Honest question, no judgment, what makes you an alcoholic? You crave the intoxication from alcohol? Or you crave the taste? I find most alcohol tastes foul as shit. I only down a few drinks at parties if I desire to be a little tipsy. The actual act of drinking alcohol always makes me sick.
Taste and Intoxication. I dont think there is anything as fun in my life as having some drinks and playing xbox with some friends. My buddies tend to be drinking as well. But I just go overboard. Like Labor day, I decided I was going to make steaks, put the kid to bed and play overwatch. Text some buddies and they are in. So I grab a 12 pack sampler of Sam. Have a beer while grilling. Have one with Dinner. Give the kid a bath and put him to sleep. boot up the xbox and play a 4 man overwatch group and drink beers while playing. Have a GREAT time - next thing I know im pretty damn drunk finishing the 12th beer around midnight - 1 am and go to bed. Wake up the next day hungover as fuck.
That tends to be my MO. I always Joke that im not an alcoholic...that alcoholics go to meetings....and that Im just a drunk. And i always defend myself with that it doesnt really effect my work, and I dont ever have like physical symptoms like shakes, sweats or dependency like that. But I think there are different levels. I dont drink every day. Shit ill go 4-5 days at least sometimes no problem. But I have no moderation and binge drink to excess weekly. It all bleeds together.
Monday the 6th - Drank 12 craft beers
Tuesday - I think I didnt drink
Wednesday - Went to the bar after work with friends. Had 4-5 beers and some shots. Went home and grabbed a 6 pack of pint cans.
Thursday - I think I didnt drink.
Friday - Went to bar, had beers and shots, no idea how much. Grabbed an 8 Pack of Pint cans and drank until 2 am.
Saturday - Got a bottle of Bourbon and drank a couple Bourbon and lemonades. I would say about 1/6th of a bottle, maybe less. 1 Liter bottle.
Sunday - Drank the Rest of the bottle with Lemonade starting at about 12 noon and ending at about 11PM
I have an emnpty bottle of Gin I drank over 3 nights, with some beers too. I am pretty sure they are fro mthe week before labor day, but there is so much going through my house I have no idea where and when its from.
I showed up to work every day, carry on a social life. Most people would probably think I like to drink beer because we talk about it, but I think I put off a more casual and healthy vibe than is reality. Where as they think im the beer loving sports guy, im really shambling around my house like Ozzy Osbourne at midnight on a weekday with about 20 drinks in me.
I dont know what to call it or classify it as other than unhealthy.
Wrote something harsh but I can remember a time where I *kinda* felt resentful against my wife.
I realized I was projecting my own ability and ambition on to her and constantly comparing what I did compared to what she did, which is unfair because I obviously recognized she was much lower than myself intellectually and ambition wise when I met her.
To put it simply in my opinion it's kinda shitty to get pissed at the person you married for still being the person you married just because you decide that isn't good enough for you any more.
This is fair, but at the same time I have tried to better myself in life. While I have failed in MANY ways, I have also succeeded in many ways. I think its fair to expect your partner to continue to grow and improve. And if they dont and conflict arises, I dont think its wrong to be mad they are just the same person.
For what its worth I also have major anxiety issues. At times I am almost worthless in public. I wandered around the grocery store for 30 minutes the other day because I dont want to talk to people to ask where an Item is. Ive been working in a new office and havent gotten a tour - and its been 3 weeks and I havent eaten lunch because I dont know where a break room is to warm up food, and im too scared to wander to the cafeteria alone.
I didnt have these problems until after I got out of the Navy. I used to be fine socially.
I called a counseling center this morning and have an appointment tonight to just talk to a counselor in general about all my problems and figure out where to go.
I dont think any one thing causes all my problems, but they all feed off each other. And I think the marriage issues were the first problems to arise and exacerbate drinking, depression and anxiety.