League Of Legends


Molten Core Raider
Nice work! Get super fed as Fed and just tower dive places with your ult? I use to play Vi a whole heck of a lot more, not much at all lately though.
I guess you could say I have been maining Vi since I have over 300 ranked games with her. The main reason I play her so much is that she is can fulfill multiple roles very well. She can go full tank, offtank/bruiser, or ad caster/carry. This means that she can succeed in the jungle, top lane, AND in mid lane. All you gotta do is adapt your play style to the situation or role that you are in while using common sense. So for example, if the other team 1st picks Kassadin, I will immediately offer to counterpick him with Vi and build towards BT + Trinityforce, resulting in the ability to chunk 50% of his HP with one combo before level 6 and 100-0 him at level 6 on. This build route/playstyle turns me into a terrifying anti-carry simply because you can't prevent me from getting to the enemy backline with my ult, or in other words, it makes Vi an excellent mid lane champ.3 Or let's say the enemy team has a top Nasus and a Sejuani jungle. I can jungle and try to gank my team to victory by mid game, or I could go top lane and farm up to BotRK, Frozen Mallet, Randuins/Spirit Visage, and straight facetank them lategame, killing them if they ignore me (BotRK + Vi's W destroys tanks). Vi has been pretty good to me so far, so I'll see how does in gold.

Here's a link to a mid-lane guideI made for Vi but i need to change it up some. I have been finding that philo stone works just as well as spirit stone in lane and it gives gp5.


2 Minutes Hate
I just played my first Vi game and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. I went jungle first, but another person went Hecarim and locked before talking. So I went mid versus Kass. Was pretty strong. Didn't really know how to build her though in mid lane.


Molten Core Raider
In mid lane I usually start faerie charm, 2 wards, and 3 pots, or faerie charm, rejuv beads, and 3 pots. I start with E and play semi-aggressive at level 1. Use it to last-hit caster minions and harass. Level 2 Q lets you start to trade alot of damage and it lets you camp mid turret safely because you can Q over the river walls to escape ganks. First back is usually philo stone (so you can keep using your E) and either boots or dorans/vamp scepter. Like I said before, if I am planning on being an ad caster/squishie murderer I will build towards BT or trinity but you have to adapt. The general rule is to build damage if youre ahead and build defense if youre behind, so if I get an early kill or two I might just save up for a bf sword. If I get behind I might go for merc treads or phage first. As far as strategy goes, with only 1 damage item Vi's E clears minion waves in like 2 seconds, so just shove lane and roam if their mid won't fight you or is dead. Your Q + ult is just plain devastating mid game and if you manage to pull off even a couple of successful ganks with your jungler the game will snowball in your favor pretty quick.


Grats on gold brohemoth


Molten Core Raider
Her levels 2-4 are incredibly strong because even without items, landing a fully charged Q + 2 E's with red buff alone will chunk 50-70% of any champions hp. So compared to other junglers, this makes it relatively easier for Vi to secure early kills. Just pay attention the next time your team gets demolished by a Vi jungler; 9 times out of 10 it will be because she is racking up 2 or 3 kills before level 6. Her mid game is mediocre if you don't get a kill or any assist money, but if you can stick it out until you get 3 or 4 items she has a pretty beastly late game.


I hope you were watching LCS... US but especially EU... 5 way tie for 2nd place....
EG getting demolished by gambit, then demolishing them twice...
Then some other crazy results.


That guy
I hope you were watching LCS... US but especially EU... 5 way tie for 2nd place....
EG getting demolished by gambit, then demolishing them twice...
Then some other crazy results.
That final match was pure ass destruction on epic levels. Gambit got straight up shit on. I did get a good laugh out of the very ending of the match though.


2 Minutes Hate
I played a Voli jungle game today and I managed to get into a normal game where the other team had two gold ranked players. So the whole team knew this so whenever I initiated a fight they would run a way just BECAUSE THEY WERE GOLD! They weren't that great. Meh. Lost the game because everyone spent the day just zoning and running.