Justice for Zimmerman

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Is ebonics offically a language now? I remeber a few years ago during my college days that there was a debate about it and it was not even able to fall under a dialect, let alone its own language... and it shouldent be- thats like saying gutter speak is an offical dialect or another language to 'the kings' english...

the media is still trying their damnedest to make it out like zimmerman stalked and attacked martin.

That huff post artical about the 6 things that could have been done to prevent martin's death was stupid. Most of those points where refuted during the trial... how about a list of 1 thing-- DONT PUNCH PEOPLE IN THE FACE
Linguistics and communications academics probably consider it a language, but their standards are not...really all that stringent, I imagine.

I dunno, linguistics in the US is technically considered a branch of anthropology, but that's slowly becoming less true and where I would have been required to take at least one or two undergrad linguistics classes a decade ago for my degree, its no longer required, so I don't have enough background to speak on it from that angle.


Blackwing Lair Raider
al sharpton: ,"I tell my kids not to say Wakandan or cracka but that's just the way some of ya'll talk"
Jenteal: "How we speak is our culture"
That's bullshit. As I said above my town is almost evenly mixed black and white, a lot of mixed marriages too. The kids in my sons school are all from at least middle class families, mostly upper middle class I'd say. All speak perfect english, very bright, great kids regardless of skin color.

Go a mile or two down to the other end of town and it's a different story.


That's racist, don't belittle their culture by saying there is something 'wrong' with it!
Oh ok you're right, their culture is perfect, they have reached the pinnacle of logic and reason. Their artwork is unrivaled in all the galaxy and their engineering has created wonders beyond the dreams of mankind.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The other day when the whole "3 languages" thing was mentioned I did some research into Creole. I have no fucking clue how someone can consider it a language. It developed out of a pidgin, so you're essentially saying it's a half-assed language, but because enough people "speak" it, it's a language. Yeah, sure...ok.

It honestly sounds like they just set the bar really low on what a language is and Creole kinda fits into that definition.


Avatar of War Slayer
Linguistics and communications academics probably consider it a language, but their standards are not...really all that stringent, I imagine.

I dunno, linguistics in the US is technically considered a branch of anthropology, but that's slowly becoming less true and where I would have been required to take at least one or two undergrad linguistics classes a decade ago for my degree, its no longer required, so I don't have enough background to speak on it from that angle.
The arguments I was aware of during my schooling where from communication academics, it actually was a few debates that started from one student wanting to do XYZ with Ebonics etc - a lot of the core arguments - at that time - where based around that ebonics had no rules- being many years later I am sure there may be some rules to an ebonics dialect or even language... but are they established etc I do not know... I was just wondering- from an academic point of view. I know many blacks feel that ebonics is a tried and true seperate language, I feel thats ignorant and thats to say speaking southern red-neck 'mericuh is another language... but I could totally be wrong and it is actually another dialect or language. Then if it is- how did it get that way? did it get that way through naturall means like all other languages etc or did it get there the same way this trial got into court? heh


Vyemm Raider
Oh ok you're right, their culture is perfect, they have reached the pinnacle of logic and reason. Their artwork is unrivaled in all the galaxy and their engineering has created wonders beyond the dreams of mankind.


That's bullshit. As I said above my town is almost evenly mixed black and white, a lot of mixed marriages too. The kids in my sons school are all from at least middle class families, mostly upper middle class I'd say. All speak perfect english, very bright, great kids regardless of skin color.

Go a mile or two down to the other end of town and it's a different story.
Bingo. This is more about class than race these days. I had a friend living up in Washington in a good area with some middle/upper class blacks with a fairly liberal upbringing. He came down around New Orleans to visit for Mardi Gras for a week. He was almost leaning Republican after dealing with "our" blacks.


Millie's Staff Member
they could make ebonics its own official language all they want, but when you look for a job if you arent speaking proper english, at least try to make sure they get the nametag and size right on your maid/janitor uniform.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
dude you can't expect people to socially integrate to increase their chances of being successful that's white male privilege.

check yo privilege.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Yea there's this one mixed black and middle eastern kid in my son's school and you should see how we all ostracize him, and won't even speak to his dad.

Oh wait, that doesn't happen at all, his dad is fucking cool we sit and bullshit after school and let the boys shoot hoops all the time.

We're clearly racist. We don't just disdain low class ghetto people, regardless of race. It's so obvious by our actions.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Is this the ol' "I have a black friend who acts white therefore it's impossible for me to be racist."?

Frankly racist is a dumb term to use in this way. "Culturist" is more accurate and everyone is a culturist.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Is this the ol' "I have a black friend who acts white therefore it's impossible for me to be racist."?

Frankly racist is a dumb term to use in this way. "Culturist" is more accurate and everyone is a culturist.
I'd say classist. I can't stand ghetto ass fucking wal mart white people any more than I can stand ghetto ass wal mart black people.

And the point is, if we were "racist", we'd prejudge that guy on his race and not how he acts, so him acting white would have no relevance. But nobody does that. Black people who act like "us" are accepted. We exclude weirdo chinese people and turban-wearing sand American Inventors too, doesn't mean we hate black people. We hate people who act so differently from us that we can't relate. It's not racism, it's classism or culturism, as you say.

Anything wrong with that? I don't know. It's not good to arbitrarily not like people, but there are people I just don't want to be around if I can avoid it. Am I a bad person?


The culture raising these 2 is clearly dysfunctional. I'm not saying black culture in its entirety is wrong, I'm only speaking for this particular area. I'm sure its not the only one, and its not the only race either.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'd say classist. I can't stand ghetto ass fucking wal mart white people any more than I can stand ghetto ass wal mart black people.

And the point is, if we were "racist", we'd prejudge that guy on his race and not how he acts, so him acting white would have no relevance. But nobody does that. Black people who act like "us" are accepted. We exclude weirdo chinese people and turban-wearing sand American Inventors too, doesn't mean we hate black people. We hate people who act so differently from us that we can't relate. It's not racism, it's classism or culturism, as you say.

Anything wrong with that? I don't know. It's not good to arbitrarily not like people, but there are people I just don't want to be around if I can avoid it. Am I a bad person?
The thing about classism vs culturism is that most people would treat poor:
1. Russian immigrants
2. Rednecks
3. Hispanic immigrants
4. Urban blacks

differently, despite them all being part of the same 'poor' class.
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