who says it cant? weve built things a million times more complicated than Khufu pyramid
who says we cant? we already went to the moon.
marvel at the quality of this engineering, how could we ever replicate this???
Not just any rocks... rectangular rocks!
The Japanese government attempted to recreate a 1/25h scale model of the Great Pyramid and could not even duplicate it at 1/25th the size. The Great Pyramid is built upon the exact center of the land mass of Earth and is one of the only places on the entire planet that could support a megalithic structure of it's size and weight. Each block weighs approximately 2.5 tonnes with some weighing as much as 400. It is built to face true North at a time when the compass did not even exist.
"i laugh at someone telling me that we can build Burj Khalifa but we cant stack a 450 foot pile of rocks."
Lol, do you know how many fucking blocks makes up the Great Pyramid idiot? MILLIONS. And they each weigh more than a fucking car and the nearest quarry is hundreds of fucking miles away.
Ya and without machines to even cut them. So they managed to haul literally millions of blocks hundreds of miles away and cut them so perfectly that you can't even fit a razor blade between them. It's fucking sad how dumb you people are to think that primitive people with bronze age tools were capable of it. Fucking embarrassing.
Lol those are shot with a curved lens you idiot. It even says it's a fucking gopro camera in the description and gopro's have curved lenses. You're so fucking dumb it's unbelievable.
Taken with a non-curved lens. Perfectly flat in 360 degrees oh and the horizon rises with the observer, two impossibilities on a spherical Earth. Oh and look at the sun, 93 million miles away tho right? Lol...
Ever been to a fun house or seen a fun house mirror you dumb fuck? Notice how they can distort the image to make it appear either taller, fatter or smaller and thinner? It's the same thing with camera lenses you fucking idiot. Can you please join these other retards like Woefully Inept and Pharmakoss and get cancer and fucking die please?
Like you think people have thought the Earth to be round for 2,300 years? Not even close retard. Also, NASA and the other space agencies and governments are working together, not against each other. They're all fucking freemasons idiot. They only pretend to dislike one another just like the Macho Man Randy Savage pretends to hate Hulk Hogan. It's a fucking show idiot. Divide and conquer. Same strategy that's been employed since the dawn of man fucking kind.
Also, reptilian like beings have been talked about by every single fucking civilization since the dawn of the human race. Civilizations that never had contact with one another. Who do you think deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden? Did you think that was an actual snake idiot? Why do you think Satan is referred to as a serpent and a dragon? Why do you think the ancient Sumerians spoke of Reptilian like beings who came from the sky and taught and ruled over man kind? Who do you think the Mayan gods were reptilian like beings? Why do you think there's pyramids all over the Earth that cannot be duplicated with modern technology? All just a coincidence? Everything is just one giant massive fucking coincidence?
I can't imagine how sad and pathetic someone's life has to be to latch on to EVERY single thing they are ever taught without ever questioning any of it regardless of how stupid it actually seems. But hey, keep thinking there's people walking upside down on a fucking giant ball.
Dumb fuck, The Great Pyramid CANNOT be duplicated even with modern technology. Burj Khalifa is not even remotely close to the level of engineering that is displayed with The Great Pyramid. And no, we cannot go to the fucking moon and only a retard believes that we ever did or could. Literally almost all of the physical evidence for the moon landings was either misplaced or destroyed rofl. Yep, NASA doesn't even know what happened to most of the stuff that was used for the moon landings. Sounds believable you gullible shit for brains fuck!
The Japanese government attempted to recreate a 1/25h scale model of the Great Pyramid and could not even duplicate it at 1/25th the size. The Great Pyramid is built upon the exact center of the land mass of Earth and is one of the only places on the entire planet that could support a megalithic structure of it's size and weight. Each block weighs approximately 2.5 tonnes with some weighing as much as 400. It is built to face true North at a time when the compass did not even exist.
"i laugh at someone telling me that we can build Burj Khalifa but we cant stack a 450 foot pile of rocks."
Lol, do you know how many fucking blocks makes up the Great Pyramid idiot? MILLIONS. And they each weigh more than a fucking car and the nearest quarry is hundreds of fucking miles away.
Ya and without machines to even cut them. So they managed to haul literally millions of blocks hundreds of miles away and cut them so perfectly that you can't even fit a razor blade between them. It's fucking sad how dumb you people are to think that primitive people with bronze age tools were capable of it. Fucking embarrassing.
Historical painting depicting how the pyramids were build.
Cant handle it, dummy?
Lumi, you are segregated to this thread, it isn't your thread to run. Stop reporting people in this thread that offend your sensibilities.
Lumi, you are segregated to this thread, it isn't your thread to run. Stop reporting people in this thread that offend your sensibilities.
Can't handle what? All he does is spam gifs and does nothing whatsoever.
Lumi, if you were to sail around the world would it cause you change your mind? If not how/why could you do this. I need more scientific explanations of how to cure myself of all this bad math I have been exposed to. What about measuring your shadow at different locations on earth and extrapolating from that?
Lumi, you are segregated to this thread, it isn't your thread to run. Stop reporting people in this thread that offend your sensibilities.