This. This is what I meant. People arent "super tasters", they just dont like bitter.
Which makes exactly as much sense as "I dont like sweet", "I dont like sour" and "I dont like salt". Its one of the five fundamental tastes. Children avoid bitterness. Adult palates generally prefer a balance. I think people who are calling themselves "supertasters" just never moved past the instinctive dislike for bitterness that all children start with.
Its not hitting your balls with a hammer. Its not "do this painful thing b/c itll make you stronger". Its that balanced flavors -- all five tastes, INCLUDING bitter -- are more complex and interesting. Chocolate is more interesting than confectionary coating. Coffee is more interesting that sweetened milk. Beer is more interesting than wine coolers.
Branch out, explore. Embrace the bitter. Its one of the fundamentals. Like the color red. Or the key of C. Removing this from your experiences just makes life less interesting and colorful.
In fairness, I should have avoided this cliched description. I think the more accurate description is "radishy" but that sounds weird.