Who is agreeing that Taylor Swift is a bigger cultural and musical influence than Queen?I love how this thread goes on for several pages of everyone talking shit about my statements then arguments and discourse circling back to in the end everyone agreeing with me
Just like every other topic I post about.
The little-seen, all-natural, totally organic creation of the Beatles:The Beatles were a bunch of faggots who got most of their popularity from being lefty cocksuckers.
Is saying you're bigger than Jesus some sort of accomplishment in the midst of hippy atheist 'cool-kid' movements starting to take over and ruin this country (and all the west I suppose) supposed to be some shining badge of impossible to earn honor? In a rising sea of "lol gov't bad, drugs good, have sex with every random person you meet cause life should be a big party and screw the government and rules just do what you want when you want" they were just the largest shiny turd for people to cling on to.
Also, much like with the Madonna vs Gaga stuff, you can't fairly compare The Beatles "defining rock music" from decades ago when everything was massively more limited from getting started to becoming known to staying relevant with anything modern.
Rush!Oh, that reminds me. one we all missed.
Nine inch nails. albums, video games, and soundtracks. Trent has crazy influence. even if its not as directly in your face as beatles, etc.
john williams and danny elfman probably should be considered as well..
Probably one of the most influential bands ever. So many famous musicians always cite them as a major influence growing up. To me they're probably as big as the Beatles. It's just a shame that I'll never get to see them live again, but I'm lucky enough to have seen them four times. My second favorite band.
Lucky bastard. That's pretty awesome though I only got to see them four times. I say they're not necessarily my favorite band but they are, it's a toss-up between them and Deadbolt, but that's apples and oranges. Just depends on what mood I'm in.Rush is easily the band I have seen live the most and also I would probably name as my favorite band if I was forced to pick. 14 times between the Presto and Vapor Trails tours. I saw the Roll the Bones and Counterparts 4 times, Test for Echo 3 times, and Presto/Vapor Trails once each.
They are all legends. I think Lifeson is a bit under appreciated though. He was just with two guys that were true masters at their craft.Lucky bastard. That's pretty awesome though I only got to see them four times. I say they're not necessarily my favorite band but they are, it's a toss-up between them and Deadbolt, but that's apples and oranges. Just depends on what mood I'm in.
King Crimson is up there too, even though I've never gotten a chance to see them. I don't even know what lineup they have right now or if they're touring.
Ain't going to lie, I shed a few tears when I heard Neil Peart passed away. Greatest drummer ever, and one of the best songwriters.
Also this movie looks like a pile of shit!
One of the best, for sure. Not sure I could pick a single one, but that one definitely has a set that has stood the test of time.the best mtv unplugged
101 artists, who was better?
Runaway Train is still an amazing song. As well as "all apologies" by Nirvana. Cranberries had a decent run. Dolores sung her little Irish heart out. Gwen and " don't speak" or "it's my life," are great too. The 90s were great for the first half.Thats because Xers have fond memories of the album due to it being the last thing they put out before Cobain decided he had enough of Courtney Love and played a losing round of Shotgun Kazoo. I will credit Heart Shaped Box as being probably their best song affecting that opinion, as well. But I actually agree with you and did strongly at the time. My parents would go on and on about a number of artists who's lives got cut short to tragedy (60s was absolutely murderous for plane crashes) many of whom had far bigger contributions to the art form (Jim Croce is a standout to me and still listened to by new generations every few years) while Nirvana's main draws were the time they entered the industry and how emo Curt was making all the vapid flannel skanks of that era moist in the jeans.
Pearl Jam, Radio Head, Weezer, and Alice in Chains are probably the only bands of that entire era who might be of lasting value and that very much comes down to personal taste (and how much you can ignore Vedder's politics when listening to him). Rest of that period is wall to wall junkies who offed themselves or low fashioned hair bands that tried to ride the Grunge wave. Does anyone even listen to Blind Melon, Soul Asylum, Sublime, No Doubt, Damn Yankees, Dave Matthews Band, Bush, ect ect outside of punching up one song at the bar jukebox to score some old gal stink finger anymore? And there are tons of bands who like Nirvana cranked out one really great album but could never repeat that level of success, like Blues Traveler, Cranberrys, STP, Janes Addiction, Black Crows, ect. Plus there were tons of middle of the road bands who followed the old model of 1-2 hits and a bunch of filler on their Albums who died off when CDs gave way to MP3s. But everyone at the time was nutz about that shit up until the point where it proofed out of existence.
Rush is easily the band I have seen live the most and also I would probably name as my favorite band if I was forced to pick. 14 times between the Presto and Vapor Trails tours. I saw the Roll the Bones and Counterparts 4 times, Test for Echo 3 times, and Presto/Vapor Trails once each.
Alice in Chains' Unplugged blows them away IMO. Especially knowing how fucked up Lane was at the time and what he was dealing with. You can even see Cantrell almost shed a tear at one point and crack a smile when Lane absolutely nails a note, knowing where it's all likely heading..the best mtv unplugged
101 artists, who was better?
They were lip syncers to songs they didn't even sing.Milli vanilla was fucked over like Nixon. Not saying they were amazing but they got called out for lip singing........