League Of Legends


Why isn't Amumu seen in competitive play? His susceptibility to counter-jungling?
Saintvicious played Amumu this past week of the LCS, "Super Week" or whatever it was, beat both CLG and CST with it in the last two matches of their split. As far why it isn't seen more often... for awhile there, it was INSANELY popular w/MF (Curse of the Sad Bullet Time i believe was coined around then). I think just better junglers have been introduced/buffed since then, Nasus got enough of a buff to where people started to play him in the jungle, then they brought out Zac. He is pretty susceptible to early blue invades but I think he's still viable, moreso now with other junglers getting balanced a bit.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I like Lucian. Played 1 Normal and 2 Ranked. 1-1 in Ranked atm. I think he'll become very popular very quickly. He actually does really good dmg, I was quite surprised since he is so mobile I expected a long ramp-up time before actually being able to do damage but I actually believe his level 1 rivals damn near anyone. His passive is way too strong. (After every skill you use, his next auto attacks twice). So basically you can Auto-->Q-->2xAuto = so much dmg. Also rotating abilities and 2xautos in teamfights and for taking down structures. Can chunk down turrets pretty quick. Not to mention the 2xAuto will apply any on-hit affects 2x as well, so double the lifesteal/BotRK etcetc.

Then you have his great mobility, he can dash out of danger which also cleanses slows (not stuns). He has decent wave clear with his Q/W, which also means he can harass in lane.

The one main issue with him right now is that his Q is bugged and will sometimes cost 2x the mana, this can be crippling, I found myself low on mana at the worst times. It's not fun using Q 1x and having about 20% mana lol. I almost want to buy a tear on him so I can spam abilities and keep rotating the passive autos but right now I've mainly just focus'ed on a high damage build. BotRK --> LW & IE --> Shiv/PD

Although his ultimate scales with attack speed, I'm actually NOT inclined to build much attack speed on him since the way I want to play him is by utilizing his passive as much as possible. My 1st ranked game I went BotRK-->LW-->BF Sword and was doing great other then the fact my team was feeding hard. (0-12-4 support, 0-8 mid, I went 5-7-3, which isn't a good final score but had participated in 8 of the team's 12 kills against really fed opponents).

2nd ranked game I went BotRK --> Shiv --> IE --> LW. I actually regretted buying the Shiv. It felt much weaker. My support in this game also fed but not as bad as 1st game, my support died 3x to enemy Twitch, I didn't die at all in lane phase. The mobility was too strong, was able to avoid Zac ganks multiple times and keep safe. Eventually we win and I end up 6-6-10. Still too many deaths but 16 kill participation isn't bad.

I want to try a couple different setups with him, always starting with BotRK just because it makes too much sense not to.
I'd like to try a "blue" build: BotRK --> Manamune --> Lizard Elder --> Iceborn Gauntlet. Basically go crazy on-hit and kiting, also the Manamune to remove mana problems.
Build#2 I'd like to try is more of an MF-ult-bot build: BotRK-->Black Cleaver-->IE-->Last Whisper. Basically high damage, high armor pen. His passive allows you to stack up BC insanely fast. 1 rotation is like 3 procs of BC.

I can't see any reason atm to even buy Shiv/PD unless you just want to have a stronger ult, which is fine, but he seems to play more like an ezreal where his abilities drive a lot of his damage actually. (Edit: I believe every attack of his ultimate also applies on-hits so that's another reason to get on-hit items over attack speed imo)


Molten Core Raider
Anyone try the new trinityforce with Lucian yet? The sheen proc being buffed to 200% seems pretty damn strong and the changes to the mobility passive seems like it would jive well with Lucian's kit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know about Lucian but I just played a game as poopy with it and it was hilarious.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know about Lucian but I just played a game as poopy with it and it was hilarious.
HAHA poppy is hilarious on ARAM. ARAM totally bypasses the one part of the game poppy has issues with so lets her unleash her inner murder midget all game long.

The Ancient_sl

Eh, she's still kinda crappy before she gets built and she isn't already built just by the bonuses from ARAM. She gets there fast enough though that she's a lot of fun.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone try the new trinityforce with Lucian yet? The sheen proc being buffed to 200% seems pretty damn strong and the changes to the mobility passive seems like it would jive well with Lucian's kit.
That actually sounds like an amazing idea. Might have to give it a try.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I don't see why anyone would pick Miss Fortune now with Lucian available. He does everything she does but better, with maybe the exception of her ULT. Also that Sheen buff does very nice things for Irelia's Q.

Anybody play Karma? Coming from Old Karma who was actually tons of fun, I just can't enjoy this new version no matter how much I try. She went from a bursty short range mage with epic shields and baits to this annoying kiting Q spamming mage version of Teemo.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I don't see why anyone would pick Miss Fortune now with Lucian available.
MF still has great synergy for team fights. You just can't beat that game-changing ult really. She also has a steroid which Lucian does not (his passive is like a mini-steroid and isn't exactly on-demand.)

I don't see Lucian as replacing MF at all, each fit into comps differently. MF will always be desired for the AoE comps and Lucian fits in mobile/assassination comps. Might seem similar but actually very different.

The Ancient_sl

Anybody play Karma? Coming from Old Karma who was actually tons of fun, I just can't enjoy this new version no matter how much I try. She went from a bursty short range mage with epic shields and baits to this annoying kiting Q spamming mage version of Teemo.
She's not fun at all but she's a damage dealing beast.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
imaqtpie playing Lucian on stream. Going vs an MF atm... He isn't leveling his Ult during lane phase. I can see some reasoning behind that but idk... The ultimate is one of the most lackluster skills for Lucian, but it can be useful to thwart ganks and such (can ult enemy while running away from them.. makes them think twice to chase or dive you). Not leveling it is something to consider I guess.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
He put first point into ult at level 12 or 13 i think. I know for sure he was 11 without ult yet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Eh, she's still kinda crappy before she gets built and she isn't already built just by the bonuses from ARAM. She gets there fast enough though that she's a lot of fun.
Skipping levels 1 and 2 and the laning phase really does help her transition into murder midget pretty painlessly. That and you can just play pretty passive during the initial barrage of poking get your gear and then just slaughter whoever you choose to.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't see why anyone would pick Miss Fortune now with Lucian available. He does everything she does but better, with maybe the exception of her ULT. Also that Sheen buff does very nice things for Irelia's Q.

Anybody play Karma? Coming from Old Karma who was actually tons of fun, I just can't enjoy this new version no matter how much I try. She went from a bursty short range mage with epic shields and baits to this annoying kiting Q spamming mage version of Teemo.
With the right team she is hilarious. Her mantred shield is hilarious if your group understands it and works with you. Having your entire team zooming along like road runners is pretty hilarious. Her poke is pretty damn nasty now and she does not have to get into knife fighting range to use it. I honestly think she is probably closet OP with all the numbers buffs they have given her especially if you have a team who knows what she can do and uses her to best advantage.