They start the game with, what looks like, the willingness to "be real" - your bro gets his eye jabbed out, and it stays jabbed out. Then he dies... then you do alllllll this stuff to des ex machina him back... and... like... okay, after all you learned and did and after everything you see in the events to get him back- your main characters really should have done something to actually stop the big bad... the big bad that you just kinda let wonder off, allowing the cycle to continue and leaving your world and others in a sort of ruined state... for once the "get the happy ending" makes more sense and the "it does not always turn out good and perfect" seems MORE forced and MORE convoluted.
They had many chances in the game to make things substantial, your bro's death etc. but no it all is sacrificed because they want this all to LEAD INTO SOMETHING SUPER MORE, all things that are very vague and kinda ehh all at the end.