League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
Anywhere to watch Korean VoDs for free? I'm still subscribed to a couple of Sc2 shits and I don't feel like paying 8 bucks for OGN when there's so much free lol content available.


Molten Core Raider
I haven't played Lucian yet because I don't have PBE access, but I plan on getting him asap because he looks fun as shit.



Tranny Chaser
Alright, there is a full revamp for Yi including all of his abilities and his model and skins. The changes are overall a buff, I thought the model update was a wash, and people started playing him again. After a few weeks went by he was getting picked/ban pretty hard at lower Elo but back to being absent at high Elo. The developers recognized this situation, talked about it at length, and now at the first big patch after the Yi revamp what do they do to Yi?

Dumpster nerfs! Now instead of seeing play at lower ratings and being absent at higher ratings he'll go right back to being absent at both. His revamp is a failure and he's going to need a ton more work that I doubt he'll get in anything close to a timely fashion.


Golden Squire
Lucian looks terrible... =\

Edit: And that's sad about Yi. He didn't need a nerf. He is easily countered with hard CC's. People were just too dumb to play against him, just like back in season 1. I did enjoy playing him though, I think I'm 7-0 with him in ranked.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Melee ADC's are never going to be appearing in Pro/High ELO games until there's some significant reason to be one. Right now, Trynd occasionally can fill the Split-push-forever-duel-anyone role but there's several other champs that safer to do that with. Fiora and Yi aren't ever going to be 50% win rate champs vs. teams that can land CC. There's just no justification. I like Yi's rework, a lot, and even feel like the nerfs are ok (that AS per level is damn harsh though), but if I ever get in to high elo territory I won't bother playing him, no.

Edit: Lucian is fun, but I get the same feeling from him as I did from Quinn... just not bringing enough to the team.
Anywhere to watch Korean VoDs for free? I'm still subscribed to a couple of Sc2 shits and I don't feel like paying 8 bucks for OGN when there's so much free lol content available.
Nope. OGN sub or bust when it comes to Korean pro scene VoDs. There is a way for you to spectate Korean featured games via your client, just google it since I can't be arsed too at the moment. Of course those games are just high mmr Korean solo queue with no commentary so not sure how helpful it would be.


A Man Chooses....
So if your team refuses to respond to an invading Nunu, wtf do you do as a jungler? I just got raped because I could not do anything with that fucker and ended up way, way behind. I figured he would be waiting at red and jumped him right away but it wasn't even close and I had to flash out. Never felt that helpless in a game before.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
So if your team refuses to respond to an invading Nunu, wtf do you do as a jungler? I just got raped because I could not do anything with that fucker and ended up way, way behind. I figured he would be waiting at red and jumped him right away but it wasn't even close and I had to flash out. Never felt that helpless in a game before.
honestly, live in someones lane til you get back in. Also I found people don't respond to pings unless you do them 30 times.

person in the jungle?

team reacts 10s after last ping usually.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I swear the devs of this game balance around low elo. Lucian is pretty much vayne + miss fortune. Very unispiring changes and releases. What happened to the oriannas, yoricks, and shacks? I know league has engine limitations but its like they don't even try.

The Ancient_sl

I swear the devs of this game balance around low elo. Lucian is pretty much vayne + miss fortune. Very unispiring changes and releases. What happened to the oriannas, yoricks, and shacks? I know league has engine limitations but its like they don't even try.
If a champ is unbalanced at silver or below ELO it's important that he be fixed because this is where the vast majority of the player base lies. There is nothing wrong with this, you really don't hear pro players complaining about nerfs in LoL, the champion pool is large enough that any player who is skilled should be able to adjust to a change in their preferred champ.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They should balance around tournament play. The champion selection in this world championship might hit around 30 this year. Tons of Zacs, Elises, and Caitlyns. This is what most games fail in that they balance around casuals. It's a horrible design and only leads to catering of the uninspired.

The Ancient_sl

You are wrong, tournament play is unaffected by a Yi nerf.

Nevermind that we have people in this thread saying ridiculous shit like "I've got a 90% win rate w/ Yi, 12/3/9 avg KDA. Riot is stupid to nerf, cause he's easy to counter!"

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Hey guys! I just started playing LoL a week ago and am trying to build up my skills since this is the first MOBA I've ever played. I started with Garen and seem to do ok as a top or bot with him but last night I tried to play Annie and got absolutely destroyed. I dont think she is my style and I was wondering if you had any suggestions as to what cheap early champs to play bot/mid that will improve my skills. Thanks!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You are wrong, tournament play is unaffected by a Yi nerf.

Nevermind that we have people in this thread saying ridiculous shit like "I've got a 90% win rate w/ Yi, 12/3/9 avg KDA. Riot is stupid to nerf, cause he's easy to counter!"
Yes obviously it is unaffected by a Yi nerf. AD yi isn't played in high level play. That's my point. He wasn't due for a nerf. Somebody said it already, Melee ADCs are dead. The most they can do is split push and duel, but there are much better people that can do that. I'm so tired of seeing the same 10 heroes every tournament game.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I think the nerfs are reasonable, should still be able to roflstomp when he's fed. The issue they are addressing is that he could continuously chain those alpha strikes and there is no counterplay to that since he's untargetable during the ability. At least now there will be an opportunity - though brief - to try and take him down before he uses alpha again. I think he attack speed change will hurt a little but I don't think the nerfs are unreasonable, and I do think he'll still get played.

RE: Lucian,

I haven't played him yet but he looks fun and seems like the perfect ADC to pick when other team has a Nasus or even to avoid much of the dangers inherent with being an ADC. You can shake off so much CC from ganks or from enemy support. Lucian might be a sleeper OP ADC imo, he has a long poke, good mobility, free cleanse, good single-target damage. IMO he looks a lot like a new Vayne to me (except he lacks a CC ability). I could be 100% wrong but I'll certainly be trying him.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think the nerfs are reasonable, should still be able to roflstomp when he's fed. The issue they are addressing is that he could continuously chain those alpha strikes and there is no counterplay to that since he's untargetable during the ability. At least now there will be an opportunity - though brief - to try and take him down before he uses alpha again. I think he attack speed change will hurt a little but I don't think the nerfs are unreasonable, and I do think he'll still get played.
At low ehlo you just cannot prevent some low health dude from bumbling close to YI and then he alphas then alphas again and can chain it three of four time being untargetable almost the entire time. Really what they probably should have done was keep the cooldown reset being only when he has his ult active and then still have the ult itself not effected by the cool down reset. It would allow him to pull is can of whoop ass if Yi plans for it but not being always available.

I don't know that they can really fix the whole melee carry thing pretty much all the melee carry that can do anything wind up rofl stomping pubs at low ehlo and still won't be viable picks in tournies.

The Ancient_sl

Yes obviously it is unaffected by a Yi nerf. AD yi isn't played in high level play. That's my point. He wasn't due for a nerf. Somebody said it already, Melee ADCs are dead. The most they can do is split push and duel, but there are much better people that can do that. I'm so tired of seeing the same 10 heroes every tournament game.
So he is too strong at solo queue where he's actually seen and not used at high level play and they shouldn't have nerfed him which has an impact on low level play where he's actually seen and no impact on high level play where he isn't.


I'm so tired of seeing the same 10 heroes every tournament game.
Yeah, okay. Here is May's list (the most recent I could find).

That's a full 39 Champs commonly seen in competitive play.


Tranny Chaser
The Yi nerfs bother me for a couple different reasons. I don't like seeing anyone get dumpster nerfs and that is what Yi is getting. It also bothers me that the developers have talked about his problems of carrying too hard at lower ratings while being unused at higher ratings and their first set of changes for him do absolutely nothing to address that. He's just going to be much worse than he was before and possibly even worse than he was prior to his revamp. It's one big pile of developer time that has amounted to nothing. And this isn't even the first time this exact situation has come up. Xin Zhao had exactly the same issues and his revamp wasn't shat on one patch later.

That's a full 39 Champs commonly seen in competitive play.
Showing up in 10% of games is not common.


They should balance around tournament play. The champion selection in this world championship might hit around 30 this year. Tons of Zacs, Elises, and Caitlyns. This is what most games fail in that they balance around casuals. It's a horrible design and only leads to catering of the uninspired.
Will you promise never to post again if the number is 60 or above?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So he is too strong at solo queue where he's actually seen and not used at high level play and they shouldn't have nerfed him which has an impact on low level play where he's actually seen and no impact on high level play where he isn't.


Yeah, okay. Here is May's list (the most recent I could find).

That's a full 39 Champs commonly seen in competitive play.
I never said he was too strong in solo queu. Also, I said that I expect to see a total of 30 champs pick in the world championship, and at 39 I was pretty close. 39 champs out of 115 is abysmal whatever you say. They don't focus nearly enough on buffing the black sheep of the tournaments, and it seems some of their decisions are based in total stupidity, like getting owned by a master yi because they didn't have a single piece of hard cc on their team.

And yes I'm tired of seeing Zac, Elise, and Jarvan on every team. I don't know what you're trying to argue.