Justice for Zimmerman

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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
By that logic, if someone got into a fight and got punched in the face, he could consider the other person as "trying to kill him". The face is above the neck, after all. He could be knocked unconscious and smack his head on something on the way down. He could suffer a concussion or permanent brain injury. Could he then justifiably produce a gun and shoot the other person to prevent these possible life-endangering outcomes?

Besides, you're ignoring that Zimmerman didn't use his gun to stop the beating. He used it because Martin was going for it. If Zimmerman himself didn't consider the fight life-threatening until the gun came into the picture, why make that assumption for him?
You do realize blows to the head are usually considered deadly force?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You don't need to learn about deadly force being a professor of women's studies at Montreal Liberal Arts University.


Unelected Mod
professor of women's studies
Tanoomba is so far on the right compared to my professor that taught women's studies that he might as well be Cheney. Stop being silly, his opinions on this case are very reasonable. I mean, hell, he agrees that Zimmerman shouldn't be convicted and that the racial angle was overplayed by the media.


You do realize blows to the head are usually considered deadly force?
But then we have to acknowledge that every fight that ever occurred where somebody was punched in the face is an example of being attacked with deadly force. By that logic, being punched in the face means you can claim you felt your life was in danger and shoot the person who punched you.



Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
But then we have to acknowledge that every fight that ever occurred where somebody was punched in the face is an example of being attacked with deadly force. By that logic, being punched in the face means you can claim you felt your life was in danger and shoot the person who punched you.

Pretty much. Since when has it been okay to go around punching people in the face?

Why are you trying to apologize for violent scumbags?


Pretty much. Since when has it been okay to go around punching people in the face?

Why are you trying to apologize for violent scumbags?
He's white guilt is over 9000 that's why.

Any blow to the head is very serious. If you feel your life is in danger after being hit in the head and use deadly force, well that is why we have investigations and a justice system to determine if the application of that force in that situation was just.

Article about a ref dying after being punched in the head by a teen.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
But then we have to acknowledge that every fight that ever occurred where somebody was punched in the face is an example of being attacked with deadly force. By that logic, being punched in the face means you can claim you felt your life was in danger and shoot the person who punched you.

As ridiculous as it sounds, the laws in Florida would most likely support that.

I can't wait for someone to punch me in the face down here!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
But then we have to acknowledge that every fight that ever occurred where somebody was punched in the face is an example of being attacked with deadly force
It is. If you're over about 26, being punched in the face or taking a blow to the head is always potentially life threatening, and is always an example of being attacked with potentially deadly force.

And if you are assaulted out of the blue and punched in the head, you do in fact have every right to claim your life was in danger and to shoot the person who did so. Because it was.

People have punched people one time walking down the street and it has killed them.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So when does Numbers get RRP'd for shitposting exactly?

Because that's literally all he does.


Pretty much. Since when has it been okay to go around punching people in the face?

Why are you trying to apologize for violent scumbags?
I'm not trying to apologize for anyone. I'm just casting doubt on several assertions that Zimmerman getting his head "repeatedly bashed into concrete" is what made him fear for his life and shoot Martin in self-defense. You can get hit in the head and not fear for your life. Yes, even on concrete. Zimmerman apparently felt that calling for help was enough action on his part while he was being beaten up. It wasn't until Martin went for the gun that Zimmerman felt his life was in danger. You can tell me Zimmerman would have been more than justified in drawing his gun and shooting Martin well before Martin made a grab for the gun and from a legal standpoint you'd be right, but that's not what happened so it's pointless to keep talking about how serious head injuries can be and how if someone was bashing your head against concrete you'd fear for your life. The fact that he was carrying a gun is ultimately what led to a struggle that cost someone his life. It wasn't illegal, he shouldn't go to jail, but that's what happened. Take it for what it's worth.

Note: I'm not arguing about whether Zimmerman should be considered guilty of anything, because according to everything I've seen he shouldn't. Most of us are pretty much on the same page there. I just think some of the arguments used to defend him are weak and, frankly, unnecessary given the lack of evidence that contradicts his own story.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm not trying to apologize for anyone. I'm just casting doubt on several assertions that Zimmerman getting his head "repeatedly bashed into concrete" is what made him fear for his life and shoot Martin in self-defense. You can get hit in the head and not fear for your life. Yes, even on concrete.
When I was 18, a friend of mine was walking down the street when a man came up to him from behind, and slammed him on his head on the concrete. He had to have his head cut up, parts of his brain removed, parts of his skull replaced, and he has been on permanent medication since.

This post you've made is pure troll. There is no instance where you are getting your head bashed into concrete where you should not fear for your life, and there's no doubt about that.


So when does Numbers get RRP'd for shitposting exactly?

Because that's literally all he does.
Yes and Tanoomba please.

So in Tanoomba's argument legally carrying a gun is morally wrong as it could result in the death of someone. What's to say the cops wouldn't have shot Martin or that Zimmerman wouldn't have choked him the fuck out if the fight continued. Speculation, speculation, assumptions...Tanoomba's post summarized.


It sounds like your friend had some genetic defects allowing him to be hurt more easily than a normal person. He must have a been a Darwinian reject. Or that story has little to nothing to do with the case being discussed.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
It sounds like your friend had some genetic defects allowing him to be hurt more easily than a normal person.
Point us to any post you've made on these forums which contributes in any degree.

I'll be waiting.
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