League Of Legends


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Where do you see these Junglers? I either go against no jungler or a pro jungler. Last night played my first Fiddle jungle game and I'm level 24, buddy is 30 and we play a game and I get matched up against a Gold 2 1400 win Lee Sin. What the fuck is that shit? Fucking maths. I went up early but Lee Sin just rolled the rest of my team. Plus I wasn't great with fiddle. I still need to get his build down, I had mana problems.

But the rest of your post, yeah I stopped playing Zac or Naut in soloQ. No one takes advantage of my slows or initiation. We'd get into the late game and I felt useless because my random shitty ADC has like 80 cs.


So learning Eve some more last night and I stupidly realized that her Q just shoots off in random and you don't have to aim it. Fuck. Once I figured that out I was like "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I get it now." Group fights just got easier.

How do you guys build Eve? I've tried both Lizard -> Boots -> Sheen -> Zhonyas and Lizard -> Boots -> Twin Shadows -> Zhonyas

Sidian what is your game name again so I can look it up? I'm curious about how you build some stuff.
Penance_sl said:
I only jungle as well and one of the people in my lineup is Eve. I also use Zac, Nocturne, and Nautilus (Naut being my best)

The way I build Eve for jungle is AD marks, Armor Seals, Flat AP Glyphs and Flat AP Quints. This gives an insane amount of burst damage in the early game. Rush Elder Lizard, yes over the AP one. The attack damage is much better on the jungle items for this case then the AP. The reason I focus on AD more than AP at the beginning is because I rush a sheen next. Most of your damage is going to come from AA and Sheen procs over your Q,E. Eve is a hero that snowballs out of control. If you can secure a item lead on those two items, you will easily become more dangerous than anyone on the map. The fact that they have to pink to see you coming is what separates Eve from the others. You can catch people in such bad positions, and then chase them down like nobody else.

After that its normal melee AP progression. Focusing on tanky AP items depending on the situation. Usually its RoA because its such a broken item right now for what it gives.
I've been having a rough time with Zac lately. At lower ELO he just doesn't seem to work well without a team that can follow up. Nautilus I can do because he puts out a pretty decent amount of damage early game and his ganks are ridiculous. I guess when its time to carry though I'm just going to stick with Eve and Nocturne. Might start practicing Lee Sin too again. Used to play him a ton top.


Golden Squire
At lower ELO you can make Zac work by just peeling for your ADC because Zac also excels at peel too. That way you don't necessarily have to rely on your team to follow up but are doing lots of good things for your team that often doesn't happen at low ELO.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Jesus Draegan, if you can't get ganks with nocturne maybe you shouldn't be playing jungle. :p hahaha.


Blackwing Lair Raider
SidianTheBard is my ign. As for Eve I think Sheen is useless imo. I'd go Spirit Stone > Boots1 > Spirit of the Elder Lizard > Sorc Shoes > Haunting Guise > Abyssal or Zhoynas depending on what the enemy comp has more of.

That's just bad luck to be a level 24 and going against a Gold 2. I remember being level 30 and playing with my RL friends who were still leveling up and getting batshit insane scores constantly. I'll have to rummage through my PC and try to find the screenshots because I know I took some of them. Lee is just a complete boss of a jungle if you get good with him. He gets even scarier if you get some early kills and actually build some damage items. Higher leagues, you're basically forced to build tanky with him, but if you can get a brutalizer or a last whisper, his damage output is stupid strong.
Meh, I don't know how bad of luck it is. I am not yet 30 myself and I've been put up against plats/golds a few times because ppl on my team were pre-made, yet none of them out of bronze. Either they put too much weight in pre-mades or this last patch broke it because now that I think about it, it has only been since the patch. A few weeks ago did pre-made 5-mans with friends(none of them higher than silver) and they were good, close games, this past weekend did 4-5 man pre-mades and faced golds/plats/ even a diamond, felt like I was playing sc2 again.


2 Minutes Hate
Jesus Draegan, if you can't get ganks with nocturne maybe you shouldn't be playing jungle. :p hahaha.
Don't be a dick.

Just to elaborate, without his ult, I just recall him not being as good at ganking as a few other champs. But I haven't played him since I first tried jungling. I'll have to give him another go.


Don't be a dick.

Just to elaborate, without his ult, I just recall him not being as good at ganking as a few other champs. But I haven't played him since I first tried jungling. I'll have to give him another go.
You really need to gank through lane bushes, or take advantage of people over extending when it comes to Nocturne (before 6). Always start with Q even though you might not land it, so you can follow up with E asap. Time your W to prevent them from CCing you.

Once your E connects, any competent lane will be able to finish them off, specially pre-6.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Don't be a dick.

Just to elaborate, without his ult, I just recall him not being as good at ganking as a few other champs. But I haven't played him since I first tried jungling. I'll have to give him another go.
haha, just fucking with ya bud. If the enemy does ward, Nocturne pre-6 ganks do kind of suck because it's basically just run up to them with your Q trail and hope to get in range to E. Can attempt what Myst said with Lane ganks, they can work very well pre-6 with nocturne if you can pull them off successfully. Nocturne also clears fast enough that if you have to fall back and just farm for awhile it's doable as well. Once you get 6 though, he's basically the ganking machine. Although level 6 ult range is always much smaller then I remember...


Tranny Chaser
At rank 1 his ultimate has a base cooldown of 160 seconds so it is going to be important to get better at his still decent non-ultimate ganks.


Trakanon Raider
Has the game been CTD a lot for you guys? An update a couple months ago made League of Legends crash like 50% of the time during game start. When the game CTD, I have to wait until EVERYONE is loaded in before I can reconnect into game or it just keeps continually CDT. It's pretty fucking annoying because it never crashed for me until 2 months ago.
Check if you've got IPv6 turned on, and turn it off if it is, it's been known to cause issues with some clients (since Riot turned it on a few weeks ago). Tiamat bug a month or so ago also caused alot of random crashing at the time. Finally, if the IPv6 thing doesn't work, open up LoL, and then open your processes list, if there's a RADS_KERNAL or someshit open, kill that process and continue to load the game. If that process turns back up again before you enter a game, kill that process and then queue. Worked pretty religiously for me, until Riot fixed a few things up recently.


2 Minutes Hate
haha, just fucking with ya bud. If the enemy does ward, Nocturne pre-6 ganks do kind of suck because it's basically just run up to them with your Q trail and hope to get in range to E. Can attempt what Myst said with Lane ganks, they can work very well pre-6 with nocturne if you can pull them off successfully. Nocturne also clears fast enough that if you have to fall back and just farm for awhile it's doable as well. Once you get 6 though, he's basically the ganking machine. Although level 6 ult range is always much smaller then I remember...
At rank 1 his ultimate has a base cooldown of 160 seconds so it is going to be important to get better at his still decent non-ultimate ganks.
Right. Before I got better at assessing whether or not I could gank by target location and health, I just remembered Q-> E and hoping for the best. I wasn't the best at that at first. Bad positioning.

Anyway, yeah his Ult range is fucking tiny compared to what my brain things it should be playing against Nocturne.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Check if you've got IPv6 turned on, and turn it off if it is, it's been known to cause issues with some clients (since Riot turned it on a few weeks ago). Tiamat bug a month or so ago also caused alot of random crashing at the time. Finally, if the IPv6 thing doesn't work, open up LoL, and then open your processes list, if there's a RADS_KERNAL or someshit open, kill that process and continue to load the game. If that process turns back up again before you enter a game, kill that process and then queue. Worked pretty religiously for me, until Riot fixed a few things up recently.
Have you tried running a full repair of the LoL client?


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Ignacious joined the room.
Besthands joined the room.
Xiipher joined the room.
MisterSeige joined the room.
ninjawerewulf joined the room.
Ignacious: Pref Top or ADC // Can also Mid or Support // Cannot Jungle
MisterSeige: jung
ninjawerewulf: jungle plz
ninjawerewulf: prefer to not adc, can top, mid, or support....prefer to jungle

MisterSeige: double jung np
MisterSeige: i don't mind
ninjawerewulf: i do mind being trolled
Ignacious: same
Xiipher: double jungle op
ninjawerewulf: double jungle makes no sense
Xiipher: op
MisterSeige: well
Ignacious: Hay guys I didn't get the lane I called I'm going to be a cunt in champ select so I can pretend like Iw as the better person and the othewr guy is jst a baddie
Xiipher: yes
MisterSeige: oh man
Xiipher: prepare your didly holes
Xiipher: to get trolled
MisterSeige: look how easily you get upset over one comment
ninjawerewulf: cus its an asshole comment
MisterSeige: your husband must have a decent amount of gray hair
Xiipher: dont be so mad
Xiipher: just take it
Ignacious: I just don't get it, honest question
Ignacious: do you fee like what you said didn't set the mood of the room?
Xiipher: you dont need to get it
Ignacious: or do you not care
MisterSeige: look at you
Besthands: cool no tank
Xiipher: the last one
MisterSeige: still getting trolled
MisterSeige: no one is even saying anything
Ignacious: it was an honest question
MisterSeige: must be shark week
Xiipher: I honestly hope we lose
Ignacious: well
Ignacious: I could always afk
ninjawerewulf: i think we will between you and misterseiges attitudes
Xiipher: that would be good
MisterSeige: oh man
MisterSeige: look at you fine ladies
Fun times....


Trakanon Raider
I'm not sure I understand why everyone got all mad at him.. He called jungle first, then another guy said he prefers to jungle, so then he said 'lets double jungle, np'.. which sounded like he was just joking, but it's not an auto lose strategy anyway. I've seen crazier things work, if both junglers get aggressive about counter jungling, it turns the game into a 5v4 effectively. You shut down their jungler, both of yours get decent farm as a result, and then you have a TON of lane pressure from two junglers ganking or always pulling them away from lane to defend against your double jungle invades.

You've never seen some of the old videos on solomid about picking 4 or 5 smites? You go steal all their buffs, secure yours, do dragon and baron WAY earlier then normal, etc.. It's an unexpected thing that the other team is not ready to counter.

If the guy who hadn't called jungle first had said it, then I could understand everyone jumping on him for being a dick. Same logic as a 'mid or feed' type of comment, but he had called first and then replied to the 2nd guy with that comment, which came off as joking to me.


What the fuck is with people who play this game... "Oh man we have to do baron before winning. We have a monsterous advantage, are full health, and they only have nexus turrets and we have super minions in their base.... BUT WE SHOULD DO BARON"