League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
grats bud. You're MMR must be pretty high. Looking at your past 10 games you lost 3 in a row then won 1 and instantly got back to promotion series. Challenger inc?


A Man Chooses....
Kudos to you, it's impressive.

You're my LOL hero. I aspire to be just like you whatsa. Except for the bulldog fuckery and whatnot.


Vyemm Raider
I was actually just about to ask if anyone else on these forums was diamond besides me. There's my answer! Nice job~!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Quinn is really fun adc and a decent counter to vayne kill lanes. Just played her for the first time and think ill buy her. With a leonna her burst is ridiculous. She has decent disengage and great split push. I also love the walking ward thing. Her and twitch are now my go to adcs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Quinn is really fun adc and a decent counter to vayne kill lanes. Just played her for the first time and think ill buy her. With a leonna her burst is ridiculous. She has decent disengage and great split push. I also love the walking ward thing. Her and twitch are now my go to adcs.
I initially had some HORRIBLE luck shortly after quinns release that had me very negative about her. Lately I have been getting her in ARAM and honestly once you get used to her she is pretty decent. She is hella great for chasing down stragglers trying to escape out of a lost team fight turn on turbo bird mode and hit her vision thing and you cannot run from her and you cannot hide.


grats bud. You're MMR must be pretty high. Looking at your past 10 games you lost 3 in a row then won 1 and instantly got back to promotion series. Challenger inc?
Actually, I was "clamped" right away when I got to plat 1. In Plat 5-2, it wasn't uncommon for my wins to be ~25 and my losses to be ~18 or vice versa depending on the current streak I was riding. My first win in Plat 1 was 3 points. If I recall, I rifled off a winning streak and my wins got as high as 11 points. But here's the weird part: I bet my median loss was 4 points, and I had several losses that were 3. I had a 4-game losing streak on Saturday where the 4th loss was -7 points, and that was my largest deduction in plat 1. There were several times when I had a 10 point win followed by a 3 point loss. So my winnings were "clamped", but altogether the system was definitely pushing me towards promotion and doing so rather aggressively.

It did clamp me further as I approached 100 points. At ~80 points in, I started to get 4-7 points a win. At 96 points I had a 2 point win to put me at 98. Then I lost the 3 games in a row you mentioned, each for 3 points, to put me at 89. My next win put me into series.

I don't like the lack of transparency on this clamping thing at all. Like I said, ultimately it helped me *a lot* because my winnings were sometimes 3x+ my losses. But I climbed from Silver 1 to Diamond 5 in a shit load of games, and the system still has no confidence? I just don't see the harm in being more transparent.

I don't feel compelled to push further at all. I might try dota again (thought it was pretty bad first go round, honestly, but watching the International was fun). I liked the FF14 beta a lot so I'll try probably waste time on that.

Anyway, Thanks for the props, Brochachos.


Trakanon Raider
What is the max LP you can get per win, 33/34ish? I just started doing some ranked games, since I've been able to play a little more consistently, and I've gone like 7-2 duoing with a friend. I went from bronze III to bronze I in 4 wins (including 2 for promo) then did another in bronze I and got 34 LP for that one as well. I'm trying to get a rough idea how high my hidden MMR probably is. When me and my buddy duo, we're always bottom two on pick order, which used to suggest you were lowest rank/elo, but had a high MMR. He's silver 3 right now, btw. He was silver 5 before we started duoing.

If 34 is the max, it would confirm my suspicion my MMR is somewhere between mid silver to low gold, as I'm normally playing with people in those tiers even in normals. I just need to keep doing ranked until we aren't winning practically every game and see where I land.

p.s. I had bad luck in my placement matches, went either 1-4 or 2-3 due to some bad luck in a couple (can't remember exact record, been awhile). Which is why I think I was even in bronze 3 to begin.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Actual number gain I've seen is capped at 34, but I've had it several times take me from fresh in a league (0 LP) right in to a promo series with a single win. I decayed down to like bronze 3 this season and my first win instantly a promo series, and the win from that was back to silver 4.


I've had gains up to 39, it's not capped at 34 I know for sure. At one point in Plat 3 i went, +37 LP, +39 LP (76), +?? (Promo).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
New Pool Party skins, nice, I hope they are a bundle, I will buy them all
I have a cheapy graves and lee sin skin atm so these will be nice. I will also likely buy the Janna skin... lots of good skins recently. Not going to get the arcade hec or new blitz skin, though, Im more a fan of the silly/fun ones. (Arcade hec is silly but I never play him and don't like it anyways)

So I think I hit League of Legends Zen. I just won a game with no afks, that lasted roughly 25 mins with a score of 0/0/0. Got eight towers to my solo credit and roughly 120 farm more then the next closest person though. Split push pheonix udyr is a bit scary.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Im in a funk where I keep winning lane and getting fed but teammates feed the hell out of the other lanes. Its a bit frustrating to say the least. Been demoted to Gold IV now, meh. Use to be Gold I... I mean, I don't win EVERY time but I'll have 3-4 games in a row and might win 1 of those because I can actually 1v5 the enemy teams. Otherwise its typically been games where we are down 2-15 by 10 mins. Can't always carry from that. I'll get through the funk eventually, just annoying.


Trakanon Raider
Friday and Sunday I went 10/11, yesterday and today I've gone 1/10

Last game I had a soraka that just spammed q every chance mana was available