I didn't neg for reciprocation purposes, Furious. It was because you said it was the best movie of the last two years. I can't reward trolling, son.
On that note, did anyone really care about Theon as the villain? Dredd at least had Cersei actually being something worthwhile. Theon's father wasn't much to speak of either, though I love how he's the one who comes closest to beating Wick when 80+ other fitter, stronger, younger guys didn't even come close (except the head bodyguard guy). It reminded me of that awful Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie film, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Almost no villain of any note to pit the hero against, just nameless henchmen.
I'm already five negs deep in to this, no reason to stop now.
Vvoid, I get your point, but I didn't start with the personal comments. I was only referencing the movie until just the last post or two. I wasn't talking trash to people -- I kept it about the movie. Don't try to equate my movie criticism with people insulting me. Unfortunately, people equate a criticism of something they like as a criticism of them personally, which is a ridiculous way to think. I like reading and talking about movies, even ones I don't like, so I don't see why there has to be some arbitrary time limit when discussing the movie. If I loved the film and I kept agreeing with others who loved the film, I doubt you'd tell me to go away (actually, I'm quite sure, since I don't see you saying that to anyone else).
Of course, if people are just going to troll me, then yeah, there's not much point in talking about it, but it didn't start out that way (Xevy was pretty reasonable right until the very end).
Edit: Because I saw this film mentioned several times earlier and to blow minds even further: I think Collateral was a great film. But it's pretty different than John Wick.