League Of Legends


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
That's the wrong mindset entirely.
It's not about keeping a positive attitude because maybe you'll win.
It's about not letting yourself get all pissy about a video game not going the way you wanted.
I mean I understand fully what you are saying, stressing over a game is a pointless thing because it defeats the purpose of its existence.

Honestly if I feel stressed out, LoL ISN'T the game I play, I look to other games where I can fill the current desire I have. League to me is a competitive arena game, similar to playing tribes, Quake, team based PvP in an MMO or any other example of competitive based game playing.

Becoming stressed over ranked isn't un-natural. I mean Chess is a "game" too but there are chess masters out there who make a lot of money playing the game in addition to people playing competitively all the time. Compare LoL to chess, where a game of chess instead of being 1v1 became 2v2 or more. What if the Elo system placed you with someone who barely understands the game yet still got lucky in a few games because they were placed with people who were VERY skilled and basically carried them to a certain Elo level. That person would be far above their own natural skill and instead of being where they SHOULD be they are 200 elo higher. Meaning that they are playing at a 1000~ skill level and everyone else is playing at a (assumed for this example) 1200 skill level. In order to compensate for that person the "carry" must perform well above their natural means.

I can only imagine the anger over a system like this in a 1v1 turned team based game environment.

The game I just won is a perfect example of all of what we talk about. Our adc had no awareness and the rest of the team basically had to play like we were 1 person down. ADC following you into a 2v2? Consider it a 2v1. He got nearly 30 points for that win and he wasn't anything other than a pebble on the road that they ran over without a second thought. They would focus me as the support harder than him because he was missing skillshots, dashing (graves) into walls and just generally being a non-threat. Should he progress? Not likely, but now the team aided him in his progression to which another team will have to carry him until he either progresses in individual skill or regresses in Elo.

The above is the stressful part to people. The CHANCE that your team will have a SINGE player that cannot perform well versus the CHANCE that the enemy team has a similar situation. I guess to sum it up, control. Control is what maintains a certain level of stress for people and not being able to control situations beyond yourself in a team based game forces some interesting interactions.


Potato del Grande
The 20-25ish games was on a low silver account (it had decayed a lot). There was a lot of nonsense in those matches, but i was able to quickly move along due in no small part to staying positive and keeping team spirits up, encouraged people to keep playing and then backed it up with making good plays. I already know it's not entirely a fair comparison because being that I was way above that skill bracket i could "carry" a bad beginning for my team and with that kind of confidence could back up telling my team to stay in it. But i've also seen some of that toxicity spiral out of control and totally undermine a team.
20-25 games in a low silver that was only there due to decaying, so it probably didn't take very many games before it said "oh, he didn't quit the game lets put him back where he 'belongs'" and started giving you real teams again. No shit it's easy to carry out when that happens. I don't remember if you were one of the ones talking shit about how easy it is to carry out of bronze 4 but "carry yourself out quickly" is an entirely different thing in those 2 scenarios...


20-25 games in a low silver that was only there due to decaying, so it probably didn't take very many games before it said "oh, he didn't quit the game lets put him back where he 'belongs'" and started giving you real teams again. No shit it's easy to carry out when that happens. I don't remember if you were one of the ones talking shit about how easy it is to carry out of bronze 4 but "carry yourself out quickly" is an entirely different thing in those 2 scenarios...
I don't think you get it though, there isn't a scenario where my MMR wouldn't dramatically increase once i started playing on an account. I don't know if you're confusing me with someone, it's possible.. but I did give an example weeks ago now I guess, of me playing on a friends account (this was back before boosting was ruled illegal and just frowned on), and took them from low bronze 3 to silver 1 in like 23? or so games. Had ADC Garen with teleport and shit even in some of those matches.
I was the one talking about how easy it is to carry out. Anyone who is Silver 1+ worthy shouldn't spend more the 30-50 games getting out of bronze. Its just a numbers versus skill game. Someone who performs at a top 12% level of the playerbase (Silver 1 +) is not going to have a hard time beating the bottom 60% (bronze 1 and down). Basically you should be able to carry because you are just that much better then everyone you are playing with. I've spectated a few of Guardians games for instance and while he isn't playing worse then the people he's matched with in low silver he really isn't playing above their level either. He gets caught out, has feeding games, and just generally plays like his teammates and opponents. Same with me now, I'm gold 1 at the moment. If I get decent teams I'll probably get in to plat however I'm at the point right now where my ability is getting capped out. My match history has a couple games where I carried (10-2-x), a couple where I'm neither a boon nor a detriment (5-3-X), and the rare game where I straight up feed. The last is how I know that I'm where I should be, I didn't have a game where I had more then five deaths or went negative in a non support role from silver 1 until I hit gold 1. So I could very likely finish the season at Gold 1 or if I play solidly and get a hot streak then I can end up in plat.


Potato del Grande
What is it then that would cause your mmr to dramatically increase other than getting a lucky streak? Was the 2 week span when I was averaging like 19/5/15 a game not enough to "boost my mmr"? I won like 20 out of 22 games and only moved from bronze 4 to bronze 2 with 0 LP so I really have no idea how you could possibly jump 8 divisions in 23 games on a bronze 3 account (and that doesn't even count the fact that now that i'm in bronze 1 my games are worth + or - 5 to 8 LP per game so that's another 15-20 straight wins just in bronze 1 alone needed...
How many games have you played in Bronze? I got placed in bronze three because I tanked my placement matches. However I won eight or nine out of ten games all the way through my promo in to silver. So yah my MMR wasn't getting clamped because I never went on a big losing streak or spent a large amount of time in bronze. If you're at 500 games played total in ranked or something like that and still in bronze then yes you won't have the same results, nor should you. You've proven that you belong in bronze and are only getting out with improvement. Like how it was for me. I spent hundreds of games in silver 1 and on my final climb out I started from 0 lp and literally won 2-4 LP all the way up to 100. Lost that promo and had to win three games to get back in. Lost that promo but my next win put me back in to another promo which I won. I had shown I was a silver player so it took me a shit ton of work to get in to gold. Then I breezed in to gold 1 at 26-32 points a win, got demoted out of gold 1 and now that I'm back in I'm only getting 16-22 points a win so I'm evening out again.


What is it then that would cause your mmr to dramatically increase other than getting a lucky streak? Was the 2 week span when I was averaging like 19/5/15 a game not enough to "boost my mmr"? I won like 20 out of 22 games and only moved from bronze 4 to bronze 2 with 0 LP so I really have no idea how you could possibly jump 8 divisions in 23 games on a bronze 3 account (and that doesn't even count the fact that now that i'm in bronze 1 my games are worth + or - 5 to 8 LP per game so that's another 15-20 straight wins just in bronze 1 alone needed...
If this is directed at me, looking back over it.. my bronze 3 friend was 13-25 (this is including placement matches where i believe she went something like 3-7 maybe). Pretty sure she placed in bronze 1 (maybe 2?) and then lost her way down to bronze 3 before I took over. Went 24-4 jungling (this was pre-nerf volibear where his Q was actually faster than ghost, just to give you an idea of how long ago it was). So in her case, she had played about 40ish games total, not a whole lot. So when i go on 10+ game winning streaks its a bigger deal. In your example, i'm going to guess you've probably played over 100? games in that area, probably more.. so those kind of streaks aren't as big of a deal. Although I'm still quite confident if I was logged on your account and started winning 85% of your games played, you might not jump out of bronze real fast but out of silver I think might be a dramatic rise. Pretty much like Vimesh outlined.


Potato del Grande
I never said i'm the best at this game. Yes I have a lot of games in ranked, probably largely due to the fact that I did so many duo's with my brother who is genuinely a bronze player. I started in bronze 3 too, got promoted to 2 fairly quick, then went on a big losing streak down to 4 and was stuck down there for a long time. We'd win 9 out of 10, then lose 14 out of 16, etc. etc. I also failed 5 promotional series from 4 to 3 and another 3 from 3 to 2 mostly due to trolls (in at least one of the three games if not two in a row). Then there are the times when i'd win 7 straight to get promoted and instantly lose 3 in a row and boom demoted.

This is what i'm talking about as far as carrying accounts out of bronze (when I started playing solo for a while and took some advice from here and started maining ryze and a couple others when I couldn't get mid I started winning consistantly but it's still going to be another 100 games before I can get out of bronze 1 at this point unless I go on a 30+ win streak. Just got 4 points for a win.
Yup. You got clamped and even though you are improving your previous play/decisions are going to hold you down. The thing here is that you still make qualifiers like "my brother who is genuinely a bronze player", so are you. You're in bronze and aren't getting out anytime soon unless you really elevate your game and keep up a 8 or 9 of 10 win ratio. The more you humble up and refine your play as opposed to outside influences being reasons for not progressing the faster you will increase your ranking as long as you can mechanically back it up.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I was the one talking about how easy it is to carry out. Anyone who is Silver 1+ worthy shouldn't spend more the 30-50 games getting out of bronze. Its just a numbers versus skill game. Someone who performs at a top 12% level of the playerbase (Silver 1 +) is not going to have a hard time beating the bottom 60% (bronze 1 and down). Basically you should be able to carry because you are just that much better then everyone you are playing with. I've spectated a few of Guardians games for instance and while he isn't playing worse then the people he's matched with in low silver he really isn't playing above their level either. He gets caught out, has feeding games, and just generally plays like his teammates and opponents. Same with me now, I'm gold 1 at the moment. If I get decent teams I'll probably get in to plat however I'm at the point right now where my ability is getting capped out. My match history has a couple games where I carried (10-2-x), a couple where I'm neither a boon nor a detriment (5-3-X), and the rare game where I straight up feed. The last is how I know that I'm where I should be, I didn't have a game where I had more then five deaths or went negative in a non support role from silver 1 until I hit gold 1. So I could very likely finish the season at Gold 1 or if I play solidly and get a hot streak then I can end up in plat.
Honestly I would like to hear feedback on my late night games, I feel like I play better and get fewer instances of derpyness on my behalf.

My evening games / afternoon games i really don't feel all that great about, they are average like you mentioned and I think that is an issue that I need to fix.


1. I'm kinda at ends in leona, I feel that she is a great tank / aura support but i'm not used to playing tanker roles and trusting my adc this applies to all games I have with her. Should I sacrifice my life for my ADC if there is no other way out? I feel like I enjoy playing tanker roles a tad more as support. I was on a lulu kick but it really is a squish lane and if your ADC isn't up for it could spell a double death over just a single death if you play too aggressively.

2. Lots of 1..I think I need to play more...passively with leona? I'm not really sure, most of the comps I am rolling with the ADC's have been average. The #1 game being the one game with a graves that couldn't land skill shots. The main issue in this game was trynd top basically going 0/9, never split pushing (had tp) and generally being a cunt. His only words during the match were "LOL U ALL SOO MAD" after he was killing wraiths during a battle in mid or something along those lines, muted him after that.

3. Kinda unremarkable game, what i said before about leona support. I notice that 6 deaths seems to be a common trend with me on this champion ><

4. ANNOYING .. AS .. FUCK. top lane, as usual it seems, feeds the hell out of the lane and just REFUSES to push his lane out after team fights and loses us a ton of footing every time we do a team fight. I know people may read this and think "Well you got other objectives right?" no...the mid and top lanes would scatter after a fight and we would gain zero ground, just the kills themselves which were usually their heaviest hitters. I was getting kinda pissed so one fight I literally walked my ass up top after and pushed 2 towers as nami. . .

5. Late game initiation, Kassadin refused to initiate with me and Draven because I asked him to roam with his lane (No harsh language, my first comment to people, unless they are dicks to me, are calm no matter the state of their lane). He literally watched 2 of us almost kill 3 people as he farmed mid lane, did he clean up the 3 people at 10% after (area was fully warded, only reason we engaged was because we thought it was 3v3, not 3v2)? nope. He did this several times until it got to the point of me considering him not even a member of the team. We won because Draven and I started commanding plays and forcing pushes down mid.

6. Another game where top fed so much that it cost us the game. Teemo had 900 AP by the end of the match and his mines were hitting us for 1/2 to 2/3rds health. The team would roam the jungle when everyone was MIA. Didn't have much money to ward AND they were clearing wards on a regular basis. If teemo was the only worry it wouldn't be an issue, fight in lane, hook teemo asplode him and move on. The jungle roam that cost people 1/2 to 2/3rds their health also had the side effect of feeding cait.
Just looking at the results its easy to tell and this is something I saw in the the three or four games I spectated that you just need to not die as often. A diamond player that I friended and played a couple customs laning against for tips told me that the easiest way to increase mmr in the long run is to not die while still accomplishing what objectives you can. I consider a five death game for myself horrendous right now, regardless of what the rest of my score looks like. When I see my team going down the tank I play my best and concentrate on not making the wrong decisions that will get me killed. So while the average stat line on my team might be 2-6-X I'm sitting there at 2-1-X. I can carry over that play in to my next game. You can also carry over the bad play habits in to your next game if you have the mentality that this game is over so you just feed away deaths or get in to fights you wouldn't in a close game.

Also, never ever sacrifice yourself for someone else! That is bad play unless a very specific set of circumstances comes in to play.

1.) You have a high chance of actually saving the person and not feeding an extra kill by intervening.

2.) They have a high bounty and the kill is going to a carry on the enemy team most likely.

3.) Their getting caught out is a geniune mistake or a good play by the enemy team. If they are repeatedly walking in to stupid situations then let them die, they might actually learn from it no matter how much they bitch about you not helping.

4.) You don't have a high bounty

5.) You're a support or a an underfed other role that isn't really having a huge impact at the time anyway.

If any of those things are not falling in line then you don't sacrifice yourself. Its just bad play.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Leona playing passively is terrible. You should be aggressive from level 2 onward if you start q(since you can auto, q, auto and kill wards at level 1 if you are ready). You have to pick Leona with an ADC who can also be aggressive early(Varus, Twitch, Draven, Graves) otherwise you won't have any synergy in lane and that is really what Leona requires. If your ADC wants to poke like Caitlyn or most Ezreal players who are afraid to use arcane shift aggressively then you'd be better off picking a support who can help them whittle the other guy down or someone who can sustain/peel for them without putting themselves in such a risky situation. I can't offer any insight into your actual gameplay but I can say that I don't see a single game where you finished Locket even though you just mentioned a Teemo with 900 AP decimating your team. Locket would be a much better first buy(unless the jungler gets it) than consistently buying a Zeke's.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Just looking at the results its easy to tell and this is something I saw in the the three or four games I spectated that you just need to not die as often. A diamond player that I friended and played a couple customs laning against for tips told me that the easiest way to increase mmr in the long run is to not die while still accomplishing what objectives you can. I consider a five death game for myself horrendous right now, regardless of what the rest of my score looks like. When I see my team going down the tank I play my best and concentrate on not making the wrong decisions that will get me killed. So while the average stat line on my team might be 2-6-X I'm sitting there at 2-1-X. I can carry over that play in to my next game. You can also carry over the bad play habits in to your next game if you have the mentality that this game is over so you just feed away deaths or get in to fights you wouldn't in a close game.

Also, never ever sacrifice yourself for someone else! That is bad play unless a very specific set of circumstances comes in to play.

1.) You have a high chance of actually saving the person and not feeding an extra kill by intervening.

2.) They have a high bounty and the kill is going to a carry on the enemy team most likely.

3.) Their getting caught out is a geniune mistake or a good play by the enemy team. If they are repeatedly walking in to stupid situations then let them die, they might actually learn from it no matter how much they bitch about you not helping.

4.) You don't have a high bounty

5.) You're a support or a an underfed other role that isn't really having a huge impact at the time anyway.

If any of those things are not falling in line then you don't sacrifice yourself. Its just bad play.
What about this series of events, had an adc dive a tower for a kill and tower would have killed him, I soaked tower til he could get out and ended up dying. Somehow I got the tower on me instead, I think he ulted and rolled as vayne or something, I knew it was ON him and switched to me.

Earleyish game.


You also said some games I am feeding, I'd like to know which ones just so I can see what I did and how I should play differently.

I mean yes, feeding is bad but in a game where I am (possibly) one of a couple people with a solid early game I may be looking for picks in an otherwise unwinable situation. I also could just be playing like shit and i just need to change up my thoughts on a certain matchup.
What about this series of events, had an adc dive a tower for a kill and tower would have killed him, I soaked tower til he could get out and ended up dying. Somehow I got the tower on me instead, I think he ulted and rolled as vayne or something, I knew it was ON him and switched to me.

Earleyish game.


You also said some games I am feeding, I'd like to know which ones just so I can see what I did and how I should play differently.

I mean yes, feeding is bad but in a game where I am (possibly) one of a couple people with a solid early game I may be looking for picks in an otherwise unwinable situation. I also could just be playing like shit and i just need to change up my thoughts on a certain matchup.
Did you get executed by the tower or give a kill back to the enemy thereby making it a 1v1? If you got executed its just a harmless misplay, if you gave back a kill then you either even'd out the trade at worst or at best lessened the impact. Kind of hard to give an opinion on it though. Because the variables of whether or not it was a good dive, did you both go in or did you just jump in when he got the kill to try and save him... all those things dictate whether or not you misplayed it or played it correctly.

Was a couple weeks back when you were duoing with a guy that liked to mundo jungle. Out of the four games I watched you had two lulu games where you had seven deaths in like fifteen minutes and five or six in the other. A kass game that you guys won with you having a decent game like 8-5 or something around there. However I remember thinking that two or three of those deaths were you misplaying and could have been avoided. The fourth game I can't remember, I think you were playing top but nothing there stuck out to me.

edit: When I say someone is feeding it may be a little more harsh then what some people consider feeding. Three or more deaths in lane is feeding. Overall feeding for a game is more flexible but a decent benchmark is that if you have more then 1 death per ten minutes then you are probably feeding at least a little. Average kills combined between both teams in my current games is something like 20-25. So not very high and four to five deaths can be 40-50% of your teams deaths. Keep in mind I said average so of course I get outliar fifty minute games with 50 kills combined.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Leona playing passively is terrible. You should be aggressive from level 2 onward if you start q(since you can auto, q, auto and kill wards at level 1 if you are ready). You have to pick Leona with an ADC who can also be aggressive early(Varus, Twitch, Draven, Graves) otherwise you won't have any synergy in lane and that is really what Leona requires. If your ADC wants to poke like Caitlyn or most Ezreal players who are afraid to use arcane shift aggressively then you'd be better off picking a support who can help them whittle the other guy down or someone who can sustain/peel for them without putting themselves in such a risky situation. I can't offer any insight into your actual gameplay but I can say that I don't see a single game where you finished Locket even though you just mentioned a Teemo with 900 AP decimating your team. Locket would be a much better first buy(unless the jungler gets it) than consistently buying a Zeke's.
That is my usual method (of picks as support that is) of pairing, I try to pair certain champions with others in order to make a SEMI-functioning team comp. The issue I've run into in quite a few matches is that my ADC is on one page and I am on another, I usually mention either in champ select or pre-spawn (little late I know) something about aggression and how at 2 we need to be agro on the squish and I can rotate stuns and exhaust. As said though, it all really depends on team comp of solo / duo queue.

As for the game with the teemo a locket would have done little in the way of aiding the situation. I really am not being sarcastic when i say that my team was running 1 by 1 through the jungle PAST areas that had been cleared of wards 10-20 seconds before they walked there BY teemo. The usefulness of the locket would have been good for team-fights but since my team was watching turrets die as they roamed off in single file through the jungle 5 seconds after each other that usefulness would have been negated quite a bit. StillUSEFULbut you get the idea. The game was lost and the greatest asset people COULD have used, they weren't.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
trying to lessen the wall of text, I read it all
Yeah I guess my metric for feeding is, are my deaths going to the ADC and are we progressing or regressing as a lane. The metric changes based on the type of match up too, dying to an ashe is not great but dying to a vayne is worse, ect. Dying for a kill against an ashe when my carry is a vayne? Better trade assuming the vayne can follow through.

The dive was fairly stupid, my logic went as such, we got a kill on their ADC, I died and DID pass over a kill to their adc but allowed my ADC to stick around and hit 5 or so.

If I recall now i think it may have been a miss-play on my part, I think my ADC disengaged JUST out of tower range and the tower switched over to me but my adc went right back in after it switched and had just less than 1 hit from a tower to die, so I stayed in and took the death.

I think my major issue through feeding is that I really depend on people and I think I need to start just playing based on my own skills (or lack there-of). I stay in lane WAY too long and do reckless things without thinking just expecting that my team can read my movement and react.

Stuff like:

Jungler at wraiths, mid at 50% as well as myself.

See the jungler move into river on my mini-map and start my pre-prep for a gank.

Over-extend (just past side wallks of mid lane on my side) and die as I look at the mini map and see the jungler going away from my lane.
I should have just played like I would in a 1v1 and gone back or farmed safely. I think too much I get into the "we are all equal" mindset and I think I need to think of all my team as mouth-breathers and just be pleasantly surprised when they aren't. It should lead to smarter plays.