A valid question. I don' think you're suggesting that blacks might actually be genetically inferior (like Hodj said, we're all biologically the same), but that the problems they face are a result of their own actions (hypothetically). If that were true, would there be a way to fix the situation? I mean, we could say "Who the fuck cares? it's not our problem!", but we still share a society with black people, right? Even if the crime rate, lack of education, poor family situation, etc. were hypothetically all their fault, it still has consequences on everyone else's lives, right? Wouldn't it be in our collective best interest to see if there were ways to minimize these issues? At the very least, saying "these guys need to fix their own shit" only allows for the situation to get worse, as does accepting racist attitudes and comments (even if they were, hypothetically, a "reaction to reality"). Therefore, while I can't say I know how to "elevate" black people from their position of disadvantage, I do know that saying "not my problem" only makes things worse (for everyone). I like to think that getting rid of racist attitudes (regardless of how hypothetically "justified" they are) would go a long way to allowing black people to operate on the same playing field as everyone else.