Justice for Zimmerman

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Mr. Poopybutthole
Retarded. Yah, a teen fucking around with rebellious behavior is a dead lok to be a murdering drug addict thug. I did shit like that when I was a teen. Then I got my fucking head on straight and grew up.

That shit has nothing to do with the topic. Take all that away and make trayvon a straight a student and the nights events would have played out the same way. Feel like I'm the only person that thinks both trayvon and Zimmerman are equally responsible for the event. Everyone else feels the need to make Zimmerman a racist or trayvon a thug.

They both are responsible for the fight which ended it a dead teenager. And unless they change the laws, Zimmerman didn't break any. I do agree he is a wannabe vigilante but he's not a murderer.
Yeah, I'm sure trying to buy a pistol is just a phase that kids go through too.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Take all that away and make trayvon a straight a student and the nights events would have played out the same way.
[citation needed]



Vyemm Raider
Did GZ feel that is life could have ended in the confrontation?
Did GZ initiate the confrontation? (the real question) I am under the impression you can not use Self defense if you started shit.
When are we going to consider the confrontation starting? following a suspicious person? or a fist to the face?

None of the other shit you bitches are babbling about matters.


Unelected Mod
None of the other shit you bitches are babbling about matters.
Thanks for your great contribution on exactly what and what doesn't matter in this case. None of us have ever considered what constitutes starting a confrontation before now. However, since as you have pointed out that it is the only thing that matters, I am sure we will have a great debate on it.

Or, on the other hand, you could have read the thread before this point and realized we spent fuckloads of pages debating it already.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Did GZ initiate the confrontation? (the real question)
We already covered this, Rachel Jenteal stated in court that Trademark went BACK to the T intersection to confront Zimmerman, and Zimmerman's story which has been consistent from day 1 states that Trayvon came up to him. The timeline also indicates that Trayvon had 2 full minutes from the time Zimmerman lost sight of him to reach his dad's girlfriend's house, 2 minutes to go about 100 yards.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Retarded. Yah, a teen fucking around with rebellious behavior is a dead lok to be a murdering drug addict thug. I did shit like that when I was a teen. Then I got my fucking head on straight and grew up.
Unless you were found with "found" jewelry and what was classified as a burglary tool in school, posted online about how much you love weed and sizzurp, posted pics of you with your illegally acquired handgun and I don't think has been mentioned before in this thread, a slim-jim lock picking tool was found in the bushes near where little Trademark was most likely waiting, you were nowhere near the same path that precious little Trayvon was on. He was going to be a pilot afterall.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Let's dig him up and shoot him again, just for being a cunt!
If there was true justice in this world I'd say we re-animate his corpse and make him fuck ol Rachel there until he dies again, probably from a crushed pelvis.


Potato del Grande
They both are responsible for the fight which ended it a dead teenager. And unless they change the laws, Zimmerman didn't break any. I do agree he is a wannabe vigilante but he's not a murderer.
Yeah that damn Zimmerman causing people to rush up and fight him. He's just like all those damn random people in NY and other areas who get sliced the fuck up by gang members doing their initiations. If those silly people just wouldn't antagonize those "teens who haven't had a chance to get their head on straight because it's just teenagers being teenagers" then violence would end and thugs would be no more. I know when I was 15 walking through a neighborhood i'd run up and try and fuck someone's shit up, especially if they were talking about cops coming for me despite me doing nothing wrong!


Millie's Staff Member
gunnar, if you were like trayvon as a youth and you got your life together, then why would you disagree with someone else saying TM was heading for a life of crime? and in this case we dont even have to take GZ word for it that he was in fear of his life. all the physical evidence backs up that claim.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In fact, wasn't it mentioned in the previous thread that Zimmerman was carrying a gun because of a loose pit bull? I haven't heard mention of that since, but if it's true it could indicate that Zimmerman had no intention of relying on his gun in any confrontation with another person at all. That would certainly explain why he wouldn't draw it while approached by Martin, or while Martin was beating him up. This actually makes him more sympathetic in my book, but it again suggests that carrying the gun had more to do with the death than anything else that occurred.
I think you are associating the blame for Martin's death with your own bias of the case. Trying to blame the death on Zimmerman because he had a gun is like saying it is his fault because he got out of bed that day. I would say the main reason for Martin's death is because he beat the crap out of Zimmerman. If that never happened, then Zimmerman would have never shot Martin. I will admit that is assuming that Martin started the physical confrontation, but I believe that is a logical assumption based on all the evidence we have seen.


Molten Core Raider
You know how i know Zimmerman killed out of fear (ie: in self defense?)He only fired one fucking shot. If someone attacked me I would unload that fucking thing into his chest and head until he was down and fucking out (ie: no longer a threat to me). You have no way of knowing if the attacker/burglar has a gun too, and an action is always faster than a reaction. ANY conceal and carry class teaches you to unload into the motherfucker until you are 100% positive that threat is neutralized.


Gunnar Durden
Yeah that damn Zimmerman causing people to rush up and fight him. He's just like all those damn random people in NY and other areas who get sliced the fuck up by gang members doing their initiations. If those silly people just wouldn't antagonize those "teens who haven't had a chance to get their head on straight because it's just teenagers being teenagers" then violence would end and thugs would be no more. I know when I was 15 walking through a neighborhood i'd run up and try and fuck someone's shit up, especially if they were talking about cops coming for me despite me doing nothing wrong!
gunnar, if you were like trayvon as a youth and you got your life together, then why would you disagree with someone else saying TM was heading for a life of crime? and in this case we dont even have to take GZ word for it that he was in fear of his life. all the physical evidence backs up that claim.
What? So saying doing stupid things as a kid and then growing out of it means that others can't? My statement is that doing stupid rebellious shit doesn't make you a life long shit bag like people assume trayvon be. My statements show that in my experience that you can be ok. And you think that's some kind of proof that oh shit Wakandan must have been a thug? Not sure I understand the question.


Gunnar Durden
Yeah, I'm sure trying to buy a pistol is just a phase that kids go through too.
Oh shit you are tight. That makes every gun owner ever a thug.

Kid was trying to live the "life". Doesn't mean he was going to grow up into a pos that deserved to die.


Gunnar Durden
[citation needed]

Once more..so what? Zimmerman didn't see that. Didn't know about it. Trayvon didn't have a gun on him.

This picture has nothing to do with the facts that less to Zimmerman and trayvon fighting, I'll go as far as to accept gz shooting in self defense in being beaten by trayvon. If that gun pic didn't exist it wouldn't make a difference. Would have went down the same.

I fully support that gz didn't intend or want to kill trayvon. But bringing up shit like this is irrelevant.

I guarantee you that at many points in his life gz called people American Inventors and had prejudice like many Americans. Doesn't mean he wanted to kill trayvon cause he was black

Edit can't get multiple quotes to work so have to triple post


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I 100% disagree. It goes to show the kind of person Trayvon may have been. IE a wannabe thug. A kid that would have no issue confronting Zimmerman and starting shit.


it doesn't matter what kind of person he might have been as far as the trial goes. unless he was sitting there smoking a blunt at the time, or showing terrible trigger discipline at the scene of the crime, those events will not/cannot affect the trial*

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