Justice for Zimmerman

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Molten Core Raider
Pure chaos?! OHH GOD NO!

You realize Arizona has permit-less concealed carry right? Hell I see people open carry all the time here(though that makes me lol) when Im out and theres no chaos here.
I thought concealed was permit but open carry for anyone in az?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
There's a reason SYG and the carry laws are in place today. People are fed up with it.


Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Whats sad or funny depending upon how you take it is when you look at the underlying fundamentals; gun ownership has skyrocketed in the past 10 years and carrying as greatly increased over the years all the while crime has gone down.

Yet people still think guns are demonic devices which bring death and destruction everywhere.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Whats sad or funny depending upon how you take it is when you look at the underlying fundamentals; gun ownership has skyrocketed in the past 10 years and carrying as greatly increased over the years all the while crime has gone down.

Yet people still think guns are demonic devices which bring death and destruction everywhere.
They still think video games cause violence too, when pretty much EVERY home has a video game console now, and crime occurs at much lower rates than it did in the 70s, aka, before video games. If you were to chart video game ownership versus violent crime rates it would be inversely proportional.

Conclusion: People are fucking stupid.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Chris Matthews apologized "on behalf of all white people" on Thursday after two of his black colleagues said the George Zimmerman trial reminded them of difficult memories from their own teenage years.

NBC News executive Val Nicholas penned an op-ed on MSNBC.com titled "I Could Have Been Trayvon Martin," in which he discussed how he was targeted as a black teenager. He wrote:
We need to burn this mother fucker down.


Sparkletot Monger
The point president Obama made was not about whatever Trayvonn did before that night, but the events of that night.

The fact remains that black males in our society are treated with a higher degree of suspicison than anyone else. Right or wrong, justifiable or not, a young black male is regarded as a threat by some people for the sole fact of the color of his skin. This is reality. It doesn't matter if you are a thug or a student in Harvard, you get treated as a possible criminal at times. Not all the time, not by everybody, but enough where it is a common shared experience by black males in the United States. So was Obama ever followed in a store, or had doors lock when he came by or whatever? Yah.. So in that sense he was in same position Trayvonn was in. Did he make the poor choices tm did? No, but the initial situation was the same

So, what I heard is the president trying to articulate why black people are so upset about this. I think that's an important thing to do.


Sparkletot Monger
As a side note...

If it wasn't for the war on drugs, we probably never would have had all these restrictions on guns.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What bothered me most about his comments is that he still takes it from the perspective that Zim followed Martin, something at the very least was never proven and most likely never happened. He says in so many words that Zim profiled Martin without any context behind why a black youth was suspicious in his neighborhood ( past crimes). At the same time I'm trying to figure out the underlying point, that because AA's has this long history, that's why they ignore facts and evidence and just cry racism whenever a black person dies at the hands of someone of any other race?
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