Then give me better examples than a retard saying, "what I see with my own eyes, durp, durp" I'm sorry your example was such shit that it set you off. Hallucinations and other tricks on the mind are too common for such an idiotic standard of 'science'. While I agree there are many things that are unknown, unexplored, and just plain wrong...gravity and the Earth being round aren't in those categories. Even if they don't know 96%, the basic shit around this planet? Yeah, they know that shit. Let me guess...the moon landing was a hoax?
Interesting, so I guess to from their perspective they may think they are living inside a sphere or cube? They must be the ones that started this whole sphere Earth theory.
"example". The video is 2 fucking hours long. He literally gives HUNDREDS of examples and you dismiss all of them because you disagree with a single one? How fucking fragile is your indoctrination? That's what sets me off. I didn't believe this shit either at first but I've learned to not judge a book by it's cover and give shit a legit chance. When you look at the actual evidence and begin to think with your own brain you can see what you're being told and shown is bullshit and yes the moon landings are a hoax and hilariously so. The moon landings are like fucking ridiculously obvious shit. If you can't wrap your head around that shit being a hoax then you're simply hopeless. You and many others just don't want to believe because of the consequences of coming to realization that it's true. You just don't like to go against the grain because you care more about what other people will think of you regardless of whether or not it's the truth. It's the same fucking reason the government is able to get away with illegally taxing us with income tax. If only a few people refuse to pay it they get thrown in jail but if everyone were to not pay it, there isn't fuck all that they could do about it. United we stand, divided we fall. The elites that run this shit have us all divided and morons like you not only don't even seem to care but you actually defend them, it's pathetic.
"example". The video is 2 fucking hours long. He literally gives HUNDREDS of examples and you dismiss all of them because you disagree with a single one? How fucking fragile is your indoctrination? That's what sets me off. I didn't believe this shit either at first but I've learned to not judge a book by it's cover and give shit a legit chance. When you look at the actual evidence and begin to think with your own brain you can see what you're being told and shown is bullshit and yes the moon landings are a hoax and hilariously so. The moon landings are like fucking ridiculously obvious shit. If you can't wrap your head around that shit being a hoax then you're simply hopeless. You and many others just don't want to believe because of the consequences of coming to realization that it's true. You just don't like to go against the grain because you care more about what other people will think of you regardless of whether or not it's the truth. It's the same fucking reason the government is able to get away with illegally taxing us with income tax. If only a few people refuse to pay it they get thrown in jail but if everyone were to not pay it, there isn't fuck all that they could do about it. United we stand, divided we fall. The elites that run this shit have us all divided and morons like you not only don't even seem to care but you actually defend them, it's pathetic.
Too late, he's been irreparably damaged for a long time.Please don't hurt yourself.
We're basically living inside a giant snow globe. The only part that's spherical is the dome that covers the planet but we live on the inside of it, not the outside. The land part is plat which goes down quite deep and underground cities beneath us.
No, by example I meant a more educated sounding presenter. Guy sounds retarded 5 minutes in and even moreso 45 minutes in. I'm willing to listen to a more educated presenter than that dude and the other one who just keeps talking about how little we know as his main argument. Also, why would they fake the moon landing? Was it just propaganda because Russia went to space first? We obviously have the tech to do that so I've always wondered at the argument.
The guys you use sound like average joes who have a low threshold of knowledge. Some of the arguments my old co-worker showed me were far superior than the rubbish you just provided. Sell it Lumi!
how far down does it go? infinitely? if finitely, what's at the edge?
I don't know. My guess is finitely and that a barrier similar to the firmament is at the edge, who knows? I don't propose to know every single answer in regards to the way this all works.
Yeah all the people in hollywood, government and NASA are all in this giant conspiracy about flat earth, moon landings, lizard people but we cant even keep a lid on our intelligence people from leaking shit left or right, or from White House being a sieve
Its an ice wall you stupid fuck.
Do you even flat earth?
Did it ever occur to you that things being leaked are intentional as a means of distraction? For instance idiots love to talk about the Monica Lewinsky scandal and say "hah the President can't even keep a BJ a secret and we're to believe all this other conspiracy stuff? Riiiight". Like uhh that scandal doesn't mean jack shit really and is so fucking obviously just a distraction that it's embarrassing. It's an intentional distraction to get people talking about something which means fuck all compared to the real shit they're hiding like Pizza gate. Oh I bet you think Pizza gate is nonsense too right? LMAO!