tortoise. Weight of the evidence. Open mind, respond to the evidence in hand. This has been another important lesson that for many will just be completely missed. I was wanting to be bearish. I posted it, I took action. I continued to look at the what was occurring and bought because despite my concern of older evidence, newer evidence was mounting for more upside. I would have absolutely loved more downside. People too often take a position then seek to reinforce it. Day at a time, no team jersey necessary.
On this mornings action, not crazy about a gap up ATH hoping we pull back today and fill that. It's a piece of evidence that we made a new ATH without the fed decision. Lots of improving charts. I continue to focus on SPY 570 I'll worry about beyond that when we get there. The behavior bulls want to see is a movement away from this level. Traders are going to be tripping over themselves throwing the word Trap around non stop the rest of the week. It's a dangerous time with the size of OPEX this week.
Me waiting forIt's unnecessary call to make and it's a mistake to even put that much weight on an answer. It's not hard, it's stupid.