Justice for Zimmerman

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Avatar of War Slayer
African Americans are not dumber than whites. They aren't genetically inferior. They can live up to our expectations. They can have higher expectations of themselves. Its not racist to say that and believe that. Its the exact opposite of racism. Expecting minorities to conform to American standards is not racism. To expect them to come here and never be able to live up to our standards...that's racism. That's a presumption that they are incapable of doing so. They aren't.
This is a problem I have being involved a lot with the education system in America. There have been countless studies and millions of dollars spent trying to explain why one ethnic group performs poorly in one subject or another- its usually Blacks and Hispanics - they spend loads of money and tons of tax money (grants) trying to see why we are not teaching them correctly, or what can be done to fix this problem?! Why can we accept that black people have big dicks and are great at sports more so than whites? Why is that okay but we cant accept that Asians are good at math and blacks are not- all of this generalized. Everyone is different and so are races, each race grew and adapted to suit their needs etc etc. Asians in general are smaller of frame than whites and blacks- if their culture did not evolve certain non physical advantages they would have been plundered and destroyed centuries ago.

To say only the positives of a race are able to be accepted but not negatives is just ignorant imo. In this our education system needs flexibility in its advancement systems to put not ruin the educational career of people just because they are not that great at one thing or another but more apt to something else. To say fuck you, you cant do long division in your head you are worthless- while you can read and extrapolate information, plot etc from books beyond your "age range" but your stupid- is indeed stupid.

I will say that not many share my thoughts on this, and that's fine, many may see this and be affronted and I am sorry about that.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The point was your son's life would be a lot better if people weren't assholes. Being an asshole to disadvantaged people is something we have personal control over, and if you choose to be an asshole anyway then you're part of the problem.
Life would be different if the sky weren't blue and water wasn't wet too. People are fucking assholes. Wishing it wasn't so won't change anything. Fucking hippie.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm definitely not saying marriage is a whites only thing, by the way.

In fact, anecdotal evidence, little cute South Korean girl I knew back in our teens, her parents were divorced, her dad had a great job making bank in New York, the mother held a job and had a nice home (way nicer than mine) in one of the bigger, more affluent subdivisions in the city. That girl ended up dropping out of school right before she would have graduated, turning into a stripper and then was dead by 23 of a drug overdose.

The absence of stability provided by a two parent household is really the key. Kids need stability to grow up stable. If you remove that, by taking the father away and leaving the mother to raise several children by herself when she has no education and no real income outside of a retail or other mediocre, dead end job position, you're going to have instability. This is going to affect the children. They're going to grow up latchkey. They're going to grow up angry at the unfairness of their plight and situation in the world. They're going to lash out because of it. Male, female, black, white, hispanic, asian, it doesn't matter.

Its not a racial thing. Its a social and cultural thing.


This is a problem I have being involved a lot with the education system in America. There have been countless studies and millions of dollars spent trying to explain why one ethnic group performs poorly in one subject or another- its usually Blacks and Hispanics - they spend loads of money and tons of tax money (grants) trying to see why we are not teaching them correctly, or what can be done to fix this problem?! Why can we accept that black people have big dicks and are great at sports more so than whites? Why is that okay but we cant accept that Asians are good at math and blacks are not- all of this generalized. Everyone is different and so are races, each race grew and adapted to suit their needs etc etc. Asians in general are smaller of frame than whites and blacks- if their culture did not evolve certain non physical advantages they would have been plundered and destroyed centuries ago.

To say only the positives of a race are able to be accepted but not negatives is just ignorant imo. In this our education system needs flexibility in its advancement systems to put not ruin the educational career of people just because they are not that great at one thing or another but more apt to something else. To say fuck you, you cant do long division in your head you are worthless- while you can read and extrapolate information, plot etc from books beyond your "age range" but your stupid- is indeed stupid.

I will say that not many share my thoughts on this, and that's fine, many may see this and be affronted and I am sorry about that.
You know what the single biggest factor determining success in school is? Family income. I had to take a "Diversity in the classroom" course and when that bit of information was presented, I was pretty frustrated. Why the fuck are you drilling into me that I have to respect the individual cultural backgrounds of each of my multicultural students in order to help them reach their potential when the ones who are going to have the most trouble will be doing so because their family is poor? Guess who's responsible for the increasing number of poor families and for the gradual elimination of the middle class?


Life would be different if the sky weren't blue and water wasn't wet too. People are fucking assholes. Wishing it wasn't so won't change anything. Fucking hippie.
We have no control over sky color and water wetness. We do have control over whether or not to be an asshole. Your argument is invalid.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
We have no control over sky color and water wetness. We do have control over whether or not to be an asshole. Your argument is invalid.
Oh really? You have control over it? How's telling people not to be assholes working out for you?


Vyemm Raider
Tanooba, that's a nice sentiment and all about accepting as equals and all that stuff but blacks seem to collectively swing wildly in the opposite direction of that mindset. Black culture, black this, black that. It's ALL about race for them. So of fucking course we treat them that way. Black college, black fraternities, black bike week, black history month, "African-American", and so on. They divide themselves, so how is this anyone elses fault?


There is a huge difference between saying "you should ensure your judgments are based on sound shit" and saying "we all have a responsibility for reforming black culture."
Really? I'm not seeing it. Sounds like two sides of the same coin to me.

Oh really? You have control over it? How's telling people not to be assholes working out for you?
You remind me of my friend who gets annoyed when I complain about his littering. "It's just a fucking wrapper. Look how much shit is already on the ground. This doesn't make a difference." Everybody who assumes their own shitty behavior is justified because of the existing popularity of said shitty behavior is both an asshole and an idiot.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Yeah tanoomba what i'm trying to say is the liberal attitude is what is catalyzing the worsening of the black situation, it's those attitudes your trying to preach that sound great but are actually harmful, not saying nothing is needed but saying that the current liberal approach is actively harming the black community, and it's causing a racial divide but it's totally off putting ideology to the one group that are most likely to help black people, white people.

the ideology is based on appeals to emotion but the reality of how they play out don't help black people, the liberal ideology on this subject is literally like this




Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This is a problem I have being involved a lot with the education system in America. There have been countless studies and millions of dollars spent trying to explain why one ethnic group performs poorly in one subject or another- its usually Blacks and Hispanics - they spend loads of money and tons of tax money (grants) trying to see why we are not teaching them correctly, or what can be done to fix this problem?! Why can we accept that black people have big dicks and are great at sports more so than whites? Why is that okay but we cant accept that Asians are good at math and blacks are not- all of this generalized. Everyone is different and so are races, each race grew and adapted to suit their needs etc etc. Asians in general are smaller of frame than whites and blacks- if their culture did not evolve certain non physical advantages they would have been plundered and destroyed centuries ago.

To say only the positives of a race are able to be accepted but not negatives is just ignorant imo. In this our education system needs flexibility in its advancement systems to put not ruin the educational career of people just because they are not that great at one thing or another but more apt to something else. To say fuck you, you cant do long division in your head you are worthless- while you can read and extrapolate information, plot etc from books beyond your "age range" but your stupid- is indeed stupid.

I will say that not many share my thoughts on this, and that's fine, many may see this and be affronted and I am sorry about that.
Its complex and involves gene flow and the distribution of alleles across distinct populations versus within distinct populations. Basically, there is more variation within a population than between, and no metric, or stereotype if you will, which could be used to define a distinct population based solely on their phenotypic expression is able to be applied equally to all members within that population. So for instance, with dog breeds, you know a rottweiler looks like a rottweilier, meaning it bears the standard markings a rottweilier would bear, its within the size range for a rottweilier, its pedigree states that it is such, etc. None of this exists for humans. Within a population of any particular group, you will find elites who are smarter, you will find plebes who are less intelligent. Blacks in Africa do have complex cultures but the climate variations made it difficult for them (as well as Native Americans) to successfully build large cities which could be supported through agriculture and the like. Asians are smaller generally due to lower nutrition because rice lacked (until golden rice) key nutrients required for growth, such as Vitamin D. Further, Asian countries were actually plundered and looted as soon as it became viable for someone to do so. China, Korea and others had a geographic advantage in the Himilayas/Hindu Kush Mountain ranges and the Gobi Desert, both features which helped separate most of Asia proper from the West, just as the Atlantic kept the Native Americans free of outside influence, until technological barriers to travel over long distances were resolved.

Political correctness necessitates that positive stereotypes are acceptable fodder for comedy (big black dicks and great at sports would be an example of that, anyone who watches enough porn knows there's plenty of white dudes with retarded big dicks too for instance, and there's been plenty of white super athletes over the years, such as Larry Bird).

Mostly the reason why blacks and hispanics underperform is because there is zip, zero, nada influence or involvement by the parents at home in their educations, for all sorts of reasons. In the case of hispanics who are the children of 1st generation immigrants, often the parents can't speak English and don't have any education of their own to speak of, and in the case of African Americans, its because they've been taught that getting a decent education is basically "Being white".

It really has little to nothing to do, overall, with genome. The contribution to intelligence that specific genes provide has been tagged at a very low percentile, something like 2%. Intelligence is more about how someone is raised than just flat natural talent as a result of luck by the combination of genes which contribute to intellect. For instance, Einstein's brain has been examined, and its been shown that the region of his brain which allowed for things like spatial cognition and mathematical computation was larger than the average person's. This is not because of some mutation in his genome that led to that portion of his brain being more developed. Its because he was USING that part of his brain constantly during formative years, slowly gearing it towards a specific purpose. Same thing with people who speak many languages. The portion of the brain which allows for speak recognition and the like is larger from constant utilization.

Yes, genome plays some small part, but the idea that biology is destiny is flawed, profoundly. Biology interacts with environment and culture to create an end product, an individual.

added: Also, a distinction has to be made between the heritability of genes which potentially influence intelligence, and the actual degree to which any one or a combination of those genes influences intellect.

Genes give you a range of potential from low to high, but the degree to which you achieve that potential is implicit on a number of other factors. Another example of this is height. Stature is highly heritable, yet when people from very poor countries or areas with low nutrition move to somewhere where nutrition is much higher, the subsequent generations of children they have, provided they have access to the better nutrition available in the new area, grow taller than their parents, and the taller still than their grandparents. Genes give a range, but environment and culture determine where you finally land in that range.


Buzzfeed Editor
Really? I'm not seeing it. Sounds like two sides of the same coin to me.
Sounds like you are full of shit. My judgement or lack of judgement doesn't impact black culture, or white culture, or whatever. The people directly involved in that culture, whichever one it is, bear the responsibility for reforming it. A fairy doesn't get its wings if I don't happen to be a racist today


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You remind me of my friend who gets annoyed when I complain about his littering. "It's just a fucking wrapper. Look how much shit is already on the ground. This doesn't make a difference." Everybody who assumes their own shitty behavior is justified because of the existing popularity of said shitty behavior is both an asshole and an idiot.
Except I don't litter and I'm not racist. I'm just not feeling guilty for being me. Sorry if thats "shitty behavior."


Sounds like you are full of shit. My judgement or lack of judgement doesn't impact black culture, or white culture, or whatever. The people directly involved in that culture, whichever one it is, bear the responsibility for reforming it. A fairy doesn't get its wings if I don't happen to be a racist today
Individually, your judgment doesn't impact black culture. Collectively, it absolutely does. How can it not?

Except I don't litter and I'm not racist. I'm just not feeling guilty for being me. Sorry if thats "shitty behavior."
I didn't say you were a racist, I said you were an asshole. Your defense seems to be "People are assholes. So what?". The fact that assholes justify their assholism by saying that other people are assholes too is ignorant.


Buzzfeed Editor
Individually, your judgment doesn't impact black culture. Collectively, it absolutely does. How can it not?
Provide a specific example of how my judgement, in the context we are talking here, impacts black culture. For example, let's take what khalid posted. He pre-judged a black kid in the Navy who talked like a thug and assumed he couldn't play chess. Explain how this sort of judgement holds back black people as a whole.


Trakanon Raider
It's the racist butterfly effect, if I make 15 racist jokes, someone somewhere turns racist.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Individually, your judgment doesn't impact black culture. Collectively, it absolutely does. How can it not?
You're assuming that black people can't actively be shooting themselves in the foot AT THE SAME TIME they are being economically and socially segregated.

it's like the mature view on democracy, many countries on this planet aren't ready for democracy, they don't have the proper education and mindsets for a democracy to successfully work and not degenerate into fascism like what was happening in Egypt, this has nothing to do with capabilities of the brain or genes of these people it's just the effect of lack of a conducive culture and education that would support such a thing. until you change that changing any perceived "white privilege" is a futile exercise because black people do it to themselves ON TOP of the disadvantages they have.

they are really assaulted on all sides from outside and within.
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