Justice for Zimmerman

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CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist



Musty Nester
She shoulda gone for "GOD HATES American InventorS".

Troll level: amateur.

And she's about 20 years too old for those cateye glasses to look good. Her daughter really should tell her she's trying too hard. Someone needs to.


Unelected Mod
So went to littlegreenfootballs.com, a blog I used to follow some years ago. Went to their page on comments about the Trayvon Martin verdict....


Some of the highest rated comments...

"Now you know that in Florida, it is perfectly legal to kill an unarmed black teenager."

"Michael Vick, 16 months for dog fighting. Zimmerman goes free killing a kid. Unreal."

"our justice system is racist
Marisa Alexander - 20 years for firing a warning shot in the air to scare off an abusive husband.
George Zimmermann - not guilty of killing an unarmed black teenager."

"The verdict itself was an inevitable product of idiotic Florida law. If you want to legally murder someone you only need to goad them into attacking you with their fists, then when you are losing you can legally shoot them."

596 comments, almost all of them shit like that. Constantly talking about the unarmed "kid" killed. Meanwhile, some of the hugely downrated posts...

"This is the verdict I expected. And given the evidence presented, I'm inclined to think it reasonable. I also think George Zimmerman should never have gotten out of his SUV."

"Are people honestly surprised - and, if so, did you watch the trial? The defense put on a better case, and the burden was on the prosecution to prove their case beyond the shadow of a doubt. I don't know how anyone can honestly say that occurred here. Just from a strictly legal point of view, this appears to be the correct outcome."

"I've seen this argument about lies - but as has been argued by the legal experts on TV - these "lies" were not important. Even the investigating officer testified that he believed Zimmerman's account of events."

Hodj has it right. This is really a litmus test of who can think rational thought. Again, this isn't even a close call. ALL the evidence points towards Zimmerman being innocent and Trayvon coming back and being the aggressor. Uggh, it just depresses the shit out of me.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Thank you for the post. If anyone wishes to contend the abortion discussion please do so here:

As for the libertarian stuff, we do have a political thread that has probably had no less than 3 'hey we're all bleeding heart libertarian' discussions.
Yeah, after I typed all that, I thought to myself "wait, what thread is this, I thought it was the one about zimmerman ... oh well fuck it, someone else brought it up"

So there weren't skinheads counter-protesting? That's what the local news said. I guess I should have known when they asked a bunch of the blacks if they were worried about "the skinheads counter protesting over there" and whether they expected trouble. All of them seemed unconcerned and said no.


Unelected Mod
Shouldn't that question say something like "after he was physically assaulted by Trayvon Martin." after the description of him as an unarmed teenager?

Also, jesus christ at the racial gap. Only 5% of african americans think it is justified?


I blame the media for being too lazy to verify what they were publishing. I don't expect them to dig up past photos of her or know that she's an activist for the far left, but she readily admitted ?There are people here who are racist and apparently think that?s OK. I?m not one of them. I?m being sarcastic.? when interviewed. Basically, a responsible journalist would have asked "Is this for real?" before publishing the photo labeling her as a Zimmerman supporter.

"The verdict itself was an inevitable product of idiotic Florida law. If you want to legally murder someone you only need to goad them into attacking you with their fists, then when you are losing you can legally shoot them."
This one's actually true, but it pretty much always has been. Just make sure you get hit in the head before you shoot, though! That's what gets Dr. DiMeowmeow's seal of approval as a life-endangering situation.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Shouldn't that question say something like "after he was physically assaulted by Trayvon Martin." after the description of him as an unarmed teenager?

Also, jesus christ at the racial gap. Only 5% of african americans think it is justified?
This is why in my wildest delusional confirmation biased paranoid conspiracy state I imagine the great society programs where designed to degrade the black community, keep them economically and educationally segregated, create the conditions to make it easy to get them all hopped up on emotions and propaganda then channel that anger to allow the federal government to set precedent for governmental over reach of power.


Unelected Mod
So the feds havetaken all the evidencerelated to the Zimmerman case.

If they actually bring federal charges, jesus christ will this turn into even more of a farce. There is MUCH less evidence for anything like that than even manslaughter, which he was just found innocent of. Yet just like the initial case, where he never should have been charged, I have a feeling political motivations will play a larger role than what they can prove.


Can he sue the federal government for charging him when there was no clear evidence suggesting they had a reason to do so?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So the feds havetaken all the evidencerelated to the Zimmerman case.

If they actually bring federal charges, jesus christ will this turn into even more of a farce. There is MUCH less evidence for anything like that than even manslaughter, which he was just found innocent of. Yet just like the initial case, where he never should have been charged, I have a feeling political motivations will play a larger role than what they can prove.
Its not going anywhere. I really really doubt that Holder et all will actually lay down charges. What they're doing now is trying to give certain segments of their base the impression that they're seriously considering it, so when they come out and say no charges will be filed, it will appear they've done due diligence and then they'll argue "Our hands were tied, if you really want to fix this, you need to focus on changes to laws like Stand Your Ground statutes".

Its all a show right now. They have to know that if they file charges, Zimmerman will reap millions of dollars in donations to pay his legal fund, he'll have the best lawyers in the country and probably the ACLU behind him (they've already rescinded their demand that the Feds file civil rights crimes against Zimmerman) and certainly with the dollars of the NRA behind him as well.

I mean it'll be the biggest show trial in history, but he'll walk and the egg will be all over Obama and Holder and neither of them want that, let's be honest.


Potato del Grande
"The verdict itself was an inevitable product of idiotic Florida law. If you want to legally murder someone you only need to goad them into attacking you with their fists, then when you are losing you can legally shoot them."

596 comments, almost all of them shit like that. Constantly talking about the unarmed "kid" killed. Meanwhile, some of the hugely downrated posts...

"This is the verdict I expected. And given the evidence presented, I'm inclined to think it reasonable. I also think George Zimmerman should never have gotten out of his SUV."
This right here is the problem with all the fucking morons out there today. People somehow think it's fucking normal and socially acceptable to knock someone out or stomp their fucking skull just for looking at them wrong but it's not acceptable to shoot the fucking piece of shit who wants to "just have a friendly fight and put you in your place". I honestly wish it was as easy as getting someone to push you/punch you to be able to shoot them in their fucking moronic face with no consequence. 20 to 30 years of weeding out all the fucktards would do so much for humanity, who knows where the future would take us.


This right here is the problem with all the fucking morons out there today. People somehow think it's fucking normal and socially acceptable to knock someone out or stomp their fucking skull just for looking at them wrong but it's not acceptable to shoot the fucking piece of shit who wants to "just have a friendly fight and put you in your place". I honestly wish it was as easy as getting someone to push you/punch you to be able to shoot them in their fucking moronic face with no consequence. 20 to 30 years of weeding out all the fucktards would do so much for humanity, who knows where the future would take us.


Potato del Grande
What does it become when instead of laying out some "whoooop ass" you end up bleeding out and crying like a bitch as you lay there dying (I dunno if Trayvon cried, I like to think he would've tho)?


What does it become when instead of laying out some "whoooop ass" you end up bleeding out and crying like a bitch as you lay there dying (I dunno if Trayvon cried, I like to think he would've tho)?
Why does it give you more joy to imagine a 17 year old crying as he bleeds through the last terrifying moments of his life?

He made a stupid mistake attacking a stranger. It cost him his life. That isn't enough for you? You want him to cry "like a bitch" just to appease your sense of righteous indignation? You're pretty sick, man.


Musty Nester
They made that girl whiter.

She's a full shade lighter in that CNN video than she was in the courtroom.

These are evil, manipulative, cynical people.

Sgt A. Capwn_sl

Not sure if this has been brought up. Someone at work said something about it and this is what I pulled up on the first hit on Google.


Best-selling author Brad Thor (shown) has offered to buy George Zimmerman a new gun and all the ammunition he wants after the federal Department of Justice blocked the release of evidence from Zimmerman's murder trial in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. Despite the not guilty verdict by a Florida jury, Attorney General Eric Holder has ordered a continuing investigation of the February 2012 shooting to determine if Zimmerman violated Martin's civil rights and/or was guilty of a racially motivated federal "hate crime" against the black teenager. Zimmerman's handgun, a Kel-Tec PF9, is among the evidentiary materials being held in the investigation.

"SCREW the #DOJ. If they won't give #Zimmerman his gun back, I'll buy him a new one," Thor announced in a tweet shortly after midnight Friday morning. As reported by the Blaze, he followed that with a tweet to Zimmerman's brother. "Whatever gun he wants + however much ammo, consider it done. I'm buying. Done deal," Thor wrote to Robert Zimmerman, Jr.
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