Justice for Zimmerman

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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The thing about classism vs culturism is that most people would treat poor:
1. Russian immigrants
2. Rednecks
3. Hispanic immigrants
4. Urban blacks

differently, despite them all being part of the same 'poor' class.
Hard to say, I don't see them in the same situations. I usually see poor rednecks out working on fences or roping cows or some shit. I see russians all hanging around russian import stores. The poor hispanics I see are all mowing yards or otherwise employed outside. Whereas blacks I typically see milling about in large groups, doing fuck all.

Given the situations, there's no doubt I'd treat those people differently.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Dat ar'cle lost me when he say dat tha only reason n'one cared cuz tha med-ya chose to inflate tha real talk.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Hard to say, I don't see them in the same situations. I usually see poor rednecks out working on fences or roping cows or some shit. I see russians all hanging around russian import stores. The poor hispanics I see are all mowing yards or otherwise employed outside. Whereas blacks I typically see milling about in large groups, doing fuck all.

Given the situations, there's no doubt I'd treat those people differently.
I don't think you and I disagree. I'm saying that you, and most people, if seeing one of those four people pulling up to a gas station (With their wealth denoted by the car they drive and their clothes among other things) would make assumptions of who they are based on the culture they are in.


I don't think you and I disagree. I'm saying that you, and most people, if seeing one of those four people pulling up to a gas station (With their wealth denoted by the car they drive and their clothes among other things) would make assumptions of who they are based on the culture they are in.
Absolutely, we are after all a product of our own world. Of course our brains have differentiated these things and categorized them for various purposes which may or may not include judgment.


A Mod Real Quick
Tuco I don't get it.. most of the poor black people that live in my neighborhood drive Escalades and wear the hottest clothes. If you saw them out in the wild you would assume they were a famous rapper or perhaps some other highly esteemed profession. The only difference in my neighborhood is I have to pay rent because I have a good job and they don't have to because they don't have one.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I don't think you and I disagree. I'm saying that you, and most people, if seeing one of those four people pulling up to a gas station (With their wealth denoted by the car they drive and their clothes among other things) would make assumptions of who they are based on the culture they are in.
I don't think its the making of the assumptions that would be wrong (I mean, what are you supposed to do, not use your eyes?) its the clinging to those assumptions once the individual has shown who they actually are that makes you prejudice/racist/culturist or what have you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The thing about classism vs culturism is that most people would treat poor:
1. Russian immigrants
2. Rednecks
3. Hispanic immigrants
4. Urban blacks

differently, despite them all being part of the same 'poor' class.
When you say immigrants I think recently came over, which is it's own set of circumstances. Language barriers, more severe cultural differences, no extended family sometimes etc. If you mean any race or culture that has an established presence in a nation then it's largely class in my experience. I also notice you didnt mention Asian which is what I always look at when people say racism/immigrants/minorities. Asians seem to do fine.

That said of course this is all generalization.


Potato del Grande
Tuco I don't get it.. most of the poor black people that live in my neighborhood drive Escalades and wear the hottest clothes.
Perhaps you should rethink what it means to actually be poor. If you have an escalade, you are not poor (altho you could very well be a moron who can't afford food or your 17 kids but uncle sam will give your ass my money anyways).

Edit: Asians do good because they put in work and don't expect everything handed to them for free while they twerk, drink corona or fuck their relatives.


For fuck's sake, giving shitty English a name doesn't legitimize it. It is still horrible English that, at the least, evidences poor education. Learn to speak properly, it isn't hard to obtain a decent grasp of the language.
This from an American.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Coworkers asked my opinion about this trial yesterday. I dismissed the talking point but the thought lingered and permeated.

With anything bad, find the corrective action, find a way to make it work for next time.
Do we want to allow what Zimmerman did to be repeatable by others?
This is America, "not allowing" grinds gears. We should allow as much as possible. Let's remove quality of execution and all that aside, for this we are past the details of the individuals.
Defend Self. Defend Others. Defend Property. Defend Territory. Some might want to depend on others to do this for them. Some want to have the freedom to do it themselves. They should be granted that right. These are opinions. Opinions mean culture; that means state - state by state allowance of this policy. I assume, however, it should be consistent across all states and then each state checks the box and toggles yes/no.
Zimmerman started good policy by calling 911 first. Let's roll with that. Don't be ambiguous. Call 911 state intention to pursuit, have rightfully-beared arms out and presented. Over speaker phone address the suspect with your concerns. If they don't react properly inform them of your intentions to shoot. Shoot depending on reactions. All officially logged.
In this policy, make room for independent Neighborhood Watches and Militias.
Make adjustments for those that don't have cellphones - rights shouldn't be limited by technology/monetary standing.
Crack down hard on those that want to go too far; those that kill wantonly and then cook the books to make it look legit.

Create a policy module. Make it work. Tweak it to perfection over time and later.
Then decide if that is how you want to live.


Mr. Poopybutthole
have rightfully-beared arms out and presented.
This isn't legal. A concealed carry license does not give you the authority to confront suspicious people with your weapon. For the most part, it's a last resort weapon of personal defense, not a license to act as a cop.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Plenty of people want it. If so, create a structure for it. Then allow it/disallow it on a State/Region basis.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Coworkers asked my opinion about this trial yesterday. I dismissed the talking point but the thought lingered and permeated.

With anything bad, find the corrective action, find a way to make it work for next time.
Do we want to allow what Zimmerman did to be repeatable by others?
This is America, "not allowing" grinds gears. We should allow as much as possible. Let's remove quality of execution and all that aside, for this we are past the details of the individuals.
Defend Self. Defend Others. Defend Property. Defend Territory. Some might want to depend on others to do this for them. Some want to have the freedom to do it themselves. They should be granted that right. These are opinions. Opinions mean culture; that means state - state by state allowance of this policy. I assume, however, it should be consistent across all states and then each state checks the box and toggles yes/no.
Zimmerman started good policy by calling 911 first. Let's roll with that. Don't be ambiguous. Call 911 state intention to pursuit, have rightfully-beared arms out and presented. Over speaker phone address the suspect with your concerns. If they don't react properly inform them of your intentions to shoot. Shoot depending on reactions. All officially logged.
In this policy, make room for independent Neighborhood Watches and Militias.
Make adjustments for those that don't have cellphones - rights shouldn't be limited by technology/monetary standing.
Crack down hard on those that want to go too far; those that kill wantonly and then cook the books to make it look legit.

Create a policy module. Make it work. Tweak it to perfection over time and later.
Then decide if that is how you want to live.
Government is not your friend, government considers every citizen a potential threat at some level, you're assuming the law/government won't intrude on you given opportunity. Dis empowering individuals allows the conditions for tyranny to grow.

Cops are not legally compelled to actually protect you, they are legally compelled to arrest criminals and that's it, the only person who can be counted on to defend you is YOURSELF, NOBODY ELSE.

combine that with the fact that the states are legally compelled to not hire anyone over an IQ of 104 and no thanks. I'll protect myself and not giver further encouragement for the state to act as FATHER to everyone and feed the growing nanny/military/police state.

Notice all the rich people have private security? they don't rely on police for a reason.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Coworkers asked my opinion about this trial yesterday. I dismissed the talking point but the thought lingered and permeated.

With anything bad, find the corrective action, find a way to make it work for next time.
Do we want to allow what Zimmerman did to be repeatable by others?
This is America, "not allowing" grinds gears. We should allow as much as possible. Let's remove quality of execution and all that aside, for this we are past the details of the individuals.
Defend Self. Defend Others. Defend Property. Defend Territory. Some might want to depend on others to do this for them. Some want to have the freedom to do it themselves. They should be granted that right. These are opinions. Opinions mean culture; that means state - state by state allowance of this policy. I assume, however, it should be consistent across all states and then each state checks the box and toggles yes/no.
Zimmerman started good policy by calling 911 first. Let's roll with that. Don't be ambiguous. Call 911 state intention to pursuit, have rightfully-beared arms out and presented. Over speaker phone address the suspect with your concerns. If they don't react properly inform them of your intentions to shoot. Shoot depending on reactions. All officially logged.
In this policy, make room for independent Neighborhood Watches and Militias.
Make adjustments for those that don't have cellphones - rights shouldn't be limited by technology/monetary standing.
Crack down hard on those that want to go too far; those that kill wantonly and then cook the books to make it look legit.

Create a policy module. Make it work. Tweak it to perfection over time and later.
Then decide if that is how you want to live.
Keep in mind the policy module that would relate to handling of a firearm in this case is a simple choice of whether you're allowed to shoot someone who is straddling you and beating the shit out of you.


#noyoucan't would be a nice trolling twitter for the trial, you can't get away with assault. And the pres can't spin bullshit on the public.
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