Justice for Zimmerman

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Musty Nester
It's either a gun control topic or a "LOOK AT THE American Inventor KILLER" topic.

There just isn't anything else to talk about. Pretty much a bullshit case to begin with.


How is a neighborhood watch "looking for trouble"? That's like saying you're "looking for trouble" if you keep an eye on your staff to make sure they aren't looting the safe.
I don't mean to imply that "looking for trouble" is the same as "looking for a fight". I mean that if you've got an eye out for suspicious people who look like they might be involved in criminal activity, in a very real sense that's looking for trouble. That's not a bad thing at all, by the way.


Trakanon Raider
However, seemingly because he was carrying that gun, the events that unfurled that night resulted in an unnecessary death.
I feel like you've made some legit strides in the last few posts but this quote rubs me wrong. I can't put my finger on it but it seems to be coming down to "chicken or the egg."


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
It's either a gun control topic or a "LOOK AT THE American Inventor KILLER" topic.

There just isn't anything else to talk about. Pretty much a bullshit case to begin with.
this sounds like gun control topic and considering it's previous posts in the past, I am gonna go for both. what a shit.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>


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Just rustled jimmies


Mr. Poopybutthole
I feel like you've made some legit strides in the last few posts but this quote rubs me wrong. I can't put my finger on it but it seems to be coming down to "chicken or the egg."
The reason that quote is rubbing you wrong is because the quote places the blame on the victim (Zimmerman) and completely absolves the criminal (Martin) of any wrongdoing.


Musty Nester
I feel like you've made some legit strides in the last few posts but this quote rubs me wrong. I can't put my finger on it but it seems to be coming down to "chicken or the egg."
Well That's the rub of it. It's not something that anyone can possibly know. Would T have run away, or would T have beaten Z to injury/death, or something else? Either way as cad pointed out it doesn't matter, but that natural and inescapable assumption of what didn't happen does color your perception of what did happen.


I feel like you've made some legit strides in the last few posts but this quote rubs me wrong. I can't put my finger on it but it seems to be coming down to "chicken or the egg."
Yeah, from a legal standpoint at least it seems more and more like there simply isn't any good reason reason to charge Zimmerman with anything at all.

why does it even matter that gun may have lead to death.... presumptive conclusion of any deadly force is probable death but not absolutely....this is a danger which criminals or an alleged criminal should have been aware of in case they are to commit crime and face a lawful citizen who may possess these deadly fire-arms..either in property protection or self-defense cases...
Well said.

Really, it seems like the only way to find Zimmerman guilty of anything is to show that he attacked first, which really doesn't seem like it's going to happen.

Apparently the prosecution is going to try to make something of the fact that Zimmerman's DNA wasn't under Martin's fingernails, and Martin's DNA wasn't on the gun. Not very strong evidence, though, as DNA is flaky that way, especially when it's raining.


Molten Core Raider
non-lethal is great, until it doesn't work, which is quite often.
Yeah, you get one shot with a taser, if they're wearing a leather jacket you're shit outta luck. Pepperspray just pisses off a drunk or pumped up with adrenaline/cocaine attacker. Non lethal tech is a joke currently.


I don't mean to imply that "looking for trouble" is the same as "looking for a fight". I mean that if you've got an eye out for suspicious people who look like they might be involved in criminal activity, in a very real sense that's looking for trouble. That's not a bad thing at all, by the way.
It's not the same as looking for trouble at all. It is being alert and aware of any person trying to do harm, whether it be theft or violence to your community. Don't ignore the fact he called an emergency number to get law enforcement or at least someone with legal power to come. He did not, from the evidence we have, go around shoving and starting fights with suspicious people.

Why the fuck am I even replying, you clearly see nothing wrong with your sick world view. I almost hope a woman identifies a suspicious black person and ends up killing them in self defense so it gets blown out of proportion just so we can all see your reaction. I guarantee it will be the complete opposite of what it has been thus far.


Karazhan Raider
i haven't read this thread up to now cos i don't care about it. don't read the political threads either; don't give a shit. but after the out-of-nowhere "porn/racism" thread, i had to see what was going on w/ this treyvan chap.

couldn't stand past 17 seconds of that rap song with the hoodie. it's ridiculous to turn this into a racial thing. even if cowboy taco shot him for being black and cried out, "i'm shooting this kid for being black," it doesn't matter. it's still an individual situation. then everything goes ethnocentric

not a big fan

still don't give a shit.
Well That's the rub of it. It's not something that anyone can possibly know. Would T have run away, or would T have beaten Z to injury/death, or something else? Either way as cad pointed out it doesn't matter, but that natural and inescapable assumption of what didn't happen does color your perception of what did happen.
Trademark would have continued making Zimmerman his bitch until the Police arrived, at which point they would have shot Trademark. And we would be in the same spot we are in today.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Nah, the cops would have been "fired" for 6 months, then re-hired with backpay and no one would care at that point.


Gunnar Durden
I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that TM was a little shit. Headed full speed to a life of crime.

Retarded. Yah, a teen fucking around with rebellious behavior is a dead lok to be a murdering drug addict thug. I did shit like that when I was a teen. Then I got my fucking head on straight and grew up.

That shit has nothing to do with the topic. Take all that away and make trayvon a straight a student and the nights events would have played out the same way. Feel like I'm the only person that thinks both trayvon and Zimmerman are equally responsible for the event. Everyone else feels the need to make Zimmerman a racist or trayvon a thug.

They both are responsible for the fight which ended it a dead teenager. And unless they change the laws, Zimmerman didn't break any. I do agree he is a wannabe vigilante but he's not a murderer.


Retarded. Yah, a teen fucking around with rebellious behavior is a dead lok to be a murdering drug addict thug. I did shit like that when I was a teen. Then I got my fucking head on straight and grew up.

That shit has nothing to do with the topic. Take all that away and make trayvon a straight a student and the nights events would have played out the same way. Feel like I'm the only person that thinks both trayvon and Zimmerman are equally responsible for the event. Everyone else feels the need to make Zimmerman a racist or trayvon a thug.

They both are responsible for the fight which ended it a dead teenager. And unless they change the laws, Zimmerman didn't break any. I do agree he is a wannabe vigilante but he's not a murderer.
But... but Treyvonsmoked pot. Only thugs do that.


Trakanon Raider
I'm confused how you can call Zimmerman a wannabe vigilante but dismiss the claims that Martin was a wannabe thug.
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