League Of Legends


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
You can be a great support but it's still not a great way to carry yourself out of a low Elo reliant as you are on your teamates.
True but not really much choice when i'm usually 3rd-last pick.

"Pref Top or ADC // Can also Mid or Support // Cannot Jungle"

is my usual macro. I CAN jungle but most people demand ganks 24/7 and it makes me super uncomfortable.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I was in Silver 4 but didn't play for a long while and got bumped down to bronze. I was stuck there until I stopped playing support and started to do top/jung or mid when one of those was called. Got back to Silver 4 real fast after that. It's too difficult supporting scrubs, so just take the reins until you get into the appropriate tier where your jungle/top/whatever play starts to suck relative that skill bracket, then if support is your comfort zone go back to developing that. I usually would pick someone who was good at split pushing, that way when I got stuck with an adc who had 20 cs 30 mins in I could just abandon them and pillage top when everyone else on their team rushed to the all you can eat buffet bot.


Golden Knight of the Realm
True but not really much choice when i'm usually 3rd-last pick.

"Pref Top or ADC // Can also Mid or Support // Cannot Jungle"

is my usual macro. I CAN jungle but most people demand ganks 24/7 and it makes me super uncomfortable.
You need to tell them when you are ganking, they dont tell you. When I play Udyr I go red-->blue-->top gank, and I let my top know to let enemy push the wave. You have to give them instruction or they won't even think about it. If you are silent and someone dies, they get frustrated and often blame the jungle. As a jungler in bronze you really need to be in charge imo.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
thought I'd share....

plat 5 player, solo queued not a duo...in silver 3 queue elo



Molten Core Raider
Finally made it to gold! I was on a kick ass win streak today and decided I was gonna try my luck with an all-nighter because the wife gets back from out of town tomorrow.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Nice work! Get super fed as Fed and just tower dive places with your ult? I use to play Vi a whole heck of a lot more, not much at all lately though.


2 Minutes Hate
Grats on gold! I think I'm almost level 24. I can only play 2-3 games a night 3-4 days a week and it's slooooooooow going.


Trakanon Raider
Someone find me on silver and push me to the Golden Power. Deathbrite - I'm not bad all the time


Trakanon Raider
Most random thing happened yesterday. I'm solo queued, get into champ select for a normal blind cause I wanted to refresh my memory with one of the junglers who normally gets banned.

Anyway, I ask for jungle but I'm a little late for jungle and the guy who asked first is higher on pick order. So, I call ADC. Then, some other guy goes 'duo top lane with enzie, we are premade'. I play along with it and say 'nah bro, lets duo bot' then add him to friends list real quick and we both exchange 'lolz'. Went with a blitzcrank/tryndamere kill lane, I switched to blitz once he locked in trynd. Also had master yi, twisted fate and... either riven or garen top, can't remember. I suggest to everyone we invade lvl 1 since I can pull blue over the wall if we don't catch any stragglers out with it and we have a better lvl 1 comp (not strictly true, but with my grab or TF gold card, it was pretty good to get an early kill if they werent all together) . My 'premade partner' backs me up and so all 5 go in. We get first blood and 2 additional kills before blue even spawns. In lane, I end up going 3/0/3 due to also roaming mid with tryn 3/0/2 with good CS and 2-3 lvls over the opponent.

I was chuckling the whole game since we had a troll comp that many people would have gotten pissed off at right on lvl 1 and started some drama or not taken it seriously, especially if we gave up an early kill and got behind in lane. Instead, I went with it and the 'troll' ended up doing amazing by the end. I think he ended up 12/2/10 or something, they surrendered at 20 mins.


A Man Chooses....
Some thing never change. First pick, EVE MID instalock, goes 3-10. Playing a lot of jungle shen lately, it's a lot of fun.


Grats on gold! I think I'm almost level 24. I can only play 2-3 games a night 3-4 days a week and it's slooooooooow going.
Not sure if you're interest in powerleveling, but we did this for my husband's smurf and got 30 in about a week. I'm not sure if it still works, we did it in June but thought I would leave it here just in case. You may not want to because it will set you way back on IP for runes and also when it is your first account, the level time is important for learning but you seem to have a pretty good knowledge of the game.


2 Minutes Hate
Not sure if you're interest in powerleveling, but we did this for my husband's smurf and got 30 in about a week. I'm not sure if it still works, we did it in June but thought I would leave it here just in case. You may not want to because it will set you way back on IP for runes and also when it is your first account, the level time is important for learning but you seem to have a pretty good knowledge of the game.
I've seen that, not that interested though. The time it'll take me to hit level 30, I'll have enough IP for multiple rune pages (I only spend IP on runes too). I'm not in any rush honestly.


2 Minutes Hate
RIP Rengar

What the fuck is Riot even doing.
I read the thread on Surrenderat20 and I wasn't too sure what was going on since I never played Rengar before. Seems like they are taking out his stealth and giving him a skill shot? Then making a pretty shitty unique item for him?