League Of Legends


Blackwing Lair Raider
Hey guys! I just started playing LoL a week ago and am trying to build up my skills since this is the first MOBA I've ever played. I started with Garen and seem to do ok as a top or bot with him but last night I tried to play Annie and got absolutely destroyed. I dont think she is my style and I was wondering if you had any suggestions as to what cheap early champs to play bot/mid that will improve my skills. Thanks!
Really early lvls it doesn't matter who you pick/where you go, but eventually you'll understand you shouldn't be going bot with garen. In the bottom lane you typically want to have an adc (Attack damage carry) and an assist champ. So if you want to play in the bot lane two cheap and easy to play champs would be Ashe for adc or Soraka for assist. I believe both are in the cheapest tier and only Ashe has one skill shot that can be difficult to land. Whichever champ you find that you like google something like "league of legends ashe build" and copy a popular build off a site like mobafire. Build the item set in your profile so you don't have to go fumbling through items you don't know what they do.


Molten Core Raider
Hey guys! I just started playing LoL a week ago and am trying to build up my skills since this is the first MOBA I've ever played. I started with Garen and seem to do ok as a top or bot with him but last night I tried to play Annie and got absolutely destroyed. I dont think she is my style and I was wondering if you had any suggestions as to what cheap early champs to play bot/mid that will improve my skills. Thanks!
The trick with Annie is to use smartcast so you can face roll all of her abilities for insane burst damage. Queue up a stun Tibers bomb q w q should be dead adc. Master Yi Nasus are great champs to start with Teemo is also a blast for leveling up to 30.
Yes obviously it is unaffected by a Yi nerf. AD yi isn't played in high level play. That's my point. He wasn't due for a nerf. Somebody said it already, Melee ADCs are dead. The most they can do is split push and duel, but there are much better people that can do that. I'm so tired of seeing the same 10 heroes every tournament game.
90 of the 114 champions have been played in the LCS between EU and NA. If you count the amateur qualifiers that were played during LCS on air time then it goes to 94 out of 114. Regardless that is a pretty good number of champs to at least see play in regards to the total champs available. Yes we're going to see Zac, J4, Cait, Ahri, etc every game if they aren't banned because they happen to be very strong at the moment and people are going to pick what is strong when money and prestige is on the line. TI3 for DoTA2 (their worlds) was the same way. With Gyro/AM, Batrider, Wisp, NP, Alch and Visage either banned or picked in every game. Its the nature of the MOBA competitive beast. The fact that Riot has made over 2/3's of their lineup tournament viable is impressive IMO.


Tranny Chaser
That's not enough information. Do you mean through the entire history of the LCS? This season? Just the Summer Split? How many of those champions were picked a single time and had their team lose or were picked a couple times and had hugely negative records?
Summer split alone, and regardless of if they were picked once or ten times the pro's thought they were viable enough for the specific comp or strat they were running in those games. Fizz for instance has not been picked in NA but has seen heavy play in EU. Does his lack of NA play make him underpowered? Same with Lissandra, or Gragas with a decent pickrate in the Korean OGN but only being picked rarely in EU and not at all in NA over the same time frame. Its still a far cry from "only thirty champs are played in pro league".

The point I'm trying to make is that no, not everyone is Zac in terms of power, but a large majority of champs have their place even if it is limited. That is about all you can hope when it comes to competitive balance in a game with so many champions to pick from.

edit: Before you ask about win rates again for these examples....

Fizz and Lissandra both have positive win rates in EU and are considered ban worthy against certain teams while Liss's winrate in NA is negative and Fizz has yet to make an appearence. Gragas has a positive winrate in Korea.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I have an aversion to dumb fucks and was hoping I might be able to make one go away.
Only one being a dumb fuck is somebody who makes a personal attack on somebody who wasn't trying to pick a fight with anybody in the first place and was just stating an opinion and trying to open a discussion. Way to win at the internet tough guy. At least other people come argue with facts and stats and open a discussion on a discussion board. You're just a pathetic board warrior who is trying to seem cool or funny. Either way huge fail on common decency.


Got something right about marriage
Language and posting style aside, he was basically calling you stupid for pretending that only 1/4th of the champs in the entire champ pool get picked/banned when it is closer to 3/4th historically.

The Ancient_sl

Showing up in 10% of games is not common.
Yes it is. If it rained at least once every 10 days where you lived would you consider rain a common occurrence?

I never said he was too strong in solo queu. Also, I said that I expect to see a total of 30 champs pick in the world championship, and at 39 I was pretty close.
You misunderstood, that chart wasn't every champ seen in world championships, that was champs who saw more than 10% picks in all tournament games. There were other champions picked but not depicted in that short table.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, you can't complain you don't see enough champs and then turn around and say 10% is not common. If you're complaining about not seeing enough variety of champs, you should believe every champ with over a 1% pick rate is too common.

Its not mathematically possible to see much more than 40 champs more than 10% of the time when only 10 champs are picked each game.
Just started playing this a few months ago, i find it way more enjoyable with other people. Right now i am only level 25, so if anyone else wants to level up with me send me a message IGN is Diakka.


A Man Chooses....
Zac nerfs are annoying. Makes it a lot harder to watch lanes while you jungle early. That pickup radius is pretty small now. Ult changes were probably fair. If they'd made the blobs 50 range it would be fine I think.

Also I ran into my first good shyvana tonight. Dat bitch can farm out of the jungle like no one I've ever seen.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The Zac and Elise nerfs have almost all been aimed at competitive/high level play. They try to hit outliers at least. But yea with 6 bans and 10 picks, there's just not going to be 90 champs picked equally often, much less 114 (115 now?). Melee ADC's will not be picked until Riot does something about their mechanics (i.e. turns them in to assassins) or actually itemizes for that role. As someone else pointed out, a lot of champs are regionally favored, just because there's SO many champs. Rammus is still picked in OGN matches I've seen, as well as a few other random-ass ones I get confused at seeing still, but when was the last time Rammus was in EU or NA? Season 2 sometime? Lee Sin fell huge out of vogue in NA/EU for a long time in S3, but eventually became a pick again because... people decided they could pick him again (or Korean influence too OP).

There's shit tons of not-balance related champions being ignored. Could they be buffed to make them picked more? Sure, and then you have other champs fall off because of it. Were Zac and Elise picked way too often? Yes, and they got nerfed for it. Same with Jayce, Nunu, Ez, Shen, Kennen, Thresh (not gonna affect pick rate much but winrate maybe), Vi, Zed, TF, Rumble, Olaf, Nidalee, Diana, Eve, etc. They've all been nerfed because of being damn near constant picks in high level/tournament play and most are still used periodically, just not constantly. It's extraordinarily unlikely Riot will ever be able to balance in such a way that every champ has equal representation, but it's certainly better than it has been in the past.

If anything, they need to focus on fixing the fricking 4-viable-junglers rule that's been going on for months now in competitive.

There are champs that have legitimate problems that need fixing, and they are working on those way slower than they should. But fuck, I don't want Yi to be another AD assassin. I don't care if high-level players play him, he offers a different style to us commoners and balancing him around that is fine since his high-elo existence is nil anyway. I also disagree about them being dumpster nerfs but time will tell.
The new move speed passive on phage is ridiculous on Udyr. If you get a good early gank and a little bit of jungle clear you can afford spirit stone and phage as your first buy which essentially makes it impossible for anyone to run away from you once you've hit them or a convenient minion. Now this is without boots. Once you get boots its just not fair. Also makes Udyr an even bigger lane bully if you play him top then he was in the past because you just can't get away from his early tiger procs which are enough to chunk thirty percent of someones health around level six just from the proc dot itself.


Trakanon Raider
Also I ran into my first good shyvana tonight. Dat bitch can farm out of the jungle like no one I've ever seen.
What champ were you playing in this game.. and about what time was the game? Long shot, but I had a stompfest game where I carried with shyvana a little bit before you posted..


A Man Chooses....
Shen. My LOL name is Graiban. We had an Ori mid who kept complaining about not getting blue when Shyvana and Lux are spending half the game ambushing me at wolves and I'm two levels behind already.

If anyone sees anything glaringly wrong feel free to tell me. Other than me still playing Cho....


I need to find a top/mid I can play a lot and get good at who I can get reliably so I have a backup when Zac/shen/Malph aren't available. No interest in learning ADC.


Trakanon Raider
Ah ok, nevermind. There was no shen on the enemy team in my game. But, yes, Shyvana farms very quickly. She does some of the highest damage in the game if she keeps a target in melee range. Her drawback is having no real CC of her own, even her ult is a pretty soft CC. I rush a bilgewater, ala saintvicious, when I play her and only if my lanes have decent CC already. Like, the game I played earlier was with 3 other friends and then one pickup. My friends picked Varus (adc), taric (support), and cho'gath (top) then our pickup did morgana (mid) so we had a ton of CC already. Varus and myself just melted everyone on their team the whole game practically.