They slipped and fell on the snow down there, you prick.I'm curious what people think happened to zod and his 2 buddies in superman 2. iirc he makes it so they lose their powers(aka basic mortal human) and then tosses them into some deep crevice between the ice crystals in his fortress. No powers to cushion the fall, no healing and its below freezing. I am pretty sure zod died from that.
I think the big things for all "pleasantville" superman fans is seeing it done in your face(and to someone that looks human) and in such a basic/brute way.
And if we have, and still liked the movie?This thread is bullshit. 99% of you have never read a Superman comic in your life.
This thread is bullshit. 99% of you have never read a Superman comic in your life.
yep just saw it and enjoyed it.If you didn't like the movie because of the script, that's ok and I can understand why. However, anyone complaining about the action is without a doubt a dickless cumchugging faggot that probably enjoys interpretive dance and hates steak.
Yes YES let the nerdrage come forth!This thread is bullshit. 99% of you have never read a Superman comic in your life.