Justice for Zimmerman

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Trakanon Raider
Just out of curiosity, was there a Troy Davis thread on the old boards and what was the general consensus? Based on the racist vitriol of this thread I would bet the overwhelming majority said words to effect of "that n***** got what he deserved"


It probably has to do with most other races integrating into the society in which they live and adhering to the mores of the larger population. Why should everyone change their attitude when its a majority of one group actively fighting against everyone else?
black people have a huge problem with their culture. and it would be racist for anyone but black people to try and change it. so yeah, my attitude is just fine. you want to act like a pimp/thug/prison inmate dont expect me to treat you like the CEO of microsoft.
Obviously white people are the problem with black culture...so only white people can fix it. Oh wait.
I saidEVERYBODY, which by definition includes black people. What you don't understand or choose to ignore is that attitudes like this are absolutely part of the problem and perpetuate a vicious cycle.

Thanks, Fanaskin, for actually writing the most well thought-out and intelligent response to my comment. It doesn't change my point, but it's relevant and worth bringing up.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I saidEVERYBODY, which by definition includes black people. What you don't understand or choose to ignore is that attitudes like this are absolutely part of the problem and perpetuate a vicious cycle.

Thanks, Fanaskin, for actually writing the most well thought-out and intelligent response to my comment. It doesn't change my point, but it's relevant and worth bringing up.
What about my attitude should change to help black culture in the US?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Just out of curiosity, was there a Troy Davis thread on the old boards and what was the general consensus? Based on the racist vitriol of this thread I would bet the overwhelming majority said words to effect of "that n***** got what he deserved"
Troy Davis was guilty of murder, and the conviction was upheld through multiple appeals, including the Supreme Court mandated second trial.

In 2009, the Supreme Court of the United States ordered the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia to consider whether new evidence "that could not have been obtained at the time of trial clearly establishes [Davis's] innocence." The evidentiary hearing was held in June 2010. The defense presented affidavits from seven of the nine trial witnesses whose original testimony had identified Davis as the murderer, but who it contended had changed or recanted their previous testimony. Some of these writings disavowed parts of prior testimony, or implicated Sylvester "Redd" Coles, who Davis contended was the actual triggerman. The state presented witnesses, including the police investigators and original prosecutors, who described a careful investigation of the crime, without any coercion. Davis did not call some of the witnesses who had supposedly recanted, despite their presence in the courthouse; accordingly their affidavits were given little weight by the judge. Evidence that Coles had confessed to the killing was excluded as hearsay because Coles was not subpoenaed by the defense to rebut it.

In an August 2010 decision, the conviction was upheld.The court described defense efforts to upset the conviction as "largely smoke and mirrors"[3] and found that several of the proffered affidavits were not recantations at all. Subsequent appeals, including to the Supreme Court, were rejected, and a fourth execution date was set for September 21, 2011.Nearly one million people signed petitions urging the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles to grant clemency.[4] The Board denied clemency[5] and, on September 21, it refused to reconsider its decision.[6] After a last minute appeal to the United States Supreme Court was denied, the sentence was carried out through lethal injection on September 21, 2011.[7]
So is Mumia Abu-Jamal, before you bother bringing him up as well.

So what's your point again?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I was born to an underaged whore who I've never met who slept with a man I've never met and will never know. I was put up for adoption, and adopted by a family of Appalachian Southern Baptists with a Scottish and Germanic background whose only step into the middle class came in my parents generation, people who were born in the hills of Flatwoods Kentucky. Poor people. Poor farmers. My father's parent's farm wasn't big enough to grow crops on to feed the family in the 40s and 50s, they had to rent land from neighbors to have enough land to grow food on to support themselves. My father worked Armco Steel, served in the Air Force during Vietnam, came home and worked as a lineman for the local electrical utility company while going to school to get a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering.

I can verify my family wasn't even IN America during the slave days, they didn't arrive here until the 1880s. They had nothing to do with white privilege and never benefited from it. Serving your nation in France as a military policeman during WW2 and then having two sons serve in Vietnam, one in the army, the other in the Air Force, and them getting GI Bills and working their way through college isn't privileged by any stretch of the imagination. My uncle, who was in the army for Vietnam, was impacted by Agent Orange and has been suffering for over two decades from the effects of that.

So when someone tells me, a man who doesn't know his actual lineage, and the only lineage he has is a lineage of poor potato and green bean and corn farmers from Flatwoods, that I've benefited from "white privilege" and that I owe society a collective guilt for the potential crimes my potential ancestors potentially committed, I have to say "STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM".

I don't owe anyone anything. The sins of the fathers don't pass to the sons. Sins of potential great grandfathers who never actually existed don't pass onto great grandsons either. I reject collective guilt. I reject the concept that I am privileged. I will change my attitude for exactly 1 person, that person is me. When I feel like it.

The Slavic people were serfs, literally, for 800 years. They had 70 and 80 percent of their crops excised by their land owners. They were kept intentionally stupid, and poor. Reading was forbidden. They spent 800 years AND MORE under this system. Yet we hear nothing about how their current situation is a result of the systematic oppression against their people.

At some point, you have to stop living in the past and looking to place blame on others, and accept some responsibility for yourselves. The problem with African American culture in the US today is that the black family has been utterly destroyed. Its incredibly simple. No fathers to look up to, single mothers gone all day trying to work to support their 5 kids by 5 different dads = You get a whole generation plus of really shitty human beings. Surprise. I know its shocking isn't it? Two parent households make more money, offer more stability, and produce better children who work harder. Surprise again. I know. Shocking.

If you want to fix the African American problem, start with the family. Its really very simple. But stop trying to blame all "whites" collectively for the sins of the slavery era. Every group in the world has been enslaved at some point or another. Celts, aka white people, were enslaved en masse by Romans. African black Muslims were the most prolific slave capturers and traders of the entire slave era, yet we never hear about that, either.

Kindly take your collective guilty complexes and stuff them up your asses.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
"Don't free Mumia. In fact, build a smaller jail inside the regular jail and put Mumia in that."


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
ridiculous on it's face unless your saying asians are white people, you should see the upward mobility 1st generation Asians enjoy. Is that based on "white privilege" or are the cultures they people bring with them more conducive to economic success?

Yup and most Asian families have...two parents.

Surprise. Having two incomes and two parents = more time and more money to raise the kids properly and get them a good education.

The biggest problem is that America is so rich no one remembers what its like to strive for success anymore. Our parents and grandparents did all that hard work for us. Meanwhile, the Chinese and Koreans, etc. have seen poverty. Have seen destitution, know what its like to struggle up from the gutter and how GENERATIONAL wealth exchange is the largest component in moving up the social class ladder, and so the parents are willing to SACRIFICE for their children to have a better future than they had.

That used to be the American mindset, you know. That parents would sacrifice and work hard, so their kids could enjoy a better life than they had.

Then our parents and grandparents worked their asses off to rebuild this country after the Great Depression and the World Wars, and gave us a better life than any generation of human beings in the history of our species has had, and we, since the boomer generation, have been taking it more and more for granted, until we get where we are now, where families don't matter, where nothing matters but our own narcissistic self obsessions. Sacrifice for my kids to have a better life than I did? What? No fuck that. I wants mines and I wants it all now.

That's where we are today. That's why the whole system is broken.


What about my attitude should change to help black culture in the US?
I use "everybody" in the general "we're all in this together" sense as opposed to the "each and every one of you is part of the problem" sense. However, if your question is serious, there is a way your attitude can change: You can stop contributing to the acceptability of racism by not responding to ignorant racist comments. While silence isn't an explicit form of approval, it does send the message that making racist comments is normal or acceptable, which is part of the problem. I'm not asking you to RRP or ban people for racism (that probably does more harm than good), but responding with "That's not cool" or "Those kinds of comments aren't welcome here" would send the message that you don't want to be an enabler for a system that perpetuates hate. I think it's telling that people can post "nagger" comments (Isn't that cute? It's not racist because he said "nagger"!) or racist "joke" pics and nobody will bat an eyelash but I'll get a "Please stop this shit" for engaging in respectful, civil discourse about whether or not Zimmerman's life was ever actually in danger. Heck, I guess you get a lot more complaints about my conversation topic than you do about "nagger" comments or racist pics but taking the path of least resistance and "going with the flow" is often what allows racism to flourish unchallenged.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Black family structure and social progress was alot steadier until the great society programs, I honestly think LBJ engineered this condition, at the very very least they led to the worst consequences we are seeing now, but it's a gigantic collective hole in liberals memories, they won't own up to it and instead they do disgraceful things like chris matthews puts al sharpton on msnbc it gives him an heir of legitimacy to pretend like he isn't a gangster hustler, and then he apologizes to him "for all white people" on top of it, it's disgusting the balls of these people. even the president interacts with that charlatan.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'll get a "Please stop this shit" for engaging in respectful, civil discourse about whether or not Zimmerman's life was ever actually in danger.
You just had to bring this shit up again!!!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
black family structure and social progress was pretty steady until the great society programs, I honestly think LBJ engineered this condition.
It gets too conspiratorial when we go down that route, but crack was introduced to the US by a south american producer who was brought here by the CIA and set up here by the CIA.

So maybe.

Something definitely happened after Martin Luther King Jr was killed to alter the course of the black family in America. After WW2, all those African Americans who served in the war were coming home and getting GI Bill grants, were going to college, were graduating, were taking jobs in manufacturing plants all across what would later become the Rust Belt. As we outsourced manufacturing, that did a large bit of damage to them, definitely.

I don't want to go so far as to say the US government intentionally destroyed the black family, but events conspired to that effect, and so the way to fix it is to reverse that trend. Get them decent jobs, give the males a reason to stay with the females and raise their children in family units, and within two generations, blacks will be moving back into parity with whites and others. Its really just that simple.


Trakanon Raider
It bottles my mind that dudes like Tanoomba exist. I can't tell if hypersensitive or troll. You act like everyone who spouts a American Inventor joke on the internet is a card carrying Klansmen who firebombs black churches on the weekends. Does every joke or derogatory term aimed at a race or whatever group offend you?


Something about whores, the Air Force... I don't fuckin' know... "Don't blame ME!"
Are you white? Then you have white privilege. This has nothing to do with your ancestry. It has nothing to do with putting blame on you. It has nothing to do with trying to make you feel guilty. It has everything to do with the many, many small (and sometimes big) advantages being white gives you in your day-to-day life.

I get why you're miffed. You didn't ask for white privilege. You didn't do anything to keep the black man down. You worked hard to earn everything you have in your life. Why the fuck should you have to listen to anyone tell you that you were just lucky? But see, that's the thing about being lucky. You don't ask for it or earn it, it just happens. If you are white in a society that favors white people, you are privileged. You are benefiting from a system that gives you advantages you didn't have to earn or even ask for. I'm not saying this to take away from whatever your personal accomplishments in life are. I'm just saying it's stupid to say "black people have to fix their own shit" from a position of privilege they've never known. Racism is real. It actually exists today. I don't think anyone would deny that. It also allows for the continuation of a societal system that favors some races over others. We need society-wide attitude changes to fix this broken system, not just herping "It's not my fault! Fix your own shit!"


It bottles my mind that dudes like Tanoomba exist. I can't tell if hypersensitive or troll. You act like everyone who spouts a American Inventor joke on the internet is a card carrying Klansmen who firebombs black churches on the weekends. Does every joke or derogatory term aimed at a race or whatever group offend you?
They don't necessarily offend me, but they usually are a sign of ignorance and they certainly contribute to the greater acceptability of racism in general. I mean, you can call me a "wop" and it wouldn't mean shit because I'm still white and still benefit from the advantages that come with it. But American Inventor jokes are delivered from a position of power and perpetuate a desire to keep that power, which is (again) a part of the problem.

EDIT: I think the expression you were looking for is "boggles".


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
White privilege is the worst way to look at it, call it what it is, ghetto disadvantage, and yes it makes a world of difference, because now you are talking about elevating black disadvantage instead of how white people should feel guilty for being born into a stable society. brow beating white people's behavioral changes at this point and time isn't going to fix anything, most white people don't even interact with the isolated black communities.

this is the time to be a Marxist, view the world and history in a materialistic sense and it makes alot more rational sense. This crusade to change the white mind to accept just awful behavior is misguided, doesn't accomplish anything and is destructive to everyone.


white privilege is the worst way to look at it, call it what it is, black disadvantage, and yes it makes a world of difference, because now you are talking about elevating black disadvantage instead of how white people should feel guilty for being born into a stable society.
Now you're playing semantics. You can't have disadvantage without advantage. White privilege and black disadvantage are two sides of the same coin. I was careful to point out that it's not about trying to make white people feel guilty, though. Acknowledging you have advantages is not the same thing as admitting guilt for said advantages.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
white privilege is the worst way to look at it, call it what it is, black disadvantage, and yes it makes a world of difference, because now you are talking about elevating black disadvantage instead of how white people should feel guilty for being born into a stable society.
No, you see, its racist to ever think about raising one group up to attain parity with another, rather than thinking about knocking everyone down to make them all equally miserable.

And the trend is clear: The goal is to knock everyone down to make them equally miserable.

The goal should be to improve the lives of African Americans. How does pointing the finger and screaming that its all White People(TM)'s fault accomplishing that, exactly? We've been doing this since the 60s and 70s. The African household has gotten only worse in the intervening years.

Martin Luther King Jr basically wanted blacks to be allowed to assimilate to American culture. Now the goal is to teach blacks to utterly reject this culture because its inherently evil and racist based on the original sin of slavery. Clearly the priorities are wrong.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I've watched The Wire enough times to know how to solve the American thug problem:

Education reform
Drug Legalization
Bunny Colvin Adoption Programs
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